1 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The "suffered from alcohol abuse" may have played a role here. I can't imagine being so out of it on shrooms that you dismember yourself. But maybe it makes more sense if he was drunk too

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Ah. Yep that'll do it

As a 10+ year reddit user who has switched 98% to Lemmy, only checking reddit on my computer every couple days: Lemmy is completely fine, and I have seamlessly transitioned from Reddit.

Its userbase is more technical than Reddit's, and there's not as much content. But it is a perfectly good Reddit alternative. I find it isn't as addictive as reddit, which is awesome. I just wish there were more educational communities akin to AskHistorians, AskScience, etc.

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I mean, maybe disk drives are outdated, but being unable to buy used games or give your old game to a friend is garbage (but great for profits of the console manufacturers and game studios). Not to mention that as long as it's a digital download, you don't own the game - you lease it at a flat rate.

Limiting the options and ownership rights of the consumer for profit is bad.

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For everyone saying this is not harsh enough, it is a WEALTH tax. Not income, wealth. All owned assets. Meaning any of these people who don't increase their net worth by at least the amount of the tax each year will lose more and more of their total wealth year over year.

It isn't intended to strip all mega rich people of all their stuff immediately - that obviously could never pass - but still is intended to open the door to wealth taxes and redistributive policies more broadly.

It's a great move. If we can get anything like this passed, it is a significant victory.

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Biden is only like 18mos older than Trump. They're essentially equally old. Like a 2% difference in their ages.

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Holy shit, I thought you were joking.

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said at 1:53 p.m., a female, approximately 30-35 years old entered on the west side of the property parking lot. She was armed with a long rifle, wearing a trench coat and a backpack, and accompanied by a 4 or 5-year-old child. Finner said she began to fire the gun after she entered.

Finner complimented the off-duty officers on the scene, one an officer with Houston PD and the other an ATF agent, who both quickly engaged with the female suspect, returning fire.

"It could have been a lot worse," said Finner. "They stepped up and did their job."

The off-duty officers said the woman threatened to have a bomb after she was shot. Her vehicle and backpack were searched and no bomb was found. She died at the scene. 

Finner said the child with the woman was hit and is in critical condition at Children's Texas. 

A 57-year-old man was also shot in the leg and is being treated at the hospital.

If only there was an objective way to measure the productivity of a commercial enterprise.... like with money... oh wait, they have been making MORE money? With LESS productive workers? Curious

It's partially that he does it so often and partially that many of the claims are so outlandish that no one takes them seriously. Like saying he'll bomb Mexico. On the one hand, "he says lots of shit" and on the other "Ok, he won't REALLY bomb Mexico. He's just saying that. Someone will stop him from bombing Mexico. "

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Yep, this is the answer. Tons of people are trying to cash in on dog breeding like beaniebabies. Frenchies, pitties (including XXL toadline monstrosities), random mixes (shitpoos, bernadoodles, cockadoodles, etc), etc. Breeding rights, stud fees, etc. are big business and essentially none of these "breeders" have any clue what they're doing.

In the vast majority of places in the US, there are no requirements or certifications needed to breed dogs. And now people will pay insane amounts of money for frenchies with rare coat colors, or pitbulls that are bred solely to be huge and squat with no concern about temperament or health; so irresponsible, backyard breeders who either ignore or are completely ignorant of proper breeding practice and refuse to get or can't afford proper genetic testing and medical care for their animals, are breeding for phenotypes like coat color or being insanely huge and squat and breeding in serious congenital defects and abnormalities.

Then either buyers are stuck with these shitty, genetically fucked up dogs they paid like $5k-10k for that now need thousands more in veterinary care to treat all the issues bred into the dog (not to mention parvo, parasites, heartworms, etc.). Or the breeder's little business collapses when they realize that they can't afford to continue operating their shitty puppymill due to the fact that dog breeding is expensive and their fucked up breeds can't give natural birth and so all need c-sections. But, it's usually the first one because there are no shortage of buyers willing to pay stupid amounts of money and trust the "breeders" because they assume they're experts.

So people often end up dumping the dogs when they realize they can't care for them medically or are aggressive or whatever else, while backyard breeders continue to pump out fucked up dogs for profit.

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Source? Idk if joking bc this is the world we live in now

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Rakuten Kobo is a good alternative to Amazon Kindle. I can just drag and drop books, no internet connectivity necessary, no DRM... I have no problems with it at all. Would be cool to be able to load custom firmware, but I do not need to since it already doesn't spy on me and doesn't force DRM (3rd party book imports).

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Is he a frail, senile, old man? Or does pop pop crave the BLAST of tropical energy from an ice-cold MOUNTAIN DEW BAJA BLAST!?!? Which is it, repubs?

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Sneaky way to disarm the cops

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Smart move. Can you imagine Trump debating a literal prosecutor? Not just a prosecutor, but a highly successful one who prosecuted for-profit fraudulent colleges like the one he owned? Would be an absolute nightmare for him.

That's... just her face

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Afaik the IOC did all the standard testing on her and didn't find any issues (no doping, normal testosterone levels, etc). Idk if they did a genetic sex test - I'd imagine that isn't standard. Is that correct? Regardless of the Russian-run boxing federation's intentions, I'd still trust the IOC's findings over theirs.

Plus, even if she was XXY or something, does that actually have any impact on athletic performance? I'd imagine not

Edi: yep. Looks like it is widely believed that having a y chromosome is unfair, but the science doesn't necessarily back that up.

"improved understanding about genetic factors that lead to selection in sport should offer reassurance that female athletes with hyperandrogenism do not possess any physical attribute relevant to athletic performance that is neither attainable, nor present in other women."

It's always projection. They pre-empt criticism by taking whatever words are (rightly) being directed at them or could be used against them in the future and just flipping them around, making them lose their original meaning in the eyes of their adherents.

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Be mindful when reading the sources. This is a very polarizing debate, and it isn't really as clear as "pitbulls are little angelbaby velvethippos" or "pitbulls are vicious killing machines".

Pitbull is a range of phenotypes, not a breed. What we call pitbulls commonly are a mix of boxers, Am Staffs, bulldogs, american pit bull terriers, bull terriers, etc. So, we're relying on police to ID these dogs after a bite has been reported, and so a large number of aggressive individuals of a variety of breeds/mutts might get lumped into "pitbull" by cops.

Also, dog attacks are more likely to occur in lower socioeconomic status neighborhoods where dog ownership practices are often less responsible, and cops are more likely to be in the first place. Pitbull-type dogs are more likely to be owned by lower SES individuals (in part because they're so prevalent, but also due to cultural factors). So, it is likely that pitbull-type dogs are overrepresented by these statistics.

That said, it is wild that people claim that breeding does not impact behavior. Pitbulls and various bully breeds have often been bred to be aggressive and to guard territory, just like Cattle Dogs have been bred to nip at heels and keep creatures in a herd. Any cattle dog owner will tell you that their dog exhibits herding behavior even if it's never seen a cow or sheep. It's the same with some pitbulls and they happen to have one of the strongest bites of any type of dog coupled with a behavior where they latch on to the thing they've bitten and won't let go, but will continue to thrash around causing major tissue damage. Contrast that to German Shepherds, another dog that makes up a large number of dog bite cases. Their bite force is less on average than that of a pitbull and most German Shepherd bites are fear-aggression related because GSDs are extremely neurotic and anxious (also due to breeding), so GSDs tend to bite and release unless they're specifically bite trained, like for police work.

So anyway, just be aware that both sides of this debate try to put spin on it, but breed characteristics do matter, and our recordkeeping of dog breeds and bite statistics is flawed essentially due to the problems extant in law enforcement broadly.

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Inkjet: uses yellow ink to dye paper.

But what if it's just black text?


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Love your enemies, sure. But when they put a goat statue in a government building, that's a bridge too far! As a good Christian, you've got a right to defend yourself in life-threatening goat statue situations.

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"I convinced myself I was gay when I was a kid".

Well congrats, bud: you also convinced me you were gay when you were an adult.

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Hikes like half dome and angels' landing are super dangerous whether or not people die frequently on them. You're not stupid to do these hikes if you prepare for them, but even if you're prepared, there is still risk.

These hikes can get crowded even with the ticket system, and more and more people rush up these trails to get the shot for their Insta or whatever. Two-way crowds of impatient tourists on these narrow ledges and steep scrambles/climbs are a real issue and even a prepared hiker could get unlucky.

Not to mention other hazards like incliment weather like in this case. Half-dome is a unique weather risk during that final climb because it is just rock. Rock worn extra smooth and made dusty by hikers' boots. If it rains, that dust turns to silty mud and you now have nature's most majestic slip-n-slide.

The national parks make nature accessible, and because it's accessible, people underestimate it and don't respect it like they should.

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Truly one of the American legal minds of all time

Yeah realistically it isn't a big concern. Like you should try not to inject air into people's veins, but the minimum amount that is likely to cause problems is about 20 cc (which is a lot), but it's likely to take much more than that to be fatal, usually in excess of 150 cc.

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Or because it's stupid political theater giving Trump's base an out when he inevitably says some dumb bullshit during the debate and loses. He obviously never expected that ridiculous request to be granted. The act of playing along is an act of weakness, so it's never going to happen.

Also they're both going to be on drugs. All presidents are given various drugs. Some to keep them alive, some to help them concentrate. It's no big deal, it's a demanding job.

Edit: forgot Obama actually did show his birth cert. Shouldn't have played along though

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God Emperor has a lot of super cringey stuff in it. This is, imo, the worst. In addition to being cringey, it is maybe some of the worst writing I have ever seen.

Basically, Duncan Idaho is climbing this like 3km tall wall for reasons that I won't get into while Nayla (who is one of Leto II's weird mutant fanatical female bodyguards/soldiers who he orders to have sex with his enemies/allies for political reasons) gets progressively hornier, saying things like "[if Duncan climbs that wall] I think I'll have an orgasm". This goes on for a whole chapter. Like 30+ pages of this iirc. Then Duncan finishes climbing the wall and Hugo and Nebula award winning author Frank Herbert ends this weird horny fanfic of a chapter with "And then Nayla had her orgasm". The whole thing is ridiculously gratuitous, serves almost no purpose, and drags on in a book that already seriously needed to be edited.

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They weren't saying the event called the last supper wasn't in the bible, but that the artistic depiction of that event, "The Last Supper", isn't a part of the Christian religion. It is a painting.

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Males need 37g of fiber daily for optimum health. That's the equivalent of 568g of raspberries or 657g of green peas or 1,154g of broccoli. Might wanna start taking some psyllium husk so you don't get ass cancer.

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These Coke ads are getting really weird

Should be her version of trump derangement syndrome. For all the crazy critiques leveled at her - they're just exhibiting symptoms of kamala chaos

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been very useful to me. My cardio has improved dramatically, I am much stronger than I used to be, and I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of going from absolute trash to slightly less trash over 2 years.

But I don't expect it to really help me in a fight. If I did get into a fight, I certainly would do better than if I hadn't trained; but one thing I've learned from fighting people for like 8hrs a week is that it is REALLY easy to fuck up and get hurt in ways you wouldn't expect. The outcome of a fight is unpredictable - especially when the other person could have a weapon. The best martial art for self defense would be running.

Wait so all the justices recieved $3M in gifts, and $2.4M of that was to Thomas? That's like 80% of the gifts.

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I planned for this exact scenario

But wait, Republicans, what about all the welfare queens with like 10 Democrat party welfare sponsored kids? Are they now the most powerful voting block? Or did they never exist?

That engagement ratio is super high when you look at it this way. 118k-ish posters/commenters and 131k total users? Damn. Good job Lemmy.

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being a pirate is alright with me

This isn't about the world. It's about a specific conflict. Conflicts are us vs. them by definition. The takeover of the American gov't by increasingly corporatist and fascist leaders is absolutely them vs. the American people, but also affects everyone in the world.

There are two ways to win this conflict. 1) Violent revolution by disorganized leftists against the most powerful military the world has ever seen, 2) voting to prevent full-on fascism and limit corporatism while building class consciousness and organizing better. The second scenario is obviously more likely to succeed, given the current state of the American left.

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That thumbnail is terrifying. Genuinely thought it was a dude wearing a roger stone mask wtf


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