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Joined 1 years ago

The concept is hilarious and really presses the spite dopamine button in my brain.

It's an issue of time and scalability. Going from 100 employees to 200 employees wont make the game in half the time. And corporate accounting would rather have 2 mediocre games per year than 1 extremely good game every 2 years, even if it sold 4 times as well since revenue is analyzed within fiscal years and financing isn't free. Capitalism sucks.

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Just a random cis-hetero dude scrolling through /all, but I think you totally pass. body dysphoria is a hell of a drug, even for cis folk. And it's hard as hell to take a photo of yourself that looks good. I've never succeeded in 3 decades. Sending love.

There's quite a bit about American law (at least in practice if not theory) that's essentially "we all know he did it." Civil asset forfeiture, releasing mugshots to publicly shame people that haven't been convicted, etc. It's wrong but taking the high road doesn't work against fascism and doesn't stop those things from happening to the poor.

I'm astounded he tried cpr. As a rule, most of them won't do any CPR or first aid just in case "someone gets the jump on them." Literally told in an active shooter training that responsibility for first aid or CPR is on me, just in case.

Did she? Because if not then you're just playing a fun imagination game.

Yep. Did a bunch on it. Graduated in 2009ish in a small, rural town.

Trying to repair a spice grinder. After swearing a bunch and cutting up my fingers I gave up putting the original switch and safety lock and decided to cannibalize a new switch from a space heater that isn't a POS.

It's worth mourning that someone in the custody of the state isn't being protected from attack. For every evil cop getting stabbed there's a ton more people (some of whom are innocent) who are subject to the same negligence and cruelty in the system.

The only thing modern Russia has in common with the USSR is territorial ambition. They don't have the life expectancy, the culture, the art, the principles, or improving quality of life. They don't even have the opposition to fascism. It's the result of capitalism's victory over and looting of the Soviet Union. MAGAT's will never have based flags.

This is the hidden most based take in the thread.

Yea, the ai Summons are spirit ashes. I totally used spirit ashes, but there are plenty of folks who don't. It's pretty tough but if you've been successful in other souls games you'll be fine. The insane detail and thought put into world design is the best part for me, so didn't see a reason not to use spirit ashes.

I've never done any soulsborne with co-op and I think Elden Ring is one of the best games I've ever played. Can't recommend highly enough. When you say summons do you mean spirit ashes?

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