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Joined 3 months ago

They have power all right. It's quite simple: tell the nazi that he's on his own. That's it. The moment the nazi loses his "I'll call dad" card, we'll see how well he goes in the territory.

It's astounding the amount of buzzwords the tech bros will use every time they try to sell us some new AI bullshit.

5 more...

A combination of things:

First, misinformation travels at light speed thanks to the lack of control in social media and internet.

Then, we have a generational crisis that is causing a strong lack of confidence in the actual political class because they are seen as incapable of resolving our generation issues.

Add to this that there is the perception of a strong migration problem (pushed by the far right).

The far right capitalizes on all of the above.

Also, it is treated like a cult by its followers because they thrive in environments where the intelligence is not required (it's actually encouraged to not be intelligent and critical thinker).

The far right is also known to be populist, and they don't need to be held accountable for their lies because their followers act as a cult.

If you sum this all up, you get our situation: young people voting fascism even more than boomers (look at Germany's last election).

It really is scary.

Yes, but don't worry. This time we'll do the right thing:

Ignore the facts strong enough so we forget that it's happening by tomorrow.

I do have as many too at work.

I use one VM for each iteration of my automation software. Our factory has machines ranging from the 90s to present day, and they use different software environments to be programmed. In order to minimize the risk of data loss, we have one virtual machine with every software environment, that way if one gets corrupted, the damage is contained. It also makes them easier to export to new computers when we need to replace ours.

This is not about you, but about them. It's not that you need a subscription. It's that they need you to have a subscription.

22 more...

The more we know, the more this looks to me like a suicide by cop that wanted (and failed) to leave a huge thing done so people remembered him.

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Remember that you got your $10 gift card for Uber eats.

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Now their candidate is the old fuck and is a felon who's fighting against a black woman (!) that used to send felons to jail.

Of course they are pissed! As they should be!

6 more...

Hard to say what would have been better.

There's no doubt removing a Hitler from the US elections would benefit everyone.

But given how dangerous his cult is, can you say without a doubt they would stay calm and just accept their leader got killed? And, above all, that the one coming to take his place would be a less fascist person?

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We can't keep tolerating intolerance. That's our problem. We are afraid of being called intolerant so we allow a fascist to spread their ideas about not being tolerant.

I'm sorry but no, it doesn't work like that. The only way to face fascism is through intolerance. You can't dialogue with a fascist, you either kick them out of politics the good way or the violent way. There is no dialogue possible with someone that thinks democracy shouldn't exist. It's black or white, it's either you accept democracy or you're my enemy. There is no option to let them be "a bit fascist" so there is non opinion here. Or rather, there's a correct opinion and a wrong one, and fascism is the wrong one. This is just fact.

And if a fascist doesn't want to understand they are wrong, then the only thing that remains is intolerance.

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I'm sorry but I don't understand the correlation.

I mean, let's, for a brief instant, accept that immigrants are eating pets. For a moment, let's consider that the nonsense claimed is true and some people are eating dogs or cats.

What are you achieving by making false bomb threats? What's the logic behind that? What are you solving by calling to say there's a bomb in the school? Will these threats stop people from eating cats? Will they solve the "problem" in any way?

22 more...

I would use legal alternatives... Had they the content I want...

Right now, if I want to follow an anime in Europe? Maybe first season is in netflix, but second could be in crunchyroll (maybe), then half of the third is in an obscure and unknown service... And the other half is in Amazon prime.

I want to pay the legal alternative, what I won't do is subscribe to 6 different streaming services a month, that won't guarantee the availability of a show even after the first month and watching ads forcedly.

Piracy is a service problem. And with streaming, we have a huge service problem.

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Now, now. Disaster is a bit excessive when all that's been missing is some billionaires, don't you think?

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It's because it's Israel, if you say they are terrorists, you're antisemitic.

I guess I'm antisemitic now.

HE is training it? Oh boy... Expect absolute meltdowns every time you call it for the right wrong name or tell it it's wrong in its statement.

2 more...

They saw the concept of a knife

This right here.

Problem is not coding. Anybody can learn that with a couple of well focused courses.

I'd love to see an AI find the cause of a catastrophic crash of a machine that isn't caused by a software bug.

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Nintendo is one of the worst companies in the videogames world. They need to fail, and I really hope this next switch becomes something worse than WiiU and they disappear from the world.

However, they won't. Their fanatics won't let them. So I can only hope they double down in their anti consumer behaviour to screw as many customers as they can. Because honestly? If after all these years you keep buying a Pokémon game, you deserve to be scammed and abused as a customer.

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The room next to where you installed it at home will still have problems getting more than 2 lines of WiFi.

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I think the right question is why no one is succeeding?

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Manual to de-escalating potentially dangerous situations for an American policeman:

Whatever the threat is, grab your gun and open fire until you feel there is no more threat incoming.

Idk man, in a normal country, a police officer would be interrogated for drawing their gun in a fucking train station full of people. FOR DRAWING IT. But here we have a couple of "heroes" that open fire in a fucking train station against a guy who didn't pay the ticket and apparently it's all fine.

I'm beyond the point of saying I wish someone stopped these fascist assholes. Right now I'm at the point of saying I wish someone would just cause them some kind of incompatibility with life.

The guy tried (and almost managed) to kill an ex-president and candidate for a second term. Of course the media is going to cover all the shit they can. It gives them clicks and that's all that matter.

On the other handl, apparently, the guy had some mental health issues was bullied and honestly, what other outcome can you expect if not a very fast death when you try to do what he did in the way he did it?

Either he was out of his mind and was completely delusional, or was trying to leave the world with a huge kill in his name to be remembered.

Edit: typo

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If the 5-year-old boy had a gun he could have defended himself from... Oh wait

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I know, right? You bomb schools and kill tens of thousands of people in the middle of an ethnic cleanse and people have the audacity of calling you a nazi terror state.

The nerve of these people!

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Look, I'm not saying they hit that school (or the previous 5) by mistake, but how can they know that a building called school, managed by the UN, full of children seated in classrooms with teachers teaching stuff to said children, in a zone designated by Israel as a safe zone is actually a school?

They couldn't know! Nobody could!

4 more...

Not everything has to turn a profit directly. Some stuff, like public transport services will most probably work at a loss, bit will generate profit indirectly. e.g making people take the car less frequently, generating less traffic accidents which at the same time, reduce the load of the healthcare system... Oh right, I forgot we're talking about the US, where healthcare also needs to turn a profit...

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And nothing of value was lost.

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Stick a small piece of paper under the mouse of a colleague, covering the laser sensor and watch them go crazy trying to figure why the mouse doesn't work. Bonus point of the paper is the same colour as the mouse and it's hard to see.

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We're living in a present where election officials of a democratic country need to prepare with bulletproof glass and panic buttons among the things to guarantee that election day goes smoothly. And somehow, the people responsible for this not only are free and doing their will, they are running for the government through that election.

And I am supposed to think that dystopian futures seen in the movies are somehow worse?

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The US "justice" system was never about justice, education and reinsertion.

It was about revenge, and it's always been.

Please, don't make me dream...

Israel: bombs yet another school full of children

World: you know? Maybe we should ban Israeli people from our businesses because it gives us bad press to accept people from a country that bombs schools

Israel: Why do businesses ban our people as if we were some kind of bad country? [surprised_pikachu.jpg]

Well, duh?

What else could be the problem? The fact that school shootings must be taken seriously because it's a real possibility that an 11 year old kid could access a gun?

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If this had a 4g module and possibility to install messaging apps, il dump my smartphone for this one without blinking. My phone is basically a chat machine, but I miss so much those blackberry keyboards with physical keys...

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I still can read the text, needs more jpg

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Guys guys, I think you're exaggerating a bit with this feature.

I mean, what's so bad in it to be hated like this?

Whatever is so wrong in giving a company known for their awful privacy respect and incredibly high data collection they do on the computes a history of literally everything you do on your pc, key presses included?

It's encrypted! They surely won't be able to do anything with it, right?



Edit: typo

Ahhh Qatar... Such a nice place to live... FIFA said that they did a lot for human rights so they could hold a World Cup event....

I guess having female toilets in the stadiums was more than enough to consider "a lot".

Seriously people, don't go there.

Oh no, it's not "inexplicable". The guy's just as dumb as a rock. A moron if you prefer. Someone unintelligent.