
2 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have a couple of thoughts.

  1. I dont need or want Lemmy to appeal to the mainstream. Frankly, I already get all the mainstream 'culture' I can stand, and frequntly more.

  2. I think it's a mistake to consider Lemmy a one-to-one repacement for Reddit. I hope the fediverse can leverage the whole, y'know, federation thing. I think topic-driven instances that function similarly to the old phpBB boards is a good paradigm. It's not about a monster site that has a board for everything. It's more answering the question, 'What if I could post on gamefaqs from my metal archives account?'

I guess I just think we could do better than trying to out-reddit reddit, when it comes to having a vision for the platform.

Signed, a linux using socialist.

sleeping dogs. They sure did curse a lot.

I think it's absurd to give Meta the shadow of a benefit of the doubt. in the past, they have explicitly stated their intention to make facebook the internet. If zuck had his way, there would be exactly one website, a monolith collecting your data to more efficiently serve you ads. There is no world in which their participation in the fediverse is not self serving and a net loss for the rest of us.

Will it still be possible to purchase a VPS in another country and pay with Monero or something? This seems like insane over reach, are theu going to make it illegal for americans to do business with international IAAS providers?

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I think it might be a bit of an xy problem. I myself have hoped for the runaway success of the fediverse. But I realized it's not actually some absolute number of users I want. What I want is for the fediverse to have that same "there's a community for anything" that reddit had.

I'm starting to hope the fediverse doesn't get too big now, honestly. There's a certain number of eyeballs that is going to attract people interested in exploiting those eyeballs, and I don't know if the fediverse is robust enough to fight them off as the pot of gold they see begins to overflow. It's hard balance to find. And maybe the decentralized aspect of the fediverse does mean that it can't be fully assimilated by capital, I don't know.

Were living in interesting times.

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I still use soulseek, been using it for nearly 20 years at this point

I think about this a lot. I'm so grateful I had the experience of messing with the windows registry and other phenomena of the 90s.

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I wonder if it would work if you spoofed your user agent.

I think we're just as bored. We may in fact be worse off for having increased our "interest threshold" such that we must seek more and more stimuli in order to stave off boredom.

Doomscrolling is the new boredom.

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I love the lack of ads, but I suppose I could live with them as long as they were clearly distinguished from real user content. I hated those reddit ads that were from a reddit account and looked like just another post if you didn't pay attention to the flair.

I spent most of my time on Reddit in the learn programming subs, so I'm glad at least that demographic has moved here. I'm almost 34, don't work in tech but want to, don't use Linux but want to (and if the rumors of windows adding ads to the OS are true I will switch to Linux full time except for gaming). I wasn't really that invested in the reddit API changes but I liked reddit when it was more under ground and wild west. I used to spend a lot of time on rcsources (those days are behind me regardless, though). So I wanted to see if there was still room on the internet for the outlaw tech cowboy shtick, and Lemmy stepped up to the plate.

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I never stopped either, but i buy vinyl..slowed down since my turntable only spins at 33.3 in special occasions when the spirits shine upon it.

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What makes hosting with PHP cheaper than with python?

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Omg you're amazing! I've been searching for an Android version of soulseek for ages, and somehow never got recommended Seeker. The only app I found was dead by the time I downloaded it.

I try to keep an eye out for repetitive tasks that might make good projects. I just started a python script that's going to download all my google photos so i can free up my cloud storage.

They did mention Rizon

I never used bare DOS, my first experience with a PC was on windows 3.1

Wouldn't that be 499 cases?

Make snake! See if you can get chat GPT to give you directions without giving you code to copy and paste. Feel in the blank spaces with googling and Ctrl+f in the docs.

I'm in a few beginner programmer discords and am a noob myself, having begun self teaching python in February. DM me and let's connect on discord!

Please share your ad blocking strategy when you do!

They had Taylor swift play in 2019

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Lately ive been getting a lot of new music from rateyourmusic.com . I look up an album i like, find some themed lists featuring it that aound interesting (a lot of the lists are like "things i listened to this year", i ignore those), and will hop from list to list as i see interesting looking albums.

It's kind of a cult classic. I remember it getting a lot of praise on neo gas and that's also why I played it. But in the larger arena of video game culture it's kind of just a footnote.

There's plenty of flac on soulseek, I actually filter them out of my search results

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Really underrated album

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I recently switched from jerboa to Voyager, how do you do it?

I think the crux of spec ops was less about morally judging the player or even the protagonist actions. In my opinion the driving theme of that story was encouraging critical analysis of the media we participate in, in this case, video games. It's not so much that the player had no choice but to do those bad things, the important part is the way the context of the surrounding narrative framed those choices. And then extrapolating that to other games of a similar ilk and frankly media as a whole.

Import Driving.Self

I think communities run by people who wish to mod them arbitrarily should be allowed to exist.

Can you elaborate on how one could print bitcoins if they controlled 50% of the network?

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Lemmy.ml was requesting people register on other instances, and lemmy.one stepped up to fill the void.

But when people ask me what instance to sign up for, I tell them lemmy.world. it doesn't really matter, but being based in a bigger instance reduces the friction of finding communities.

That enough beans to simulate quantum effects

All that is solid melts into air

I think it's worth keeping in mind that knowing how to code is only a portion of the skills required to create a game, the design aspect is an endless rabbit hole in itself.

I wouldnt be surprised if this was suicide by cop. But its still indicative of a structural problem that such a thing is possible.

Excuse me i think you mean ctrl+c:w

I still havent found anything can match the experience of finding music from online discussions or list hopping on RYM.

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Its a technics DD. I think its a mk 2 or 3 model. When its off its consistently off. Like it still locks into a speed its just the wrong speed.

I think its an electrical issue and im too afraid to take it apart while it still works sometimes. I probably couldnt fix anyway

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How frequently does your cronjob run?