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Joined 1 years ago

In a few years the only thing of value remaining of twitter will be the domain

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Once again profit was more important than the health and safety of common people. And i am quite sure that none of the responsible parties will see jail time over this, because they never do.

"How to make sure i will never return again"

I'm not sure what other uses their strategy has - storage for account data is dirt cheap?

Yea but so what? Hydrogen is literally the most common thing in the universe, no fucking way there is also some on the moon 🀯. Then what’s so spectacular about moon ice, water, or even oxygen? And why does it need people to explore it?

Hydrogen is common, readily available high concentration deposits of hydrogen/oxygen sources are not. The craters being in perpetual darkness does not help robotic survey and exploration since solar panels aren't available and it's probably very cold (although i don't know if RTGs wouldn't fix that)

Exploiting resources has to be a joke, right? Do they want to sell us the newly found moon water? The only point I get is the tourism aspect. Because, of course, I always encourage billionaires to pursue dangerous hobbies 😊

if you want to make space travel and exploration more common, a refueling/refining station or production capabilities on the moon would be awesome - most of the energy we need now for that is needed to escape earths gravity well. Being able to build a space vessel on the moon would be awesome! Also, being able to extract resources on the moon would remove the ecological impact of mining from earth. And like you i always encourage our elite to follow their dreams into whatever abyss they want 😁

You are clearly underestimating your smarts - too many people stick with their first reaction and don't reexamine their feelings and position on issues. Your family is lucky to have you.

that iCPU (integrated CAT Processing Unit) looks far too cute for a stray

I'm in this picture and don't like it

although if the barbarian has 16+ charisma i might be flattered

But her accuracy sucks

when your unpaid intern finally has enough and replaces transsexual with transhuman in the ChatGPT prompt for your speech

Konsi is sooo adorable 😍

That guy again... I just repost what i commented last time:

after looking around on that site, i deeply mistrust the original author about probably everything. using the search term "christchurch shooting was faked"
and arguing that the search results attack conspiracy theories, which means that there is censoring going on - that does not fit my definition of sanity.

e: ah, and the moon landing was fake and covid shots are evil. dudes, this guy is nuts, dont even take the time of the day from him.

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it would have cost you nothing to not write those words

Thank you for being as mature as you are, so many people are not able to learn from their mistakes! be proud of yourself!

those parents never left their high school bully phase

Jokes aside, that game is awesome for everyone without thalassophobia

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Wikipedia-Entry for the Rapatronic Camera

It is hard to imagine something expanding to 300 meters diameter in 0.025sec

"This is where i would keep Ted Cruz's spine - if he had one"

you are from, which means still federates with your home instance. this only affects users of sh.itjust-works/ <-> also, i suspect already synced threads wont disappear, but new content won't be synced anymore (this part is just a theory, if someone who knows this could weigh in i would appreciate)

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killing off your voters to own the libs

the issue was that they marketed it like a RPG (where the source material comes from), which it simply isn't - it's GTA with a skill system and limited choices. I admit that i was disappointed, but the game itself is good and got a lot better with this patch.


me throwing stress balls at everyone i make eye contact with:

The secure boot requirement can actually be circumvented pretty easily

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You can even add half the USA with their anti abortion laws to your list! Remember people, what you have to hide is not yours to decide.

lol blocking based on domainname is about as biased as it gets, aside from the usual suspects (lemmygrad, most of hexbear). especially naming is complete bollocks, those guys don't give an inch to the far right. is kind of a catch-all and resemble more of an average population, so there's some good, some bad; if your that sensitive, you might wanna check if your social media consumption isn't wearing on your mental health too much anyway.

I can't even believe that it came out - the dev was missing for years

Lemmys left ear gets bitten off by Mike Tyson

Thanks for linking that, i really enjoyed watching all of it!

I am currently playing Everspace 2, i like the space combat very much, although at least in the beginning the crafting system feels quite slow.

This poor souls PTSD must have been horrifying to get to this point

I have yet to see a case of stronger ethical standards as outlined destroy any court. I cannot understand how people who spout such nonsense can look at themselves in the mirror without a serious case of nausea.

I have the same issue, having only 20mbit up sucks ass if you try to keep a good ratio

A new Expansion is in the works too! Crate Entertainment really cares about their game and it shows, not many games out there with that kind of long-term support

That explains why the conscripted russians are lighting up civilian vehicles, it all makes sense now, i would feel threatened by a Volvo 740 too if i were them