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Joined 1 years ago

Raddix Zephyr is def the name of the protagonist in a JRPG.

Sigurd Felix Wolfgang Atreides is for sure the Prince in an Isekai anime.

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You have teachers in school with guns it's only gonna be a matter of time before you have new stats to play with.

Number of students killed or maimed by a teacher's gun during a fight or other altercation. Number of teachers and students killed by a student who gets a teacher's gun. Number of teachers who commit suicide using their service gun.

I'm not even using my hyperbole muscles, that's just what's gonna happen.

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Ah yes, South Africa, bastion of non racist glory! No one uses the word colored in a non racist context in North America. Brian Kilmeade is from New York.

The first word out of this dudes mouth to describe a group of black women being addressed by another black woman was by referring to them as colored. That's called showing your ass, he just showed us his slimy little racist ass.

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Pretty sure the only sentient being that would need to be worried around Vaush would be a little girl he wants to take on a stable tour.

24 more...

Native Americans had the term skin walker to denote animals in human form or vice versa.

There's the obvious explanation we accept, with almost no evidence that it was referring to witchcraft or shamanism. Maybe a rogue god.

But what if it's a way to dehuminize someone to make them easier to out-group. A person from another tribe, a person who's committed a grievous sin, like murder.

Is it describing a mythical creature, or the soullessness of the expression of a murderer. Or "rheumy eyes" of the sick. Something you need to desperately escape to keep your group whole.

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Hell he might throw a Niki in there! This whole situation has taken me from being low key terrified to can't wait for what next.

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I really want more people to engage with the idea that the utter worst thing a person can do in a economic sense is "rent-seek". The IDEA of turn key businesses, investment properties, money for nothing means you are taking from someone else.

They've attempted to expand this downward into welfare, but that's a ridiculous canard that doesn't examine just how much money is being siphoned from the working class by people who leverage capital against them.

I'm always amazed at the amount of well researched pro musk comments pop up under things like this.

I see at least two multi paragraph, cited comments including yours on this thread. Amazing how fast y'all can just fire these huge sets of data off like that!

Before you go cumming over those financials, Tesla is currently slowly losing EV market share as other US producers bring on their vehicles

In addition, worldwide BYD is either outselling Tesla or about to outsell Tesla depending on the vehicle type! All that after being laughed off as competition by Musk.

The American market loss is a matter of time as the larger auto makers being additional vehicles into the market, the global market loss has been written in stone for years now.

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What? They put it on the wrong card when the correct card was provided by the manufacturer. The manufacturer confirmed to them the incompatability. If the premise of the video is "idiots do something wrong and act like it's the part's fault because they felt personally slighted and have an ego driven response".

It wasn't, if they had the correct and compatible part, it may have been an entirely different experience to them, and that part was provided to them by the manufacturer.

We don't even know if a lay person with instructions and the right part would have issues, because the original unforced error by LMG was so egregious. No matter what you have to see how this isn't fair to anyone, especially not the target consumer of this device. It might even paint it in a very negative light through the fault of the people making the video, entirely. The manufacturer did everything they could.

Then when called out they double down on the ego hurt response, twice. Saying nothing would change when they never even tried to use it device appropriately. Then they add insult to injury by never even giving the part back.

FYI - selling the prototype (LMG were aware this was a one of a kind proto) ensures that no other reviewer can have an easier time installing on the right hardware, no one can ever prove Linus wrong because the part is gone and they won't say to who...

That's weird right?

The guy who was elected has shown us he's a dedicated election denier tho! It was never going to be someone more trustworthy in that shit show of a caucus.

You are dead on balls. If you ever get any additional experience hydroponically growing.... Things... There's a ton of micronutrients and minerals that a plant needs to fuel taste and smell.

It's mostly figured out and you can get a series of minerals and micronutrients chelated into a salt. They dissolve without large particulates in the water to not foul a water pump. Those are either suspended in solution or sold dry. You can even check how much available nutrition there is to a plant by checking the ppm and electrical conductivity of the water.

Dead on about myco too, in soil or a soil mix, if you aren't feeding water with properly mixed nutrients, you need both raw amendments (crushed up plants/shells/rocks/guano/insect frass)and myco/bacteria to break everything down and make them available to the plant.

That's for things you are growing for consumption, much less complicated if you just want something to be green, or flower with pretty colors.

In the US? National studies that get numbers on this shit admit that much like all sexual assaults, these numbers are under reported.

Numbers in the early 2000's were reporting a 20% rate of sexual assault in prisons. The fucked up part, I mean it's all fucked up but the really really fucked up part? Half of it is the staff, not the other inmates.

The Chinese spam machine was operating at the same time as the Russian system back in 2016, it was hilariously ineffective because apparently the sensibilities are so different. Memes didn't land, insults are odd sounding.

What I found really interesting in this article is they've changed or adjusted, or maybe just made more visible the effective part of this campaign. Targeting Chinese ex-pats, or Chinese abroad, even ethnically Chinese people who are first or second generation citizens of Western countries.

It's a way to reach out and maintain influence through fear, nowhere is safe sort of thing.

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Fuck I feel you, it sucks but was the whole point of why they did it, cause it made Reddit less useful and more annoying. People who've spent years answering questions that would be referenced from the thousands to the millions were deleted. They didn't want Reddit to continue to benefit even if it hurts everyone else to.

Man I saw that back and forth with the piece of angry man-trash in the last thread. Sorry dude, I've been reading the updates from the beginning, wishing you answers, leads, anything.

Just wanted to put a post down and say you are a good dude!

No, there was a shooting a block away, the police took out their guns and immediately started opening firing on a random vehicle.

No one of the vehicle was killed, despite the vehicle being targeted by a dozen some odd rounds of ammunition.

The cops just killed that little girl and shot 3 other unrelated people. They caught the kids involved in the other shooting and tried to charge them with her murder. Those charges were dropped because obviously that's ridiculous. The only injuries were from police bullets.

I think that's the point, the ethically vegan argument is not to own a pet that eats meat, and it's odd these particular vegans in the channel couldn't see it, and all the non vegans were pointing it out.

Pet ownership in general is not vegan, even if you gaslight yourself into calling them companions.

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LMAO, they'll call him a legitimate businessman running a legitimate business, why is the government getting in the way of a stand-up American's monkey-torture distribution network!

Oh wow, I totally see why @FlyingSquid would stop posting updates. This is truly shitty person behavior, it would have cost you nothing to not comment on this thread.

Instead you wasted your fucking time just being a pedantic asshole to a person who doesn't deserve it. This is some unhinged type shit!

JFC, what a jerk.

It's actually both a huge and growing issue in red states specifically. Plus the guns people are using in crimes in states with more restrictive gun laws are coming from the states with less restrictive gun laws.

Basically, the more people who have guns, the more likely those people are to use those guns. Go figure.

Those figures are per capita however. So while there are more gun deaths in California, you are significantly more likely to be killed in New Mexico to gun violence.

There's a fun world past this where you have accepted your value to others and internalized your own value to the point where your ADHD is like the sting on a bee. People have to deal with it too get that honey. In fact the only reason they can get that honey is because you are a bee.

You get to shrug your shoulders and say deal with it. It never stops being a struggle in your own life, and you constantly need to engage in things that are just extra exhausting on top of normal life. But you are both valuable in spite of and because of your ADHD.

I know not every person with this can experience a scaffolded life, full of love and support, but plenty of you can.

Beware the self hatred, beware the internalized uselessness that you've built over a life of just not being able to make yourself do anything despite wanting nothing more.

Nothing says the shining light of democracy for the downtrodden like speaking for bankers at 250k a pop!

I don't want to hear a single thing from either of these nightmares. The party would do well to divest entirely.

It's decent, extremely boss heavy, very linear. But the story is well done and it looks and feels good to play. If you've recently played Elden Ring tho, the terrain is going to feel like prison bars to you, very little exploration despite looking like you should be able to explore.

If you aren't into souls like type games, wait for a sale. Reviews critical about the gameplay are mostly right.

I know you are but what am I. Hit em with those 90's era middle school snaps!

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Thank you!!! And when was the NAACP formed. During segregation, where that word takes all it's American context.

Bringing race or intersectionality into a class debate with the intention of poisoning the well, IS propaganda from the ruling classes. The wealthy elite may look like the monopoly guy in many peoples heads, and that guy is real, don't get me wrong (especially in the West), and he represents a huge amount of the wealth and power.

But the class struggle exists in parallel, class exists inside race, Indians are suffering under a class system that is being forced on them by other Indians.

If you don't acknowledge that the oligarchy exists to exploit, you will never address the injustices inside a homogenous culture. If you don't acknowledge that class alone is plenty of reason to dehuminize, you are not engaging with reality.

That all exists on the race and gender side too. We're all in this together.

Naw, just give the dog to a rescue, even a no kill shelter would have been fine, that's likely a pure breed GWP (German wirehair pointer). There aren't GWPs just running around loose on the streets, not hard to re-home.

Just an fyi on no-kill shelters, they are no-kill because they are incredibly selective on animals they take in, they are specifically looking for adoptable animals, this would be one they would take on a heartbeat. Hunting dogs killing chickens is an INCREDIBLY common problem.

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Really? The advice I've seen for years at a traffic stop is to only roll down your window enough to talk to the officer and hand over paperwork and to close it immediately after. Along with not voluntarily providing any extra information and only answering questions as asked.

That's for your safety, not theirs. You can argue the full tints, but the vehicle was surrounded by officers and many of them were aware this person was playing football that day.

In context this is one of stupidest escalations I've seen since ever and I can't believe none of these other cops stopped it from happening. Give this a little more time and the rest of the guys are gonna get lit up along with the dude who's on administrative leave.

Like in order to make this shit look ok, you have to full on compare the reaction to someone who was engaged in a crash or hit and run, has a warrant, or is a sovcit. They could run this dudes plates in 7 seconds and understand this dude wasnt a threat, they probably should have escorted him the rest of the way after they gave him his citation! This was a physical response to disrespect, ridiculousintimidation and you shouldn't be ok with it.

Xenophobia, all of the response including the early comments of Lemmy were xenophobic leading to racist.

"How many Chinese people are playing the game to get those numbers so high"

"Of course it's selling this much, Chinese are buying it"

"I wonder if we can trust the numbers coming out of China"

Like Chinese gamers make up huge percentage of sales and player base in general, yet this game in particular people are very concerned about the number of Chinese players.

Who cares if it's selling well in China first, or China only, fuck off with this shit.

18 more...

You are totally ignorant to how odd and out of place your comments seem to people reading them. You came in with a strange non sequitur that wasn't really relevant to the discussion at all, then got all weird when people engaged you on it, like your version of whatever was going on here didn't happen.

You are the odd one out here! It was fun to read tho.

No, when he exposed his loli horse porn to the world I lost the respect I never actually had for him in the first place i guess.

It's one thing to be so stupid you don't have a different personal computer to do your weird jerk off shit. It's another to then expose your creepy jerk off shit to your audience. It's yet another third thing that your audience is willing to just ignore it and keep watching. Gross!

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I've heard this argument before so many times now it's weird. They (the person you are going back and forth with for example) 100% agree that Israel is taking all the actions. They are killing civilians, creating a situation in which food and aid are both dangerous and inconsistent, and use AI to specifically target family homes with large numbers of civilians.

The civilian casualties aren't high because Hamas used human shields to make it high, it's high because the IDF allowed for and made specific rules that targeting civilians was ok en masse, as collateral damage, using Lavender.

Hamas didn't make Israel pursue this war in a way that was purposely destructive towards civilians. Israel chose to do this at every turn in reaction to Oct 6th. Israel has all the power in this situation to do things differently.

It's not like I don't get, I would want revenge too, but at some point they're going to be forced to admit that the pain to the civilians is part of the point. And that their ACTUAL argument is that the civilians deserve it because of Hamas.

Yeah, it's honestly silly. They've been throwing darts at the wall on this forever. Whatever BS propoganda shit has been blamed going back to the actual office in Havana. Russians, Chinese, UFOs, whatever is currently popular.

Then when they actually put an actual considerable amount of time and money into it, it's just nothing. It was always nothing, it's a stupid distraction.

They're disagreeing with his interpretation of the meme. It's really not a big deal!

The down arrow here is nakedly a "I disagree" button, you really don't have to take it as an indictment.

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But you did construct a strawman which I addressed. Anecdotally the bit about pets for vegans being "companions" came directly from the person who posted the initial thread calling out rookie (which by the way, rookie seems like kinda of a jerk and probably shouldn't be making decisions like these).

An animal is incapable of providing any consent, they are incapable of understanding the ethical choices a vegan may make, or the reasons behind it. The fact that instead of many viable alternatives, they selfishly choosing to keep an animal that would need to have those choices made for them is an ethical problem in their own philosophy.

These vegans choose to keep a cute kitty or puppy, even old and sick kitties and puppies are cute and rewarding, for selfish reasons. If you truly need to keep an animal, keep a vegan pet. Then you don't need to participate in the food system, and a non-vegan pet owner can provide for the animal best suited to their lifestyle.

Like there is an understanding that engaging in the meat industry, even on the fringes, perpetuates that industry hurting animals. The same is true for pets, even good pet owners engage and support a system where by animals are exploited and hurt, even if it's not THEIR animal. I don't see why this is so hard, honestly.

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The DNC loves running against Trump. He's the most effective propoganda tool since communism. The fact that I've seen this stupid fucking meme on every possibly meme channel in like 4 to 8 hour increments is legit demented.

People in South Korea are not regularly bombed in rocket attacks, SK does not require houses have steel-reinforced concrete bunkers.

The last time a North Korean killed a South Korean was a long time ago, I don't know that I would call these situations comparable.

If NK did start shelling Seoul and attacking civilians near the DMZ, that would legitimately be unexpected.

Wow, you really got bodied in this debate. This dude came with actual info and you kinda went full debate bro on him.

I'm sure I'll see you picking up some wins in another thread.

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Remember what happened to Madison Cauthorn when he went against his party?

Gaetz is a bombastic, cavalier party asshole. I bet he constantly fucks stories like these into his friends ears. Every one of them is going to now come out until the silo that houses his support is split and it's contents are spoiled.