
0 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any plans to make it easier to interact with links to other instances?

The QoL value to automatically open links to other instances inside my current instance would be enormous.

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There are some states passing laws mandating "in god we trust" be placed somewhere prominent in the school. There's an argument to be made that by doing this, the states are mandating that education systems must promote the the idea of the Bible and it's claims being true.

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Highly recommend everyone that likes Portal to try speedrunning it. It's pretty short, especially if you have practiced chamber 16/17/18. You can beat the whole game in 1-2 hours, but it will go down to more like 40 minutes without glitches if you have the solutions memorized.

Then you can save like 15-20 more minutes by learning a few really easy glitches. There's tons of tutorials on speedrun.com/portal, too

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There's no problem with it, but the US has been tricked into believing there is a problem with it to perpetuate the supremecy of the main two parties. That's my POV at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This was 1000% written by an AI 🤦‍♀️

Ignoring the bad is equally invalid 🤔

And they're not saying ignore the good, they pretty explicitly said there is good and bad and that the situation has a lot more nuance than you guys seem to think

If cancelling an ink subscription disables your printer, then you don't own that printer.

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Different people use different words about their transition, and I think you're imposing your own experience onto others. To say that trans women categorically weren't men in the past totally invalidates how I have always described my transition. I don't share your experience, and I don't describe my past self the way you seem to think I should.

I was comfortable with my gender, and I don't think it was invalid for me to have identified as a boy. That's not who I am now, but that doesn't invalidate my identity for the first 16 years of my life. And I think if speaking, behaving, or filling the social role of a male doesn't make it valid to say that I used to be a boy, then that feels invalidating to everything I thought made me a woman. :/

But I think all of this is heavily philosophical and subjective, so I'm not saying your feelings are wrong either. But to say that the only way for trans people to be is the way you perceive them to be is not just silly, it runs the risk of invalidating everyone else who doesn't share your feelings on the matter. Our identities are our own to express, not yours.

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This position looks like a fever dream

It doesn't seem to work, at least on my instance (lemm.ee)... I just tested it through this post which links to this thread, but it navigated me to lemmy.nl from lemm.ee

Not entirely true. Clearly they aren't listening all the time, but I doubt they're collecting that voice data for no reason.


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Now downvote me to hell and then ask an admin delete my comment for being transphobic


And they didn't say we shouldn't have any teams, they said teams not be divided by sex.

They were literally bred to fight

Most pit bull-type dogs descend from the British Bull and terrier, a 19th-century dog-fighting type developed from crosses between the Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier.

Is it hard? I've built several PCs and repair seems like a good line of work for me, but I know nothing about the individual components of the parts

If a gender diverse person tells me that their gender changed, then their gender changed.

The problem is that you're assuming the past gender of trans women categorically.

But to say that the only way for trans people to be is the way you perceive them to be

I am quite explicitly not saying this.

You said:

She wasn’t born a man. Trans women don’t “become” women. They stop hiding the fact they are

I'm trying to tell you that this claim is not just wrong, but it's a harmful over-generalization. I was not a girl for the first ~12-16 years of my life, and that's why I'm telling you our identities (past and present) are ours to determine, not yours. I was a boy, I did become a girl. I was comfortably cis for a long time, but things changed as I grew up.

Reading this stuff today only serves to drag those anxieties back up, because if we assume your claim is true then I either wasn't a boy back then, or I'm not a trans woman now. I have to sit here and think about how you're wrong, and why trans people don't have to have always been trans in order to transition and be valid.

That's what motivated me to respond to you. Whether or not you're willing to grapple with the idea that you may be hurting people is your prerogative, I'm just telling you those claims have done harm to me in the past and may be harmful to others now, specifically young cis people.


This should open the community in your instance

How do you do that?

We enable them to make profit via ads and data harvesting. Private texts/DMs do not need to be involved in that.

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Yeah those things might be healthy but I don't see how it's relevant to this discussion....

Thank you!

How can I open that link from my own instance?

If you can't use the ink you paid for, then you don't own that ink either

Good bot!

The day win10 stops being supported is the day I switch to Linux


are you okay? your history shows that this is all you do, all of your comments are irrelevant religious ramblings

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