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Joined 11 months ago

nothing happened when Reddit killed third party apps.

Well that's not true. Reddit is definitely different than it was at the start of the year

Because there's a chance trump and the good guys can defeat the forces of evil and un-rig the SuperBowl

The "I won't condemn Russias invasion just deflect to Ukrainian Nazis" and "uyghur re-education isn't happening" is wild to see.

I'm not blocking any communities but if I were that might be the kind of things I would

Eww an advertisement

Use lichess

I simply don't believe this.

Best financial analysis I've ever heard. But maybe look up video hosting and streaming costs before speculating so confidently?

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The survey of nearly 1,500 U.K. and U.S. office workers found that a quarter of employees self-reported low productivity in the workplace. More than a third of Gen Z employees reported low productivity, while 30% of Millennials described themselves as unproductive.

Couldn't this just mean gen x/boomers feel more productive? Doesn't sound like it really speaks to the output of the employees

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Morally bankrupt, fiscally wealthy

Bobert has a lot more political power than Gomez

Lemmy user: "You should try Lemmy"

Redditor: "Sure, what's its website?"

Lemmy user: "there are many, here's a list, just pick one, you can always use a different one later"

Redditor: "ok cool I'm glad you explained it in a simple way that is easy for me to understand I will use lemmy exclusively now"

I'm too lazy to get a DNS name pointed at my home server and setup the reverse proxy to get jellyfin publicly accessible

And then hope that I did it securely

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They should have called it post-modern warfare

the Internet as a whole has more liberals than conservatives

Because Conservatives don't know how to use the internet or change the channel away from fox

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Eminem wrote a song about it so that's not nothing

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It means the janitor has a vote on how their duties are done

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Windows user: I use Windows! It's the best!

No not really no. This doesn't happen. Not even remotely close to as often as Linux users say Linux

I'm not even saying Linux users should say it less, I'm fine with whatever, it's just that this isn't true at all

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I feel like you're missing the point that sometimes people make stuff for reasons besides maximizing the amount of money they make

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Saying "I get news from YouTube" is like saying "I get news from the television". It matters what channel you're on.

What direction do you think fox is biased towards? What direction do you think cnn is biased towards?


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Ok but at least explain where the nuance is missing?

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It'd be nice to get severance tho

Short version: don't

Long version: doooooooooont fuck with options. Knowing that reddit is going to tank is not enough of an edge for you to be able to make winning trades

The question wasn't why do they try, the question was why does society let them do it

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Am I reading this wrong? I assume Natalie is making a joke about how people under report Obama's nasty shits

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Lmao I have ad free YouTube, twitch, and reddit. Not giving that up because I'm scared of an app

Seems like if the follow up question is "where are your parents from" they're really asking about genetic heritage

Or the democrats could listen to voters and run a better candidate????

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Ai is a tool. It can be used for good and it can be used for poison. Just because you see it being used for poison more often doesn't mean you should be against ai. Maybe lay the blame on the people using it for poison

He criticizes capitalism and yet he participates in it! How hypocritical

Leftism is when you downvote dumbass comments

Is this because of the three times a nurse suggested MAID at a bad time or is Canada actually doing something

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Idk what you're answering but I don't think it's any of the questions op asked

Most of the sources seem to agree with this assessment

Not great pay for teachers


What consequences are there for being a flat earth idiot?

I don't understand how you can see a comment that says "being mean is unproductive" and conclude "we should be mean anyways"

Do you carry the same principle for fat shaming?

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Wearing an orange shirt is the type of change we need

I wouldn't say thats what it is, but it is used for that

The rail workers got less than they wanted, and their goals were very reasonable

I think she was the one with a cool laptop though? Idk something to consider. In my opinion it sounds like she should get away with a little bit of trying to end our democracy

Is this bait?

If not, would you be surprised to hear ubi studies show it helps people get and keep jobs?

But California rolls are that shape?