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Joined 1 years ago

If you love coke, but don't like raw sugar, you actually like water more than coke.

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Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.

You can't write this kind of thing if you understand what a programmer does. The biggest part of the job is finding a good way to break down a problem into executable steps, not just actually writing the code.

Why would you validate that bad faith argument like that? It's not like he's running against someone young and dynamic.

Coming from the Company that brought you "Visual Studio" and "Visual Studio Code" and called the followup of ".NET Framework" just ".NET". Sometimes I think they want their products to be hard to search.

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What do you mean banning doesn't work? The less reach those Nazis have the less people can see their Nazi-Posts and get turned into Nazis. Also it needs to be clear that being a Nazi is not acceptable so they don't have the courage to spread their hate. This bullshit needs to stop.

I can hear this text

It's obviously in GameStop's interest.

He makes, mostly lengthy, videos about Videogames, Movies and various other stuff, often related to Grifters(vaccination,flat earth) in an entertaining/funny style. His most recent video is a 4 hour video about plagiarism on YouTube in which he talks about some cases in length.

Did they stutter?!

I don't see how an additional Filter would matter in any noticeable way for something like Twitter

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I was excited, until the last three words. A Hades Series would have been really nice.

I was only lurking but it was usefull to find out why a train is delayed and stuff like that.

What went different in that timeline and how can we achieve the same?

They produce like double of what we need, it's not only what we need and buy, capitalism is extremely inefficient in the usage of resources, which brought us into this mess.

For a second I thought this said Biden is forgiving $5 and assumed this is the onion.

Metal Gear Solid 5: I wish there were more cutscenes and less repeated content, but the core gameplay was amazing and unique.

Final Fantasy XV, yes it was obviously unfinished but it had a great atmosphere and exploring the world was nice.

That sounds like a mob boss

I've never heard anyone argue against personal property. Usually the difference is that Anarchists want to skip the workers' state, while other Communists think it's a necessity to achieve Communism.

It looks blurry like it hasn't loaded properly.

We should not resurrect Hitler.

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There is a setting for Xbox Controllers to use two of them like it's the same one called Copilot.

If you want you can just use Vivaldi like any other browser, I would think, what is there that needs to be set up that doesn't in other browsers?

This reminds me of the bullshit claims with "1000 Hz" on TVs

The problem is they don't understand something like file paths, that becomes an issue if they want to work an office job. Honestly this is schools failing mostly, even the schools buying tech often buy tablets and stuff like that, which isn't that usefull for a lot of actual work.

The name is supposed to be read as Xperia 1 Mark V etc. so it's still not great and they should just have letters for their Lines instead of having two numbers back to back but it helps if you want to make sense of it.

I wonder if this works under Microsoft ® Windows ®

This comment shows "-1" dislikes for some reason and it's counted as an upvote.

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The curious thing was it had like 3 upvotes and -1 downvote and it counted as 4 total.

I have been reading about MicroLEDs for years now, never bought any OLED because of the burn-in. I'm curious when MicroLEDs will actually hit the mass-market and at what price-point and also how they will scale for smaller screens.

I have the feeling most people cling to free will as a concept because not having free will raises questions if a "self" truly exists. However the existence of free will can be as scary if not more, since how could we define a "self" if it could freely do something not based on what defines it.

I got a notification for new comments in saved threads today, in Joey, couldn't actually check them but somehow that got through.

I heard a lot of this sentiment on YouTube too, before Musk took over. I don't think this was exclusive to Reddit.

The world has potential. I assume they would want to use a cat as the protagonist, so if it isn't a retelling or Sequel/Prequel, I'm not sure how it wouldn't feel forced. But I'm certainly curious.

Okay Bill, we can just eat the rich, instead.

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It doesn't feel that long ago...

That sounds nice, I will take that then.

This is honestly the biggest problem with it and I don't understand how it hasn't been solved after years. Luckily it was possible for me to just have one organization and just communicate as a guest with customers but it's still a mess. People that don't use it that way in don't see my messages when they are connected to another organization.

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Wireless charging for a car would be a terrible idea(possible exceptions for specific cases eg. charging while driving). Wireless charging is inefficient which doesn't matter that much for a small battery like a phone's but for a car's it certainly would.

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