
0 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

They also legalized same sex marriage a while ago. Yes they are religious but they are not "bible belt fundamentalists".. there is also universal healthcare. Did you know several American doctors go study there and just come back to pass the exams? Mexico had it's problems but it's not as bad as they make it seem here. Most immigrants that come here are at the bottom of the barrel of the economical scale.

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Send this to leuis rossmann.

What a legend..

I don't care I'm here to stay. Only community I miss is formuladank for F1 shitposting. Been trying to get it going here but no traction yet. Everything else, Lemmy 4 life.

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The count of cars with single occupant on the highway. It's crazy how inefficient our car transportation is.

Dang 1.5 hrs! Tldr?

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Ok where is this so we can avoid it?

Live tv. I just can't watch with all the stupid pop culture commercials.

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Isn't that an oxymoron?

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Not shitting in the US , just some other interesting facts.. gay marriage was legalized in mexico first, also abortion rights are stronger in mexico , and weed legalization (federal). I'm a mexican living in the US and like it her (My career it's in semiconductors and this industry is barely taking off in México). I find it very interesting they are leading in some of these topics/initiatives, despite being a super religious country.

Most of my family wonder why I came here where I could have similar or better life there. There are two sides of Mexico..1) mainly poor and marginalized that come here(with some exeptions like me). And 2) there is a sector of the polloularion that is very well off economically, with standards of living at par with the US and get no benefit coming here.

Just a semi informed comment since i'm not an economist or politician.

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Go out and vote. Can't complain about that which you permit. Also Vote with your money and vote with your time. Those are the real impactful ones.

Don't fall for trends. Save instead, and spend on true passions.

Came with the reddit exodus and have not look back. I used to waste sonmuxh time in reddit. Lemmy feels mmuch more lean.

I have only gone back when web search takes me there for an obscure answer.

I'm from Virginia! Great win against the fundsmetalist governor.

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Proprivacy.com give you what you are looking for (various articles on topics). Also check out https://privacy.com . Rossmann recommended.

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Fuck Rusia

I aint watching a 20 second add for a 27s video.. fuck off abc.

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Sucks but they couldnot keep up. I'm rocking a Garmin and am very happy with it

Our money and time is our real vote. My vote is " Don't give money to apple". There are enough and great alternatives.

As they pop in my head:

Everything everywhere all at once.


Groundhog Day

I saw the devil

Patch Adams



Fight club

Good will hunting

Goes without saying if you are in D.c. all the Smithsonians. But I also recomed the Spy museum. Very unique and new building is very cool.

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Lol wth bot.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Holy shit man. This is gonna be a wild ride and a super interesting case study.

!Formuladank@lemmy.world Only a handful of people posting.

Thanks. Eventually got to see all of it. I see some of his points but he came across as Linus defender or just calling out GM. Sounded like apologist for Linus.


Advice to be skeptic about this guy. He has been caught multiple times with misinformation spreading, poorly done research, and corporate propaganda.

Is the pic is accurate this was a death wish.


Full article behind paywall..

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Same ...and now I'm disappointed.

I'm foreign, could you explain?


I also think it was too long. Nothing wrong with my brain but the way. 25 min goodbye... It was too dramatic.. after Tom said goodbye I have seen many tubers do the same. It's the new trend. Meanwhile the completionists is posting videos. Lol..

50yo Dad

What did you replaced Keep with?

