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Joined 12 months ago

Or just allow them always. It's about the money, not about cheating. Also many games these days have cross play with PC anyways, where you can literally use a modified toaster as a controller if you want to lol.

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They definitely have a default description set. Bitching about that kind of small detail is pointless when there are plenty of more serious things to talk about.

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I guess it makes sense that google lost here, but what doesn't seem to make sense at all, at least for me, is how on earth apple won when on their platform you literally have no other option than to use apples stuff.

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If you can sideload anything you want, why would that be the case? I don't think there's a technical limitation, they just don't allow it on the app store if it doesn't use safari.

Weird, why would they want to make something like that?

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More cleanup

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Holding alt in Sims lets you place and rotate items freely instead of being locked to the grid or 90 degree rotations.

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And those have taken over all the damn tv remotes. I designed and 3D printed a replacement faceplate for my Samsung tv's remote that hides them, out of retaliation (they were in a spot where I accidentally hit the netflix button when trying to pause what I was watching, which was annoying af).

Everyone wants to hope they're living in the time of the next revolution,

Eh, we already live in the age of silicon chips, good enough for me.

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Incandescent bulbs were banned in the eu loooong time ago, I simply go to store and buy a new oven bulb when it pops. Yes they are still incandescent, because there are exceptions in the law.

Ah, good old clockwork mod. Back when installing a custom rom was simple. Unlock boot loader, flash custom recovery, use recovery to install rom and wipe, done! None of this a/b partition and "you have to be on this specific version of stock rom to Flash this" crap. Those were the days.

The problem is that Firefox desperately needs more users and even those who use the WebKit version are better than nothing. The WebKit version at least gets the name of Firefox out there.

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A custom rom isn't the same as rooting though. I've used custom roms without rooting them quite a bit, so my answer to op's question is that no it really isn't that essential, unless you need some very specific magisk module or something.

This feels like a personal attack lol.

Could be useful for an interactive art installation or something alike.

Not trying to make excuses for them, I just think that picking on a low hanging fruit like the description which is more or less exactly the same for every video, feels a bit cheap to me. There are plenty of examples of them being in the wrong with far worse impact than that.

Play call of duty, for the better or the worse.

I'm 26 and I've already been called a boomer by younger people. I don't really see the problem as to me it's just funny and reminds me to try my best not to eventually become a boomer that hates everything that isn't how it used to be.

Someone actually uses those?

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Agree. I just wish bedrock was a straight port from the java version instead of being borderline ruined, the only difference should have been better performance from not using java and it being rebuilt from ground up.

Why wouldn't you just format the drive if it had an old windows install?

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Hell nah. Personally, mac os is the most frustrating of the bunch to use.

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On sync for reddit there always was a one time purchase to remove ads. The subscription is for extra features which you honestly don't need. I believe the one time purchase is coming back on this version as well.

I started on home assistant with just a couple Smart bulbs and oh boy has it gotten out of hand since then lol. Home bridge sounds good if that's all that's needed though.

Do whatever is your favourite hobby but crack a few beers if you drink (or whatever else alcoholic or non alcoholic drink you enjoy) while eating some of your favourite snacks and just have some good alone time!

Gaming, knitting, scale models, whatever floats your boat.

I've always loved sync, but just checked thunder. Almost immediately uninstalled as on default settings the ui is way too cramped and lacks contrast with all posts blending to each other. Very hard to read for me. I guess you could make it better by fiddling with the settings, but I just went back to go sync where it's already very good on default settings and I was able to make it perfect for me just by changing a couple of settings.

Edit: downvote as much as you want lol, it's just my opinion. Good to know that Lemmy is just like reddit with opinions ;)

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Rockstar has a pretty good track record on their trailers being very close to what the actual game is.

I honestly don't use that much foss on my Android phone, but DVD has to be my favourite. I like sharing memes as videos instead of links in chat apps and it lets me download videos from just about any app or site by just sharing the link to the DVD app. It uses yt-dl in the background, so any site supported by that should work.

This. I didn't really love the look of it at first (still not sure if I do), but I do love that it's kinda function over and form.

I'm really excited for the single player. I have absolutely zero optimism for online though.

I'll happily pay for content if it's something I want to watch and it's a fair deal. Video streaming services are honestly neither of those personally, so fuck them.

But despite most people being against YouTube premium, that's the one exception for me. Mainly because that's where all the content and content creators I want to watch are at. I place a lot of value in supporting the creators I watch there. You may argue that paying for their Patreons would be better, but I watch so many great channels that I honestly can't decide which one to support like that, and with premium they all get at least something from me. Yeah google gets a cut, but such is life. Throw in YouTube music and it's far from a bad deal from my point of view, especially with the family pricing.

Yeah the pricing only makes sense for occasional use, yet of course they market it for your daily commutes as well. It would cost me about 5€ to ride to work with those, another 5€ to ride back, which would total something like 100€ per month.

I just bought my own instead as, it's a fun, practical and cheap way to commute if you own your own. I can easily carry it with me to my apartment so it doesn't get stolen and costs next to nothing to use compared to a car.

I think you're underestimating how strong 3D prints actually can be!

I also constantly use Bitwarden, Aegis and Home Assistant along with a couple less often used ones. Those three felt so obvious to me that I didn't feel like picking them as my favourite :)

I'd happily subscribe to that. Even though I hate subscriptions, I hate ads way more.

Yeah the infuriating part is not the mere existence of bedrock, but the fact that they purposefully made it suck. It could have been much better than the java version if they did it right.

Each to their own! I'm not a dev, but I have to use a mac at work for video editing, and what frustrates me, is the clunky window management and that some keyboard shortcuts (like copying and pasting) make me have to twist my hand in quite unnatural positions, at least on the apple's own keyboard.

Your current gas prices are about at the level where a lot of people used to cruise at where I live. Haven't really seen it much since it rose to about 2€ per liter (7.57€ or $8.29 per gallon).

I try to place the most used stuff closest to the bottom right corner so I can easily reach thrm with my thumb.

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