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Joined 1 years ago

If Haier is claiming that the integration is causing them financial harm it means that their app is collecting your private data and they are selling it.

Family Dollar moved into these neighborhoods undercut the local stores forcing them out of business, so now these folks will have nothing. Fuck Family Dollar!

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Nice try, scammer.

In case your serious that you don’t get it. The bottom pic is all crustaceans that are more closely related to insects than fish.

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Citizen Oppression Patrol

I’ m making a basic program to spell out 80085 on the Teletype paper tape old.

Or, just make it fun friendly competition and start a quiz show like tournament of teams from each instance, no need for war.

More info on these sick assholes from a NY times piece back in December

Federal prosecutors in Montana have charged two men with illegally shooting about

3,600 birds, including bald and golden eagles, in a “killing spree” that fueled a black market for tail feathers and preyed on a symbol of the nation.

The men, Simon Paul, 42, of St. Ignatius, Mont., and Travis John Branson, 48, of Cusick, Wash., were each indicted Thursday on one count of conspiracy, 13 counts of unlawful trafficking of bald and golden eagles and one count of violating the Lacey Act, a federal law that prohibits the trafficking of illegally taken wildlife.

From January 2015 to March 2021, prosecutors said, the two men would venture out to the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana, where mountains reflect off the streams and lake that cover the land, and fire their weapons at the eagles soaring above the prairies.

“The defendants then illegally sold the eagles on the black market for significant sums of cash across the United States and elsewhere,” prosecutors said in court records.

One chart posted in court records shows that the men had sold at least one pair of bald eagle wings, four golden eagle tails and one whole golden eagle.

The purposeful hunting of eagles appeared to be a convenient business for Mr. Paul, who lived near Ronan, Mont., which is on the Flathead Indian Reservation, and acted as a “shooter” and “shipper” in the scheme, prosecutors said. Mr. Branson would travel to the reservation from Washington State.

When Mr. Branson arrived, Mr. Paul would meet him and “help kill, transport and ship bald and golden eagles for future sales on the black market,” prosecutors said.

On Dec. 17, 2020, for example, Mr. Branson sent a photo of a golden eagle tail set to a buyer, court records state. The buyer purchased the set, prosecutors said, and Mr. Branson then mailed it to Texas.

Mr. Paul and Mr. Branson appeared to have a tactic for hunting the eagles, according to court records. For example, on March 13, 2021, the men used a previously killed deer to “lure in eagles,” prosecutors said. One golden eagle was killed that day, court records state, and after the men cleaned it, they placed it, and several other golden eagles, in a vehicle to deliver later.

Prosecutors obtained messages that showed how Mr. Branson would tell buyers that he was “on a killing spree” to obtain eagle tail feathers for sales.

In another message, prosecutors said, Mr. Branson admitted that he was out “committing felonies.”

Mr. Paul and Mr. Branson could not be immediately reached for comment on Tuesday, and calls placed to phone numbers listed as belonging to them were not returned. Online court records did not list lawyers for both defendants.

If convicted on the conspiracy charge, they would each face a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

The rare killings of bald eagles, America’s national bird, jolted the Montana authorities, including the U.S. Attorney’s Office, which is prosecuting the case and arguing that the men were motivated by a hunger for money.

Prosecutors did not say exactly how many eagles the men killed, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Montana declined to comment.

The case came as the bald eagle, whose resurgence is considered one of the greatest conservation stories of the 21st century, faces a new threat: lead poisoning.

All but a few hundred bald eagles were presumed dead by the mid-20th century, killed off largely by the widespread use of the synthetic insecticide DDT. A ban on DDT in 1972 and conservation efforts helped the bird’s population to rebound. The bald eagle was removed from Endangered Species Act protection in 2007, and its estimated population had increased to 316,700 by 2019.

But researchers found last year that of the 1,200 eagles they tested, nearly half had been exposed repeatedly to lead, which can lead to death and slow population growth. Scientists believe that the primary source of the lead is spent ammunition from hunters, who shoot animals that the eagles then scavenge.

Wind farms have also posed a threat to eagles. In April 2022, ESI Energy, a wind energy company, pleaded guilty to killing at least 150 eagles at its wind farms and was ordered to pay $8 million in fines and restitution.

good for covering your ears in case of Vogon poetry

Pay wall, can’t read the article :(

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I would say give them a minute, month, year. They all just had a major ongoing project conclude in an unwanted way and they all deserve a break. Then in a few months or years maybe. Also, I don’t know the APIs for either platform but I would guess they are quite different so it might be starting over. As for Lemmy, I’m new to the platform but have been watching it for a while and reddit just gave me the nudge. Sure there will be a bunch of fair weather users that will go back to reddit once things die down, but they where not here before and Lemmy will be fine once they leave. Lemmy is such a breath of fresh air from the toxic nature of reddit and I just hope the Lemmy-for-a-day crowed can behave themselves for the period they are here.

I work in IT and users will get upset if you give them the “Please put in a ticket” line. So for the people that might grumble at this stance but there is good reasons for it in addition to not clogging up this community it’s good for QA. I’m new to Lemmy so not sure if the SAs and Devs frequent !lemmy_support@lemmy.ml but I suspect they do and driving support questions to a common spot will help analyze need for new features, UI changes, bug fixes, etc.

Just my 2 cents but I like your stance.

If he has no arms he can’t use arms.

Washington post articles are useless to put on social media because it’s a paywall.

Thank you!


It’s easy to use the “Vote with your wallet” when you have funds to do so. People can’t vote with their wallets when they are making a choice between eating themselves, feeding their children, buying the life saving meds they need, etc. That choice is effectively removed from them, they have to go with the lowest available cost. Also consider that Family Dollar only carries the high margin items and nothing else. The local stores that carry fruit and veg do so at little to no margin or at a loss, so when they go under due to a Family Dollar moving in the community often will have no access to such items even if they (Family Dollar) stays, but to then leave the area and abandon a community after killing the local stores in the name of the all mighty dollar. . . . . They are just scum.


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The pop up blocks my whole screen except for a tiny part at the bottom. I guess I could read it by scrolling 1 line at a time but at that point, it’s a pay wall.

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Paywall :(

I was having this problem, but it seems to have stopped now. Been logged in now for a few hours.

Good idea!, thanks! that’s one of those, “Whack! I coulda’ had a V8” moments, won’t work for me here (I’m on a mobile as well).

it’s a bank of them . . . fife third

Would you really hire an attorney named Dwight Schulte? I mean does Mr. Schrute think he can just change a letter or two and move from paper sales to Attorney?


80% of the countries find them tasty, I for one have not tried insect, at least not on purpose.

