
1 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Best way to have active accounts is to avoid lurking. I've found myself falling into the trap where I act like I'm on reddit or YouTube and I don't want to give them free user engagement. The exact opposite of Lemmy.

So yeah. Don't lurk. Lurking bad.

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$4.5k from a quick search.



This states that a 32tb ssd costs roughly $7000

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You should do this now just to spite this man and go against his wishes.

Yeah, and we all really enjoy it. Especially when compared to googling!

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This post should be marked NSFW. It was almost too much for me to bare.


There is more to flashlights than brightness. Color (color temp), ability to render the colors of objects (color rendering index [CRI]), and intensity (Candela) are some of the most common measurements.

There are also things like how tight you want your beam and the type of optic you want. Do you want a reflector or TRI optic? There are so many little things that go into the perfect flashlight for each individual.

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Of course! I was actually on there right before I found this community. Before the reddit exodus, I was an avid member of r/flashlight. I have over $500 of flashlights and annoy the crap out of my friends with the age old "have you seen my new flashlight?"

I'm dry, and this offends him.

Yeah, the lack of ads is also a massive win in my book.

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Ever heard of the internet?

It's been 2016 for 8 years already.

Good job dude! I'm happy to hear a success story from anyone these days. I wish you the best in reaching your next milestone as well.

I've always heard that olights were known to lie about specs. I have also heard they have an ugly idea of customer service. Has he heard of sofirn or convoy? If you think he has enough lights, he needs more. From more companies!

I feel the pain of friends getting tired of hearing about your obsessions. That is kinds why I made the post. Lemmy is just a bunch of crazy nerds and geeks.

Oh and, do you have any photos of the lightsabers? Any favorites or stories about making them?

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Do you do it for the art or the food? I'd assume it is a bit of both, but I've never heard of a hobby like it. Any favorite combos?

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I'd like to see some photos if you have them. At the moment I can only visualize what you mean, but it is really interest nonetheless.

That's an amazing idea. Using excess energy from plant lights? Ingenious! Have you found any issues with the system that you are in the process of fixing?

Is it a lot of coding? Hardware? What about it do you find to he the most satisfying?

What Anthem the Game could have been. There was SO much potential and they threw it all away!

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I was right on the tail end, born in 2006. I definitely remember this commercial.

Thank you for the recommendations, I actually made a BLF account soon after the reddit affairs. I think I mentioned this somewhere else in the thread, but I've been pretty deep in flashlights for some time (don't say a word) and have known about BLF since forever ago!

I've never seen Cheule though. I'll be sure to check them out.

NAY I SAY! This man cannot be wooshed for such a folley! Truly unjust, as you say.

That is actually really interesting. Would you ever consider going into the field or will you remain all hobby? I'm studying basic forensics in my criminal law pathway in High-school but it is VERY surface level.

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I personally haven't seen that a whole lot

I second this request

I highly suggest a Convoy or Sofirn flashlight if you ever get into flashlights. Both are very reliable for an extremely reasonable price.

As for CRTs, are there any advantages to CRT over other display types? Is it a personal preference?

This should actually be #1. Last thing I want for the fediverse is for it to become a CP haven because we lack proper moderation. I recently received an amazing presentation on the issue of CP distribution from a seasoned officer, and CP is a genuine and dangerous issue. Go look up what sextortion is.


Speaking of 3d printing, have the minis ever made you interested in potentially getting into 3d printing?

Okay, that is just cool.

It always makes the hobby more enjoyable when you have others to share the joy with. I'm happy you have a large group to enjoy!

Yeah, after about 10 minutes of practicing on a practice lock I decided to try my front door. Raked it in seconds. It was so fast my dad had a code operated bolt ordered that same night.

Isn't that also for dudes?

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A magazine?

Edit: would it be a prostitute?

Ur really milking those puns!


I see this as an absolute win! You get to keep life flowing through a game you love. That can't be said about a lot of things.

I went to a really cool pinball museum in Georgia before a wedding where you could play all the pinball machines for an overall fee of about 10 dollars. One of the best experiences I've ever had.