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Joined 1 years ago

Tldr: Remote desktop, Cortana, camera, people app are all getting uninstall buttons.

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I'm straight and attracted to women. That means whatever I fuck is a women regardless of their genitals.

(The Jonny Bravo approach)

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Here's to hoping it's more complaints regarding the inferior copper quality of everyone's favorite con artist Ea-Nasir

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Makes you wonder what challenges women will face in future space exploration missions. Long periods of isolation with groups of coworkers with very little personal space. Not like a belligerent party can be ejected out the airlock (It''ll probably happen who am I kidding)

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Always depressing when an internet mainstay goes under. I'm curious about who was so dedicated to keeping Omegle of all things off the web with attacks.

These seem to be the years the websites are unable to make money any longer and if they can't make money from the users they will fade away.

We can only wait around and see what next shiny thing pokes it's head around the corner to try and fill the video chat roulette

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This whole situation feels like what Putin dreamed would have happened with Ukraine. A very public and brutal attack on civilians responded to with a disproportionate level of military force with the end result being the land of the initial aggressor belonging to the perceived victim.

Putin had to invent an excuse, but he would have loved a reason such as this. Combined with Israel possessing one of the foremost intelligence agencies in the world and Egypt warning of an impending attack; this feels like, if not planned, a welcome event for the current Israeli administration.

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Tldr: wolves changed their diet and hunting habits to eat sea otters after the deer ran out

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Reddit won't die tomorrow, likely won't die for years yet, but Lemmy is very much a viable alternative when it wasn't a shadow half a year ago. It's not a perfect change, but it's something.

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Bungie's Halo soundtracks were iconic and can be laid at the feet of Marty and Michael.

I had heard that Marty was difficult to work with, but it's crazy that you wouldn't try to retain the talent that got your brand to live in millions of people's heads rent free.

Even stranger from Sony's perspective. If you bought an expensive race car and the first thing you start doing is throwing away the expensive parts in favor of cheaper ones, you no longer own a race car. You own something that looks like it, but can't perform.

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They don't want to compromise battery in favor of performance and I agree. With smaller games like Hades or cult of the lamb my steam deck battery will last and last. On more demanding games like cyberpunk or Armored Core I get a little over an hour out of it best case scenario.

Beefier graphics hardware will only make that issue worse.

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He's attempting to make money by increasing the value of twitter to advertisers by using bots.

The fact that the bots are poorly implemented is icing on the cake

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Neuron activation time

The article seems to believe the church is using a legal sub-corporation to protect the Church's "E-Meter" device which is some sort of mumbo jumbo dousing rod sort of thing they use in their auditing (ritual?)

Right to repair is never a bad thing and it's unfortunate that all these bad actors are fighting it to protect their interests

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Suffering is not a competition. These are people being ground to dust by the cruelty of those in power around them making decisions that cause these events occur.

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Very business as usual for them, guess the crayon box got emptied out and they got hungry

Cranky because they didn't let you seduce the dragon, huh?

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Putin the gravity wizard strikes again!

There's so much bad news out there, I'm happy for a little good news every once in a while

Glad the FBI is solving the important problems like how to pad their budgets for the off the books projects...

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First qualification is to be hot. Second qualification for this specific version is be an anthropomorphic cow.

As long as you meet all the requirements I'm sure this is an attainable dream for you.

(Also the fact that the cow has boobs instead of an udder is really bothering me more than it should)

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Kingdom Come : Deliverance is basically if Skyrim took place in a ren faire. No magic, no fantasy, just dudes in armor completing tasks for the local lords and monasteries.

Any of the fable games are decent at least; some are better than others. Personally felt the series peaked with 2.

You likely already know about the elder scrolls games, but there was a clone series called Two Worlds that were... interesting? Not fantastic, but good ideas and worth a shot.

If you haven't played all the Witcher games they are likely exactly what you're looking for. Personally haven't played 1, but 2,3 are excellent.

Dragons age 1 and inquisition are good. Might be too turn based for your preference as the fights involve many party members.

Then there's the From soft games; darksouls, etc. No real story to speak of, but very dark medieval fantasy.

Sure, business insider, this is news. Write that headline...

God the only journalistic institution I respect anymore is the Onion

It's likely just a nothing excuse to ban the scholastic book fair and replace it with the "faith based children's" books company mentioned in the article.

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It looks like amber alerts in WI require a possible suspect and vehicle description involved in the disappearance, which the family didn't have.

That said, you could broadcast the description of the child and rough area in which they were missing I suppose.

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I was 100% sure this guy died in the plane crash, now that the Russian government has made a statement with proof of his demise I'm only 70% sure he died in the plane crash.

Used this username for years; it's a pun on the famous suit of playing cards the Ace of Spades. While I appreciate the warning, please go touch grass.

Is Dr. who (British one-piece) worth watching anymore? I fell off the watch wagon after Matt Smith departed

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In case anyone else was confused, "Libs of TikTok" seems to be an anti-liberal rant channel. Not a group of liberal content creators on the platform as I'd originally interpreted.

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Russia absolutely is the initial aggressor in the Ukraine conflict, but emphatically insists they are responding to a threat from the Ukraine in their propaganda.

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Likely because the higher ups or media facing members of the project don't understand what it is or how it works and had it described to them with an overly simplistic analogy

Can't help but think Bob would be livid to hear that kind of money is being thrown around on a painting he cranked out in half an hour.

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Yeah Louisiana implemented a government portal that does exactly what you claim through the driver's license app. Their database was hacked a little under a year ago with basically all private citizen information stolen.

If you set up a system to use these mechanisms the data WILL BE stolen or mishandled.

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What happened with the escapist? Can't say I even paid much attention, but I've been a follower of Zero Punctuation and Yahtzee's handful of novels for years.

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Lies of P(aul Atreides) -that's just Timothy Chalomet

The Catholic Church is an ancient institution built on centuries of men just writing up and codifying ideas. They need to be able to find loopholes in this box they've thought themselves into if they want to change direction on something like this at this point in the game.

Just admitting there is might be a way is enough for the old and embittered to declare this pope the antichrist (again)

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"We learned it by watching you!"

The poll in question asked readers if they believed the woman's death to be caused by suicide, murder, or an accident.

Grisly nature aside, I fail to see what's to gain from this sort of interaction. Is it simply to give readers another layer of interaction outside of a comment box?

There's a power levelling method found in many Bethesda games. I'm interested if modern Bethesda will patch this on let it stay in the game for players that want the end game experience quickly.

Whenever you want...provided you spent like 50 dollars on a starter ship in 2014

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Then you would look like a divorced pro wrestler