3 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah i don't really see the difference in topic, also on the same instance.

Why birds and not ! ?

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Spain has taco bell too, i have not tried taco bell ever though.

Andorra. Full of motor bozos, duty free shops, terrible cities in the valleys. A tax haven joke country. Nice mountains i guess.

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The tax criminals / profiteurs of tax criminality driving their loud fancy sports cars through the andorran valleys and up to the golf courts.

Thank you for being careful.

Yes the 0.19.4 upgrade happened.

And.. what does this mean? Something bad will be introduced with 0.19.4?

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No i don't believe you'd have to worry about that. seems to get a lot of flack, which i guess comes with its size, but i am very happy with what they're doing. I think their team does a great job, thank you team!

Oh, she's trashy? Why? Please don't tell us you did not get whooshed by the ad now.

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I got jumped out of nowhere by two guys on my way home in the night. It sucked. Couldn't get it out of my mind for the next six months or so.

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Never really tapped into beehaw because i am on, but seeing people from other instances say that you had some good content, i'd say stay and refederate with and

Haha. I started feeding birds on my balcony this winter and i love it.

I don't go out to watch birds (yet), but i love checking what's up with the birds in the garden, know pretty much all of them, learning their songs etc.

Also now on vacation i am way more tuned into what the birds are doing than i used to be, kinda opened another audible dimension.

Are you talking about the current release then, 0.19.3?

Very friendly community, one of my favorites on lemmy.

But you're happy to spread this rumor around.

No. And it was really also only one good sucker punch, so definitely could have come worse. What messed me up mentally too was that it happened like 200m from my appartment.

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When i saw this ad, all i thought was ecstasy, rave and playstation. Not "women are sluts" or anything like it. If i didn't get the reference, i probably would think the same about the ad as her. I don't think she got the reference, not after her initial comment.

Tongue out with ecstasy on is something you would see at raves. The eyes up is odd i give you that, that's made to look submissive, and sure there are sexual connotations, advertisers are clever.

But raves were also not some sterile asexual gatherings either. I don't know.

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With recent events hilighting the value of quality moderation

What happened?

I am also feeling a bit uneasy with how the world team seems to throw their weight against the lemmy devs. I don't know any deeper reasoning other than what was discussed openly on lemmy, so who knows if it may be rewarded.

Seeing sunaurus chime in on the supposedly toxic development environment etc. made me feel a lot more sympathetic to the lemmy devs and gave me a different view other than (some of) .world's obvious animosity. The discussion between the beehaw guys and the lemmy devs only reinforced that tbh, although of course here i also might have not all the knowledge to come to a fair conclusion.

All in all i found sunaurus to be the most transparent and sober in his takes, i will take SorteKanin's advice and start using my account more now.

the .world scraper discord bot

What was that all about, i saw it mentioned before but have no idea what happened?

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Aaah, so the plan is to run sublinks on, say, and keep running with lemmy? Like you do with the mastodon alternatives?

I reckon it's less people not understanding, and more not to want to give up their account history.

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Just wanted to say that i am really thankful that you at had open doors when others couldn't cope with the signups last summer, and i was also very happy being on, i always had the impression that you want the best for your users. But i am also irritated by the animosity towards the lemmy devs, and after seeing that f.e. sunaurus apparently is able to have a constructive relation with them, the behaviour or claims of some of the world team seems really odd to me. I have no knowledge about what's going on at admin / dev level, i am just a user, so i can only go with what i can read here on lemmy.

Thank you again for all that you guys did!

Doesn't matter, it's witchhunt season and the mob found a witch. Yalla!

Ever left your computer and went out to play some sports?

I am a bit surprised that so many pro trans people seem to pick up the bait of the right and make these over the top suggestions like abolishing womens sports. Certainly proposing stuff like this will help the trans cause a lot and not make them look crazy at all.

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Love summer. Love all the seasons, but would be nice if summer was one, two months longer and winter shorter.

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Thanks for the trendingcommunities tip, subscribed it. It uses the lemmyverse crawler, so that is really good.

The problem with the mbin "random C's" is, i guess, that it'll only ever show c's which are already being federated, so already discoverable from the internal search.

That's great. If the admin of my instance would be this petty over something harmless like a downvote i would definitely leave the instance and i have never seen any admin make names of a downvoter public before.

There is also this interesting dutch study, where somehow helmeted cyclists were 25 times more likely to end up in a hospital. Of course the reason for that never comes up as something problematic from the side of our solely safety concerned citizens, they will congratulate you for your new speed record down that hill.

I went to sleep being all drunk. I turned on a light switch and to my surprise i found myself in the staircase of the building i lived in, wearing underpants only, the door to my appartment was closed. I must have taken the wrong way after going to the toilet.

Tried to do the credit card trick to open doors with some paper i found at the letter boxes. No success.

I then went onto the street, there was a party crowd finishing their party, they were all hyped to meet me and thought it was really funny. Nobody of them was able to do the credit card trick though. They then called a key service for me, who then opened the door and i got back to bed.

Because almost all niche topic communities that i am interested in have very few people posting. The niche topics were also what made reddit interesting to me, i hardly ever browsed all there.

Oh thank you :)

So i assume, if the instance admin wozld not intervene, these kind os posts would just be stickied forever, right?

Shouldn't you be taking pictures of birds though, haha.

I have been using calyxos since the pixel 4a was kinda new. Not sure how i learned about it, i don't know much about degoogling, but i really like it. I sometimes use google maps with it though, for car navigation and local business search in cities i don't know well. Mostly using f-droid for apps but i have a few installed from google via the aurora store.

On my old nexus 7 tablet i have lineage installed but i hardly use it because of the weak battery.

Not really, that would be more like lumping the states Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein together when talking about Germans.

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I wasn't trying to define grades of douchebagness, but to tell you that your friends come off just as bad as their counterparts in your little anecdote. Since you seem to think your friends had a cool rebuttal, i suspect you're a douche too.

avoid, apparently the mods there abuse their power

Would you mind to explain this in a bit more detail?

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It's not just stupidity, some people might just make different risk calculations than you. BMX and MTB is way different than visiting a shop.

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Same for me, with a bicycle and tent. Camp sites are also ok priced, at least for cyclists. Very much enjoy cycling in switzerland, i also think people are friendly. I used to have different experiences but those were just single persons / crazy people or something.

Oh influencers. Haven't thought of those, that fits i guess.

For me the best thing about reddit was the niche subs. I was there only for niche content, on lemmy there's hardly anything happening yet, so i end up either looking at memes, which don't really interest me (i blocked most politics talk), or look at nothing at all.