1 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Honestly Plex/Emby/Jellyfin whichever you prefer is a gamechanger because if you have a large library of content then it just cuts the cord from the subscription services.

I've always been happy to pay for them until I went on holiday last January and realised that none of my services were working due to going to a country that was out of the way and the only way to access them was to use a VPN.

So having my own Netflix is a great thing.

Tailscale while doing the above is also really cool

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Really good extension, I've added it to my browser.

While some creators like Linus have said they dislike the clickbaity titles and thumbnails but they have to do it due to engagement that's simply because the younger generations are the ones engaging with that content. As an older person I'd rather just have a to the point description of what I'm going to get.

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You know my story isn't very different from yours.

As a teenager I massively pirated everything, became an adult with a paying job streaming was sensible so I paid for Netflix/Spotify eventually adding in Prime video + the occasional thing like P+/disney+ or whatever flavour of the month I wanted to watch.

Then earlier this year I realised I was paying for 6 different movie/tv streaming subs and when I went on holiday none of the services I had worked properly and I couldn't continue watching the show I had been watching at night before bed and I just went nah fuck this. Blew about 2 grand on a Mac Mini m2 and a ton of hard drives and just went full on Arr stack + usenet + plex lifetime.

It isn't even about the fucking money anymore it's just how inconvenient they make everything, I've had enough and I don't think I'm ever going back.

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The most useful comment in this entire thread, the search results are a bit of a mess currently and that's a huge stumbling block.

I tried a simple search query with lemmy and the way results come back is not good

it's going to take a long time for that to change but just as a casual user I doubt I'd click anything past the first few reddit links.

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I’m surprised no one has mentioned Fight Club as a thing to rewatch with no memory that would be amazing.

For a film I’d want to erase cause it was awful I’d go with the last Jedi I genuinely hated that film. Or Star Trek into darkness hated that also.

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Colour me surprised that Mr Musk and lowering moderating standards would lower advertising revenue.

Yeah the titles are actually a huge draw for me.

I like that even Elon fanboys I know have started to realise what a complete idiot he is, how you can fuck up running Twitter so bad is incomprehensible.

Hopefully with him burning it into the ground people see him for the charlatan he is and stop giving him so much respect.

I used IRC daily religiously for 15 years, but around 2011 I just stopped and never got back into using it. The client of choice was Xchat.

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Yeah Steve steve and Wendell would be an amazing trio, Gordon is also really good but he can be a bit rage heavy for me

I think they are trying to come up with an exit strategy to another platform. The more they put this off and delay and delay the less likely they are to gain any traction of users to move, if anything I think it's just an excuse to not move as you said later.

In reality, it’s just an excuse to put off the inevitable. They really don’t want to rebuild, so it’s all or nothing and a tough thing to let go.

Truth is they don't want to leave reddit and most moderators had their bluff called about the situation. I'm not saying they're power hungry or spez was right but they don't want to leave because it's too difficult for them to start over and build communities or they don't have the skills to do it. Some might dislike the lack of prestige as well who knows. However, they're sticking around clearly because they don't want to leave and deep down inside they have hope that something will change and they will go back to the old normal, some will come to accept the new normal and change their minds.

I've personally been down this route before where I invested thousands of man hours into communities but sometimes you just need to know it's time to move on close up shop and do something else, I just don't think most of the people who moderate on Reddit have the stomach for it.

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So I was one of those back in 06 and I’m in my mid to late 30s now.

I don’t use Facebook anymore and stopped using Facebook a decade ago because of all the timeline changes.

My guess is they’ve continued to make the timeline stuff worse and worse and that’s why people stop posting cause you don’t actually see each others posts half the time it’s filled with random suggested shit.

If you're genuinely looking for Linux Laptops I'd take a look at

There's also

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usenet is almost always faster, there's never an issue with torrent lacking seeds and it's theoretically safer as you do not upload any content when downloading which if you do download a lot using torrents will put you in a certain legal grey area about distributing files.

but aside from all of that the integration with the arr stack and the automation makes it just so much more god damned convenient.

I feel like only us in the UK have one of these by default

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I have been using liftoff also but it is very difficult to find new communities not on your instance or on through the app I couldn't figure it out at first glance so I add them through a web browser and then can access them on the app

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I don’t think the size difference works in the favour of lmg.

If gamers nexus puts out pretty much industry leading day one reviews out on every launch with 5-6 people and LMG with labs and 100+ employees can’t then there’s something wrong.

GN has a point LMG shits out videos without QC and it’s starting to bite them of late. The water block review is the perfect example of just being stupid. Why not just test the item with the right product and judge it for what it is as opposed to turning it into a joke review where no matter what the product is going to look bad.

The short circuit thing with the mouse is also a bit ridiculous.

But the charts are the main thing, I’ve noticed it myself over the years that lmg charts made no sense relative to gamers nexus or HUb or even jayz 2 cents which meant something was wrong with the testing.

Just how little it seems people in my role seem to actually do or know about their role.

Also how it seems that every time I try to make requests based on facts, figures and numbers it always ends up being more of a we'll do things based on the vibe because they don't need to see the data as they already " know " the data.

Basically, I make a request for more budget, but I get pushed back your budget should be like Y budget as we have looked at the numbers and deem it so. I have data that proves our budget can't be like Y budget due to 2 to 3x the workload. Surprised Pikachu face.

It's happened to me 3-4 times now and it makes me think maybe I take my job too seriously.

This one is really a big deal and people don't really take it so serious, this was actually something that would get a lot of attention for Reddit outside of Reddit. I wouldn't be surprised if the Admins take over the subreddit long term to get that turned around or come up with another solution for it because while celebrity envy is gross it does attract the masses.

Honestly I bought YouTube premium through a VPN to turkey for that price for the entire year. Seems worth it.

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Is journalism biased because it doesn’t agree with your worldview? That’s one hell of an authoritarian take.

Really feels like we are in that sort of a world these days where if something comes from someone you don't like or agree with it must automatically be fake.

The legacy of 2016

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Press a massive X to doubt on reduction of micro transactions. See halo infinite on that front.

The reason I personally don’t want this as someone who does not own a PlayStation or a Nintendo console and likely never will is this leads to a future where Microsoft builds up enough IP where suddenly everything is locked into Microsoft game pass and their own store and windows that anyone wanting to use a different platform may as well just fuck off.

It’s the first step on the road to anti consumer practices that Microsoft has historically always done.

When my m2 air is eventually supported by linuxbproperly the debian installation will happen.

Piracy and software was already really easy to use a decade ago ( sick beard / couch potato ) it’s just that the services at the time were good enough that you could watch practically everything on Netflix +1 so it wasn’t really a problem to stomach the cost. now I need 7 different subscriptions to watch shows I’m interested in which is a ball ache

My AirPods Max

I commute daily on the central line in London at an extremely busy part and loud part and I’d go absolutely fucking mental if I had to listen to it all daily.

That noise cancellation is worth the absurd price it’s the 2h in my day where I can just completely zone out and not think.

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Yeah it does seem the apps are currently limited in that regard, hopefully development pace will continue and we'll be up to a point where we can do that in the next few weeks.

Once the apps are in a good state we can see how viable this will be long term.

It's also why most people suggest multiple server providers on different backbones that solves that issue most of the time.

I use Eweka/usenetprime and use Nzbplanet/NzbGeek these days.

I think it’s a huge battery drain compared to all the alternatives, liftoff for example with Lemmy despite using it just as much as I did the official app in testing consumed less than half the battery life. Apollo also consumed about half of the official Reddit app while using Reddit so I dunno.

Also the constant promoted posts are just horrible to deal with.

I think only endeavour and Manjaro still hold any use of the arch based distros.

Endeavour generally has nice tools and is pretty much what you’d do with the install script so it just saves a few steps.

Manjaro because it’s a gateway into learning arch for better or worse.

But other than those two I don’t see the point of any other arch distros other than to be made for the sake of it.

(I forgot steam os 3, but that’s a different topic)

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If you have a pi kicking around or a docker instance of pihole you can use it to take over dhcp of the router and then set the dns servers in pihole.

That’s what I do currently on my home hub

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Tory government investing in nuclear energy?

Nah boris and his lot would rather get bungs from the local lads and keep us in the dark ages.

Labour aren’t exactly gonna do it either with Tory lite candidates atm. We are well and truly proper fucked.

I had an Aya Neo 2 at work the other day so here's my brief take on it from an experience perspective.

All the other hand held PC's that aren't the steamdeck are just that, hand held PC's. When you reset or reinstall windows you have no drivers have to plug in a keyboard and mouse to get a driver package of about 19 different things before it's usable then you need to install Aya Neo Space and have that auto launch at startup so that you somewhat get a hand held console experience.

The deck by contrast is just a single recovery image that is good to go and just works.

So I'd say if you want something that just works well buy a steamdeck while it may have less games than the others it truly is a pick up and play experience, if you want to tinker look into the others however I'd suggest you avoid the Ally due to the melting SD card issue for now.

The nostalgia this brings me when I look at these pages and they are just straight to the point.

Sometimes I miss the old internet and web pages.

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The first Mad Max movie, just feels like a slog at times to get through and when you finally finish it there's no resolution it's just a cliffhanger into the next movie.

The price to pay for myself to move is way too high, I use 3 chrome profiles daily. 1 as my personal gmail and 2 work email profiles and trying to manage that in Firefox is just not worth it.

A lot of businesses use the google services and when you’re locked into using them through work there’s absolutely no reason to not just do everything in chrome with profiles.

There’s also the fact that Firefox sync is absolutely shit compared to the google sync features and while I understand why from a user perspective it’s a massive loss of functionality.

100% get 2 providers 2 indexers and setup the Arr stack and never touch it again

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Usenet guy here so no real ratio, my downloads for this month so far are:

The total is since end of Feb iirc.

Yeah Disney+ legitimately made me mad also. Fuck the streaming services.

I think they use the tablet location info to block you.

If anything that’s nonsense, iPhones are cheaper and easier to get repaired and far less to failure and I say this as someone who runs a store that sells phones.

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