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Joined 1 years ago

Dunno, but I miss rage comics.

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You fools! If you die in Australia, you die in real life!

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Every day, the reasons to either switch to dumb devices or open-source software keep piling up.

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Two days ago I noticed when watching through the app on my phone that I could no longer just skip ads, and the trick of reporting them to skip didn't work anymore either. I effectively had to just sit and wait.

That same day I got NewPipe, imported my subscriptions, and honestly even if this is just a phased trial or something, I won't be going back to the standard YT app.

Creators make pennies from ad revenue. If I want to support them, I'll make a donation or subscribe to their Patreon or something.

I won't just sit and suffer a slew of ads while my data is harvested under the false pretense that it's all to support the creators.

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Imagine being outraged and miserable for a living.

I've not even seen the movie, but Jesus fucking Christ.

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To be fair, the referee is officiating a professional sport where you really need to be able to clearly distinguish between the legs of two people lunging quickly for the same ball with their feet.

Probably sounds silly, but when that's what 95% of the sport revolves around, you can understand them being picky on a detail like this.

I'm sorry but this is some dystopian bullshit that's all centred on the false premise that communities are anything other than the people who choose to count themselves among them and engage in them.

Reddit is just the tool some communities chose to use to gather their members and communicate. That's it. If a community decides that Reddit is no longer the appropriate tool for the job, they can leave and build their community elsewhere. That may be a bit of an oversimplification, given the resources and tools those communities might lose through the transition, but strictly speaking, Reddit can't do anything to stop the members of any particular subreddit going elsewhere, and a cryptocurrency absolutely is not going to fucking facilitate the ownership or mobility of a community.

It's a bullshit form of control that they want their users to willingly bind themselves to. Suddenly you're not just participating in a community, but you're genuinely invested, tied to something with a perceived monetary value, that even if you can theoretically remove from Reddit and take elsewhere, won't have any more value than people choose to place on it, and won't represent the community that generated it in any meaningful way.

It's literally "Hey, the more you use Reddit, the more of our crypto you'll earn, which could be worth more than zero one day! You better keep using Reddit, huh? You wouldn't want to lose that potential for more than zero eh? In fact, why don't you encourage more people to use Reddit too? Then they'll generate their own crypto, and the more people use our crypto, the more it'll be worth for everyone! See, if you get five more people to use Reddit, and those five people also get another five people each to use it etc etc etc..."

The fuck out of here.

You know I was once convinced Hatsune Miku was the primitive start of a huge shift in the entertainment industry.

No one believed me when I said AI would one day be seriously considered against flesh and blood entertainers.

Well whose laughing now, huh?!

I wouldn't say I have an actual phobia, but I completely understand people with trypophobia. It makes me very uncomfortable and I find it pretty revolting.

I see Linux in my future, as I just don't have the cash for a new rig.

I have to be careful though, as it's my family PC, and the rest of my family aren't going to tolerate much of a learning curve. It really needs to just work out of the box.

Considering Zorin OS. Hopefully I can get it on my SSD next to Windows so I can dual-boot for a while to test the water...

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Yep, it's like it's her generously compensating job compels her or something.

Who'd have thunk it?

(For real though, what did people expect her to say?)

Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.

New cars are ludicrously expensive, especially EVs.

The most I can afford to spend on a car is maybe £14K, and that's under the proviso that about £4K of that is my own money and the rest is a loan to be paid off over about 6 or 7 years.

So yeah, I'm going secondhand ICE with about 50K miles on the clock and praying it doesn't die before the loan is paid off (and preferably longer still so I can save a bit more towards the next one).

I'm all for EVs, but they've got to bring the price down, and they've got to get the batteries to last long enough for the secondhand market to be viable.

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He's a business man.

And business is goooood.

I'm sure I used to use Audacity back in the day as a free, quick and dirty editor to splice up audio tracks. I'm talking at least 10 years ago.

Had no idea it was still even a thing.

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Embrace water. Become a hydro homie.

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House of Leaves is a fucking trip.

I still can't decide if I actually enjoyed it or not, but it was thoroughly interesting.

As a parent with a 2-year-old, I'm already plotting my revenge for the teenage years.

I own a pair of Porta Pros as daily drivers. I also have a pair of Ananda's that I run through a BTR7 (not super flashy but more than your average person's setup).

I would say the average person doesn't need more than a pair of Porta Pros. They're absolutely fine 😅

Hi Ren by Ren

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Thanks for the tip! Will give it a go.

Ah really? I could put it on the hard drive, but the whole point of the SSD was for it to take the OS... Will have to think on that.

They generally don't do more than browse the web so I'm not anticipating any major issues. I used to game on it, but it's so old now I've stopped using it for games.

Maybe I'll put it on a usb for a while instead of dual booting.

House of Leaves

Yep! Not sure what instance but if you search "hydro" it'll pop up.