AcidSmiley [she/her]

@AcidSmiley [she/her]
0 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Hog out or log out, nazi pig

This is by monthly active users, not by posts

come on this has to be satire. you can't be serious about this shit.

yeah this, youtube inb particular is entirely unusable without an adblocker


lol stfu you dweebs whine about our pronouns all day long

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Ok, so you're not necessarily a transphobe, but just another of this string of month-old accounts who has barely been active on this site at all beyond throwing a tantrum about hexbear users "coming in and ruining everything".

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I retract my statement, of course you're also a transphobe besiodes being a racist, a diaper fetishist and the most pathetic pencil-headed dweeb i've seen since federation began.

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It's mommy, please edit your post while i look up your defense of racism in the modlogs. I'd have to report you for purposefully leaving up a misgendering otherwise and i don't think your account will survive that after all these comments have already been removed.

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She's a hexbear user. We have pronoun tags for a reason. She doesn't state they/them as her pronouns so please edit your post to not misgender her.

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Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I point out misgendering and some cissie has the fucking nerve to argue with me why blatantly degendering women, a common smear tactic among British terfs btw, isn't a bad thing akshually. "oH i'M oNlY dOiG tHiS wHeN gEnDeR iSn'T rElEvAnT", the fuck are you talking about, respecting trans people's gender is ALWAYS relevant, you do not get to decide on this. This is our decision alone, to deny trans people the autonomy over their gendered self expresion and gender recognition is a textbook case of transphobia.

To make this perfectly clear: There is ONE, just ONE, correct response when somebody calls you out for misgendering somebody. It's apologizing and correcting your mistake. That's a tiny thing to do and takes a fraction of the time it takes to argue with me, and it will cause you one millionth of the distress you're up for when you act transphobic in my presence. If she would be fine with being they / themed, she would have given they / them as a second set of pronouns. Why is that so hard to understand?

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I hope the world treats you with more compassion and respect in the future.

Gee, thanks for your pity, but i don't need that. Most of my friends are cis and i know what it's like when cis people treat me with compassion and respect, as most people are actually capable of that. It's not that hard. They listen when i voice my grievances and understand that i have a different, yet valid perspective on such things than them, and that they can learn something from that to be more inclusive in the future. Probably because they understand that calling out transphobia doesn't mean calling somebody a transphobe. I would've used different language than that if my impression would have been malice instead of ignorance.

finally, something i can do with being the only trans woman who isn't good with computers

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BTW this really isn't a good look for somebody who's already revealed their breastfeeding fetish, maybe you want to cut that part out entirely.

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It certainly wouldn't be brigading if the ratio of hexbear comments was proportional to its size. But I haven't seen many comments there

Have you ever seen how active our site is for its size? What you're getting is just the normal amount of organic engagement when you offer our most prolific posters the opportunity to dunk on the most braindead libs outside of reddit.

Again I have personally not once defended the use of the term

You're straight-up lying, kiddo.

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BTW you're the one typing frothing-at-the-mouth replies to everybody commenting on your post. Maybe you're not one to talk about screaming matches and tantrums.

lol stfu diaper boy

And /r/196 is a leftist meme posting subreddit that is trans friendly.


Back when i still visited reddit, i got bullied pretty hard by them for pointing out that it's latently transphobic, assimilationist and toxic to shit on the way r/traaaaaaaa was inclusive of trans catgirl culture. They had an entire thread on how the memes on r/traaaaaaa were cringe and unfunny and it was full of latent bigottry like that. Made them sound like a bunch of chuds and truscums. r/196 also has a not insubstantial amount of chasers. Fetishizing us and talking about your favorite trans porn while dismissing the opinions of trans women as cringe isn't trans friendly, it is objectifying and shitty and r/196 can go fuck itself.

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even blahaj considering defedding from hexbear should be telling of the state of affairs

I don't want to go all "well akshually" here, but actually we defedded from blahaj because the community is largely made up of r/196 users who post transphobic chaser shit without getting banned by the mods there. Yes, of course these people also have a problem with us because they're rabid anti-communists, but we defedded form them because they're a bunch of sex pests fetishizing and objectifying trans people and thinking it's ok to make demands about which genitals we're allowed to have to please their fetishes. Why should we stay federated with an instance like that?

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Economic coercion is a problem in sex work, but it is one that cannot ever be adressed by any policy only targeting conditions around sex work, but exclusively by policies that directly remove the coercive conditions under the rule of capital. No anti-sex work law will remove the fact that people see no choice but entering survival sex work, or migrating from the periphery into the center to work as prostitutes. The only way to prevent that is to end poverty and i know i do not have to explain to you what that entails, we're in agreement on that.

This comment is also not entirely directed at your reply, it's more about the general line of thinking that started this comment chain. I'm not under the impression that most sex workers are abducted victims of human trafficking, that's a line of thinking that is always brough tup by swerfs and never backed up with any evidence, i think that your remark towards economic coercion is much closer to the core problem at play here.

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Nobody has called the entire community racist, the callouts have been exclusively to people like you defending a term that obviously plays with one of the most common racial stereotypes about East Asians. Taking a racist term out of context doesn't make the term not racist, it only means that a still racist term has gained even wider use.

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Could you please correct the misgendering in your post? PT uses she/her pronouns exclusively.

I understand the sentiment, but "buying consent" is a difficult line of thinking when you follow it all the way through.
::: spoiler CW: SA There's sex workers who are sexually assaulted by clients, some brothels have panic buttons in their rooms for this reason. So if you follow the "prostitution is legalized r*pe" line of thinking, what's that then? Wasn't the sex worker in question already violated when they entered the contract with the client? Is that a case of double sexual assault? ::: I don't think that idea holds much water in all cases. It often does, but you cannot apply it universally to all sex work. That's because you can't just "buy consent", a sex worker still has very specific conditons for giving you conditional consent that only extends to a select number of specified acts, to certain time frames, certain areas of their body and so on, and they can revoke that consent when things turn south because the john starts to behave badly. And ultimately, all consensual sexual acts are in some ways conditional, even if it's the unspoken agreements in vanilla heteronormative relationships. It takes a massive level of trust and the knowledge that your partner will always intuitively accept your boundaries to allow them to do what they want with you and actually mean it. And when i look at it that way, i do not think that you can just override somebody's ability to consent by giving them money. There is already some form of consent to these acts involved when somebody agrees to pick up that line of work. It's difficult to say where that ends, moreso than in sexual realtions outside of sex work, i'd fully agree to that, and that's highly problematic, but it's not as clearcut as "all sex work is a form of SA because you bought consent the sex worker normally wouldn't have given to you".

(rest of the post is just general musings not directed at you, comrade, i'm only putting them here because i think this works better in one post).

That said, i'm very much not a fan of people buying sex work, and yes, that includes porn. Sorry guys, i know that most of you can't nut on your own without this stuff, for reasons i've always failed to understand, but it's how it is. The reason for my attitude isn't that i disagree with sex work per se, my support actually always lies with the workers and puts their concerns first, which is why i DO NOT support failed approaches like the "Nordic Model", which aims to only punish buying sex work, but effectively worsens risks for sex workers, increases deportations of sex workers without papers etc. My concern rather lies with the inherent coerciveness of all transactional relations under capitalism. When you listen to a typical socdem SWERF like German SPD member Leni Braimeyer (surprise, she's also a massive terf), who is pushing for the "Nordic Model" instead of the legalized prostitution we see in Germany today, there is not only a total, ultra-patronizing lack of recognizing the agency of sex workers, there's also a complete obliviousness to the economic conditions that determine how prostitution works in Germany, as yet another form of exploiting the economic imbalances in the EU and supplying German capital with a constant supply of workers who have to take increasingly awful deals out of pauiperization and desparation, as well as an increasingly precarious situation for the lower incomes among the German working class. It's these conditions that give rise to prostitution as an area of mass exploitation, and ending capitalist relations is the only way to amend the problem that a majority of sex workers are in a lopsided economic situation that is the actual threat to their agency and their ability to fully consent.

Go play in traffic, you transphobic pig.

Your insistence on ordering trans people around and telling us if we´re allowed to find open misgenderings to be offensive would be laughable if it wouldn't be so disgusting. Pronouns are not a polite request to pretty please tone down your transphobia out of the kindness of your heart, respecting our pronouns is the absolute bare minimum of respect you can show towards us.

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I keep hearing about all these transfem hackerspace polycules and i'm all like soviet-bashful , but i can't into programming-communism

The West has the right to defend itself.


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They've slowly bled voters because they spent the last couple years with infighting and are now about to split into a pro-imperialist ineffectual radlib wing and a transphobic social reactionary wing, which may lead to both new parties being too weak to make it into parliament any longer yea

lmao this is almost cute. I do not have to "mark you for being swarmed", you're getting swarmed because a good deal of our terminally online userbase sees your shitty, nationalist, chauvinist take defending a genocidal war machinery and voice their heartfelt, justified disagreement with your imperialist bloodlust. PPB is a way to do that without having to engage in tedious, draining, pointless debate. It's just our shorthand for "fuck off with your bs". None of this is coordinated or centrally planned in any way, and it's honestly hillarious that you think we're this menacing, disciplined troll army when we're just a bunch of shitposting trans girls, some working class dudes who are still rightfully pissed at the propertied class instead of venting their frustration and alienation on the marginalized, and a few people RPing as a flock of constantly pooping birds.

I hope i can take your word for that, it's generally what i'd expect of a place called blahaj zone, too. I'm just voicing my own experiences with the reddit sub.