0 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

100% agreed, billionaires should not exist. It's absolutely disgusting that they do. They'll take and take and take and take some more. If you haven't seen it yet, please check out this site visualizing Jeff Bezos' wealth. These people believe that they owe nothing to a society that gave them the tools, infra, security, and workforce for their companies to succeed. The level of excess is really unfathomable, and this chart is like Power of Ten for helping you understand the difference in a few zeros.

The problem with Lemmy is that the demographic is so skewed. Its mostly hyper-tech nerds mixed with political activists. I like tech and politics but its a bit of a toxic brew and I haven't found myself having that much fun over here. On reddit, there's comedy and people not being angry because someone isn't using linux. Lemmy often feels like a glorified arstechnica link aggregator. Its just kind of a sad place compared to reddit. The other day u/shittymorph made some posts that made me laugh super hard. I haven't laughed at anything over here, because well most of you aren't funny, haha me neither so don't feel attacked. But lemmy not attracting comedians, and having the top post in here be "Dont" really makes it seem like the people here prefer being sad and lonely. sorry its not a direct reply to your query, as some actionable advise your seeking, just me attempting to articulate what i enjoy about reddit that I feel like i don't see here yet. I don't how to get someone like shittymorph over here. I don't know if there's anything that lemmy offers that appeals to a person like that, that's enough to make them start creating content over here. Maybe we just need people to stand up the sort of communities commedians would be attracted to, even if its a bit out of our wheelhouse, but idk. Authenticity is important and faking it is easily seen through.

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I like the idea of referring to it only as "The social media site formerly known as Twitter" from here on out.

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Obligatory shout out to Blender, the most amazing community project ever. And GPL'd to boot! Suck it Adobe! obscene crotch tugging gestures

7 years, 1st lemmy post. Hi everybody!

No one's disputing the utility of wireless. But it's not harming anyone to have a device with both mini-jack and bluetooth; the way it was for nearly 2 decades without any complaint.

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You're just adding more hyperbolic outrage fuel to the fire. None of this is true because things do change. Apathy is just as bad as ignorance. Repeal Citizens United. Champion ranked choice voting at your local level so we can kick out the extremists that are dead-locking policy.

People who let themselves believe the whole game is rigged are just making an excuse to not have to do the very hard work of maintenance. People who espouse that the game is rigged, and then convince others that all effort is futile are just as bad as Fox News. Man up you bitchy cunts. Get the fuck out there and vote.

If it reaches that mass, it's going to bring all of it, minus corporate control. But we could still end up with a corporate host hoovering up all the user base anyways, github style. Embrace, Extend, Monetize.

Hitler failed his coup attempt too. Scary similarities.

or a adapter at greater than 20x cost

This sounds good, but I don't fully grasp the covered loan aspect. So the bank is required to sell a matching bond on the open market. What's the difference between the rate on mortgage and the rate on the on bond? Is it also matched or just the principal? Does that make the interest a wash for the bank, so that their primary motivator is fee collection?

The ones that won, they used diplomacy. The armed conflict only ruined and made peoples lives miserable. Here's a doc you can listen to first hand accounts from members of the IRA.

They are absolutely an embarrassment to anyone with an intact nose and tongue. And I say that as someone whose fine with bottom-shelf can coffee most days of the week.

I would auction shelf space at my mega chain grocery store to large brands. The highest bidder would have the opportunity to buy up all the shelf space in order to bury any potential competition. The bidder could create 100s of different labels of essentially the same goddamn product, in order to maintain the illusion of choice, maximize consumer confusion, and thus maximize the time a customer spends thinking about the shelf-dominant brand, for some otherwise dead-simple purchase, such as toothpaste.

Dang I'm in a northern climate and though we get them occasionally I've never seen anything like what people have been posting. Typically I see green and blue dancing waves, but this looks like a full sky, full color gradient. Looks absolutely amazing!

Big enough for what though? Big enough to take advantage of the amount of destruction these weapons create? They could have chosen a single isolated, near coast warship. Or even just drop it near coast on no target at all. The important thing would have been the show of force, in order to deter further attack. Knowing the US had that capability might have been enough to end the war. But we didn't try to communicate that we had these weapons, instead we used them.

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Tab Session Manager

Maybe a Kremlin Bot? Wouldn't be surprised if they're over here already.

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I would advocate for using each tool, where it makes sense, to achieve a more intelligible graph. This is what I've been moving towards on my personal projects (am solo). I imagine with any moderately complex group project it becomes very difficult to keep things neat.

In order of expected usage frequency:

  1. Rebase: everything that's not 2 or 3. keep main and feature lines clean.
  2. Merge: ideally, merge should only be used to bring feature branches into main at stable sequence points.
  3. Squash: only use squash to remove history that truly is useless. (creating a bug on a feature branch and then solving it two commits later prior to merge).

History should be viewable from log --all --decorate --oneline --graph; not buried in squash commits.

People Make Games did a 2.5 hour deep dive on it. I'm blown away by the amount of work they put into it. Just finished watching it. What a mess. I'm going to need some sleep while I process all of that.

eventually ...

So after having watched that, I'm convinced that Robert Kurvitz and Aleksander Rostov were defrauded. I take what the studio employees are saying with a grain of salt. I mean, they are still employed so how can they possibly be trust worthy. Even if Argo wrote Cuno (god bless him). If Kurvitz was difficult to work under, it has nothing to do with the alleged theft of his share in the company. That People Make Games really leaned into his toxicity at the end of this doc kinda ticked me off. Like yeah he shouldn't have to answer to that. That's not the story. That's a distraction. If the Estonian court doesn't rule in Kurvitz's and Rostov's favor, they better have a damn good explanation.

It reduces the probability that a drive by scanner is going to detect a vulnerable service. Camouflage isn't a guarantee that you aren't going to be sighted on a battlefield, but it's still a good idea to reduce the probability of becoming a target in whatever ways you can.

True, but I see this quote repeated so often that it kind of bugs me. It seems to be used in a thought-terminating way. As if we shouldn't criticize languages. As if they aren't tools that are able to be improved upon, or they're all made equal. But I'm sure Bjarne Stroustrup needs to fend off hostility and unfair criticism as much as any programmer with a successful language.

You'll be a hero at work when your coworkers see how efficient your commit messages have become.

I feel the same about Mastodon. I just want to be social with my friends, not on broadcast to a bunch of randos. It makes sense for brands and I guess people who commercialize their identity. But I don't really care about trying to keep up with the lives of brands or really people i don't know, so i haven't want or need for such a site. Also I prefer to catch up with someone for real. Like tell me what you did when we hang out next. I don't want to sit there and pretend like your trip to wherever is news because i already casually saw all the pictures you posted a month ago. And if we are never going to meet again, then I don't need to know what you do with the rest of your life. I like this format much better. Ego is much less in effect and people can just bounce ideas and jokes around. Reddit though... most of the user base is still over there. I've stopped posting and voting entirely. Full lurk mode.

Sebil Engineering has a really fun mechanic I've never seen before. Its like those Hot Wheels tracks you always wanted as a kid but your parents never got you, but even better. I guess its a traffic control game? Anyone have other examples of these?

I really don't understand. Can someone divulge the circumstances or is this all just hearsay? IP law really isn't all that complicated. Its been in practice for a long time, and generally things only need to go to court when one of the parties didn't do some basic homework. If the court didn't rule in the author's favor I find it hard to believe the author didn't legitimately give up their rights to that IP.

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I don't get the "needed to" argument. They could have chosen military targets, but went straight for cities.

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I just use TF as i need it all the time for notes and stuff, but really wish I could use the 3 triangle dots, which I learned to use in logic. I wish the emoji picker (ctrl+period) could accept a searches for more symbols. On windows a search for the cucumber emoji works, but you can't search for greek letters. sigh

recently learned that if we went with nuclear decades ago this whole problem wouldn't even exist.

Cool now I can actually check it out. Tried to previously but my connection failed about an hour into the clone. --depth=1 --shallow-submodules --recurse-submodules should really be given its own command in git. Not really sure why'd they choose MS as their host though.

As a long time CRPG fan, I was not into it at all. But expressing that you didn't enjoy it is wrongthink, and the rabid fans will downvote you to oblivion.