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I'd think since companies get big enough they can just buy the promising competition before it becomes a problem, I'd say it's a worthwhile cost to them

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Something I've noticed in places I've work that aren't small, whoever has talent gets promoted into being half the time in meetings at best, and at worse into managing teams and working by Outlook.

But the trick is having layers of monkey spheres! The ceo monkey has 20 directors below it and each of those has 20 people leading people so it all reports up and gets lost but is "good enough".

You can play a lot of PvE games without competition. Deep rock galactic, space engineers, Minecraft mods, left 4 dead, divinity original sin (or baldurs gate 3 these days).

I think there's AoE and starcraft co-op these days.

You can also okay grand strategy games in a peace with players war with cpu only game.

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Is that a thing that goes away? I think a lot of fields still have that silly things being done even closing in a half millennia on the industrial revolution. You still have tons of screw head sizes and types! Why such diversity!

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Statistically, that's what's on your phone.

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And a few more, and apples. But statistically...

People still buy the mac books and that's got nothing to do with androids, so they can fish from a few different rivers.

Whole that's true, you have Philips and flat heads and ikea hex which could all be those sort of flat and star that are for common people that could be more universal.

About software were a lot freeer, because if it doesn't have hardware and specially infrastructure requirements, such as the whole Internet layers or new visualisation devices you're open to change things up a lot.

Ah, yeah I get that. Java interpreter so you can virtual machine your way into having someone else making sure the thing works with all hardware it can live in.

Blind scalability and flexibility are neat tho, gives access to a lot less knowledgeable people to do stuff and theoretically frees up those who know for more complicated tasks.

Is this a complaint about the OSI model?

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Beans and rice are pretty cheap by the bag. It's all about marketing.

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Vegan =/= health, salted fries, palm oil and ketchup is all vegan and I doubt you think of it as healthy.

But anyways, only reason healthy food would be cheaper than non healthy one is if there's taxes on the non healthy stuff. Non healthy stuff is sold because it's cheaper or tastier. If they can add the healthy label to sell more they will.

Have a friend that did a masters in psychology which paper was about Biological food. Anything you see with that label gets a price hike. Rarely the on the actual products tested there were feasible differences because biological isn't a well defined concept.

Father of a friend plants biological tomatoes for himself. For his peers, you just need to not add chemicals and treat that plant biologically. He however only accepted produce as biological if the seeds came from a platelet treated as such, so his biological stuff is second generation onwards.

Since the concept isn't clearly defined, it's bs and companies use whatever they can to make a buck.

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Had a talk with some friends a while back about this. Used to be this big far away country with wonders and crappy things. And it's turning into scam center galore because the only contact we have these days is the weekly scammer. To the point we've come to associate he accent with the situation. It's really an undeserved fate.

I like tokyotosho.inf but I think they all track the same

Air frier fries, how do you like them? The ones I've been having are the longe prism sort, no oil. Taste nice enough, not soggy but not crispy enough. But being less unhealthy is what pays off that for me.

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I played both back then and saying it's a copy is saying warcraft is a copy of red alert. Kairosoft had a lot more interesting details and the agency was different. Game dev story you'd have total control of what the game you made would come out with through the bars. Game dev also had the whole console/game history going on in a way that Kairosoft didn't. Next you're going to say the initial league of legends shouldn't have happened because it's Dota

Well of Souls was a little primordial mmorpg I got in a 100 games CD a while back. I used to have tons of fun making a custom character from sprites and seeing how far I could get. When I played it never felt mmo ish as it was already pretty empty.

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Good code is self documenting as in you don't need to describe what it is doing and it is clear to read. Whoever says that and isn't just repeating what they heard understands that whenever you are doing something not explicit in the code it should be on a comment.

Workarounds and explaining you need to use this structure instead of another for some reason are clear examples, but business hints are another useful comment. Or sectioning the process (though I prefer descriptive private functions or pragma regions for that).

It also addresses the hint that the code should be readable because you're not going to have comments to explain spaghetti. Just a hint, doesn't prevent it. Others also said it, comments are easier to get outdated as you don't have the compiler to assist. And outdated comments lead to confusion.

High end gaming laptops are a curse. It's a package that cannot be performant, you simply don't have a good space to cool it and keep it portable. Focus on it has made a big part of development in good hardware to be restricted to space and heat efficiency in a non optimal package.

Desktop is the way to go for gaming, you get much more affordable power and bang for your buck. If you want a machine for gaming you want a space where you can chill out and be confortable, desktop on a table with a good chair and nice monitors are the way to go and cheaper than the laptop counterpart.

Laptop is pretty handy for taking it to wherever you need it. But you cannot enjoy that high end performance on a comparatively tiny screen. If you are just carrying you laptop from desk with monitors and keyboard to another, you're just using a less effective and expensive desktop in two spots.

Even for working, it's handy to have a way to take your stuff elsewhere, but the way workstations work you'd much more benefit from having a cheaper desktop at you office and/or home and have a notebook to stream the content you need.

All the while all the money and research spent on high end laptops and graphs cards that live in them is being used to fuel a worse product that will invariably overheat and not work at full capacity.

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I don't expect people who can vividly imagine to be doing it all the time, kinda interpreted this as a cap. Still 1-2 distinction seems odd to me. Is it cartoon to realistic?

What would you have done differently, if you had the chance now?

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Min maxing is a game theory strategy (mathematics). Coincidentally useful in games and other competitions. It involves a reward and working your resources to max out your winnings while minimising the opponents'. The min max approach to a genie wish that gives you a thousand dollars but someone close to you you hate a million is to not take the wish.

But I think here who you were responding to is talking about the colloquial term: doctors focused on becoming (good?) doctors in detriment of every other skill. I personally find we in the sciences often disregard social skills too far, academically and at times professionally.

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Over here in Portugal there's the European legislation, but whether if it is enforced or not is another story. Some places get ridiculous, and I'd imagine that happens all over Europe too.

Thought that was Reagan?

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Not sure if I'm taking the bait but here goes.

Science is a set of processes where you take belief out of the equation. You can start with something akin, which when you have informed belief you have an hypothesis which you set out to prove. You don't hold that as truth and anything not falsifiable is not a valid hypothesis.

Science is not a religion, it's just a thing. Plenty of people need to belief to function and end up having (even a blind) faith in science, using it as a religion.

On your second point I'm with you on the last part though I think you are calling religions and believes things that are organized religion and religion.

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There's been one in Ireland I think, that was closed down because a porn actress went there

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Latin one! And in this context in Portuguese, yeah they do translate to that.

But we still see both labels being used, sometimes in the same product. I'm saying label here because I don't think what companies use the word as and what it actually means aligns.

I mean, as a thought experiment absolutely. Those old animated gifs that have clever uses of pallete shifting... The demos that have whole worlds in a few KBs...

I was now informed by my friend that over here the term biological sometimes refers to more a non-gmo nature of the product, and organic the non use of chemicals. It's still pretty messy with how they used but what she saw defining it tended to that distinction.

At least its salt, quite inert, not sugar

Among all of them at least python is the choice generically people learn when they don't want to learn programming, just want to program stuff as a helper tool to manage data. For those, python is just fine and the learning material around is tailored to for that.

That's how you trick people into programming. You then see people making scripts that take days to run, but it's fine, they're only going to use it twice and are busy enough to be able to wait

Reminds me of a job I had where c# summaries were mandatory and people used a documentation generator just like that.

/// Ages the Category. public int AgeCategory (...)

I sometimes hit ls and then need to type dir.

This.. You haven't listed a need for mobility (though I assume this is a machine you just take somewhere where you won't have Internet).

Because of heat dissipation constraints any cpu or gpu you have on your laptop with be both more expensive and less powerful.

So my advice is spend half you were going to spend on a desktop rather than their portable machine, if you're not going to use its portability.

I know it's not the subject of this question but... Why is storage space size your metric?

Do you take pleasure in knowing your good experience came in a small package? Or are you storage space starved for some reason and that's what guides your quest?

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There's a guy who bought 3 of this and set them as the lights for a rave at a venue, was pretty funny

There's this pretty handy script me and folks around use for numbers, we call it Arabic numerals, even if the Arabs call them "hindian numerals". They're pretty handy. Beats roman numerals at everything but looking classy!

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You can see where the caller is calling from. I've gotten calls from Indonesia but never Philippines. Good to know there's a whole new country of scams I've yet to experience