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Joined 1 years ago

Reading a book Drinking tea — not just as a replacement for coffee; it has a calming effect Petting my cats Exercise lets me expend nervous energy and leaves me relaxed

I think they are relying on the scruples that most normal, adjusted people have to prevent him from doing just that. But from a completely outcome-based perspective, I kind of think it might be the best move to try to buy time to try to start fixing this compromised court and the damage they’re wreaking

So that’s the point that DancingBear was making and I was reinforcing- as Democratic voters, we were not presented with a choice this cycle

I didn’t get to vote in a primary here in Florida

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Jfc people came to Reddit because up until now they were getting replies from real people with that have no financial interest in the outcome. This completely subverts everything people valued about Reddit. This fucking guy.

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This is the AI that tech bros want us to believe are going to take programmer jobs?

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That’s my interpretation too. He put himself in harms way on purpose to give himself an excuse to shoot.

The pictured characters are from the movie “Ladyhawke”. They are lovers who are cursed: he is a wolf by night and she a hawk by day. In the movie, an eclipse plays a key role in breaking the curse. This movie features pretty sick sword fights and peak Michelle Pfeiffer.

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What the fuck, that’s deplorable

Don’t put your dick in that

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This is hideous. What’s next, close the schools and replace them with child labor camps?

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I like the idea in principle. For it to be worth using though, it needs to output readable Bash.

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Since it’s a superset of JSON, couldn’t you just use the JSON notation if you hate the semantic whitespace?

I did that this year, smooth sailing so far!

Spot on description

That was my choice too. I made the jump to Mint earlier this year and couldn’t be happier. It took a little effort to get updated GPU drivers, and my games sometimes need an extra CLI argument added, but those things have been pretty quickly and easily found on the Mint forums, Ubuntu forums, or ProtonDB comments.

the repeal of Roe vs Wade happened on a democrat's watch and on a Catholic one

The actions of the Supreme Court are completely unrelated to which party occupies the presidency at the time. The two branches are independent of one another.

Hope for the future

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Because you still need to be able to understand what’s actually getting executed. There’s no debugger so you’ll still be debugging Bash.

I have a feeling that they will, just to make an extra buck for themselves.

Almost plausible, except their search doesn’t fucking work either. I have repeatedly had the experience of typing the exact name of a program I know I have installed only for it not to appear in the incremental results. Sometimes programs will appear if you type less than the full name but then disappear if you dare type all of it. Sometimes the only way for me to find programs I want is to use an alternative launcher like the one in PowerToys. The last time start menu search actually worked was Windows 8.1. I fucking hate it, and it has driven me to make the leap to Linux for my personal computer, I am loving it so far.

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No, but after I blocked ads at the router, my spouse started complaining that they couldn’t open ads anymore. I disabled ad blocking in the router, but not without some level of consternation. I have ads blocked at the device level for all my devices so no harm done.

That would be a good solution most of the time, yes

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Yes, exactly. Except Tijuana Flats, they’re all right.

Where I work, Senior Engineer is an IC role. They attend the same meetings as other engineers. Its the Staff+ Engineers and managers that attend more meetings (in ascending order)

You're right, my reply was rude and unhelpful. I don't really understand the confusion because I wasn't confused and I didn't pay attention to the remakes until I decided to try Remake specifically after being immensely disappointed by XVI. Apparently this confusion is wider spread than I thought and at any rate I could've been nicer about it.

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Are you saying that you want to separate your two logical sections by having different levels of indentation and that’s what makes Python go crazy?

Yeah that seems suspicious. F# is pretty succinct.

Holy crap I thought this was a Patrick Warburton at first

It’s an intentional misspelling of “own”. The letter p is next to o on the keyboard. I think it was meant to mimic the frantic typing of a sweaty competitive trash talker.

I let my back round while leg pressing too much weight in college. Blinding back pain. I didn’t tell anyone and never got it looked at but I probably bulged a disc or something. Anyway, ever since then my back has been my weakest link. I’m not in constant pain, but it can go out on me pretty easily.

Don’t lift more than you can handle and observe proper form when doing heavy lifts, kids!


Same! It’s been great.

Yeah, me too.

Signed, an F# programmer.

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Just adding to the testimony of others: overall quality of both posts and comments have dropped very noticeably. I visit occasionally on my desktop but there isn’t much to keep me there. I find more good content here.

Nice, primary constructors are one of my favorite little QoL features of writing objects in F#. Cool to see it come to C#.

I preordered XVI after playing the demo, but the story started to drag IMO and the combat never really evolves much. I quit soon after a fight where I beat down a gang of raggedy refugees with all my Eikon abilities, then after I won they all got back up as if they just got hit with a Nerf bat.

Congrats! Not only is it nice to be able to get more done in your IDE, but JetBrains data tools have a lot of rich functionality. When you add a connection, it will default to bring local to the current project, but you can promote them to be global and available from all projects if you’re in a multi project situation like I am.

Yeah, I think I was actually agreeing with you, I just had a rant that wanted to get out lol

Returnal is a great game if you like roguelite mechanics. Great gameplay, art design, and sound. The haptics on the PS5 are excellent too.