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Joined 1 years ago

thank Mr skeletal

Raspberry pi foundation was launched as a charity, and the end goal was to produce a ton of very cheap computers to help children learn about programming. Since then, it has been soo ubiquitous for embedded stuff that for the last couple of years they have basically become unaffordable for the very audience they were intended for. Now they are seeking an ipo because they are used in everything, except as cheap computers for children.

The biggest surprise is fallout 76. I thought it was universally disliked? Is it the fallout TV show causing it?

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Diversity, Equality, and Inclusiveness is what I think DEI meant. Correct me if wrong, took me a minute to figure out what the tweet was actually implying.

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Not joking, I saw a couple of excerpts from the speech shortly on here, and thought it was just a meme. Didn't even realize it was real until the next day when I saw the clip of him saying it. Just originally thought it was just too dumb to say, even for Trump.

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Justice dept also clarified in the same press release that, "Water is wet" and the sky is still currently blue.

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OK, read this, so it's up to $31k more, probably more like $7.5k more on avg for having a lower energy cost house. It supposedly will take 90 years to recoup the costs from energy efficiency (have my doubts on that one, as energy prices will almost assuredly go up), and a lot of the grants Biden is giving out require union labor forces. After that, I couldn't be bothered to really continue, was a bunch of drivel about how these higher prices will make younger voters not like Biden and instead turn to Trump.

All it would need for justification is Kevin. Damn it Kevin.

No gonna lie, this is really cool. While the efficiency isn't great, for a first attempt these are surprisingly decent specs for what is effectively a mobile cpu. Their server level ones also are pretty decent, and while they aren't really a match for the newest zen architecture, they are also a first attempt on an architecture that isn't x86 or arm (some mix of risc v and mips).

They're not really safe. They are generally front heavy, so there is a risk of rolling forward, no crumple zone safety stuff, more often than not the front suspension is under the seat and if that breaks it would shoot up into the cabin, and on top of everything they are pretty slow. They have more in common with an off road Polaris than a traditional truck, which is to be expected because they were mostly designed to be farm trucks. I'd much rather be in an older s10 than a kei truck in the event of a crash (and s10's aren't very safe). I think I lot of why they are so popular these days is because there aren't really any light trucks anymore, and these are an alternative.

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No, but we have a surprising amount of people who don't see too much of an issue with taking out a 72-84 month loan on an 80k truck. (that probably is over 100k with interest and fees)

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Eh, but nursing home jobs are some of the worst, most underpaid positions for nurses. Just increasing supply won't necessarily improve the amount of nurses in homes, as most of them try to keep the absolute legal minimum amount of nurses to increase profit.

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It's only required for installation, can play offline. I know it's not great for long term preservation, but tbh this isn't the worst drm I've seen.

Smaller stuff has to be more complex to get to the lower mass, which is usually what causes the biggest issues. The hdds in those ipods had some extra stuff to make them more reliable, but even then, move them too quickly and they show it.

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Yeah, but they've apparently produced ~50k more than delivered. How much does it cost them to store those extra? How much have they invested in those and not quickly recouped their manufacturing cost? So they basically have around 20% of their production numbers just sitting unsold? Those numbers anyway you cut it are very, very bad.

Smoked paprika. It throw it in a lot of stuff you wouldn't guess it was in, as it adds a little bit of a smokey flavour.

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Nah, nah, nah, you need to start out with $8 unlimited per trip, then over a series of years raise the price to $17 on account of "inflation" and have smaller bucket tier sponsored by ads on the buckets.

*Looks at the whole internal design of cars changing in the last 30 years due to the US's increasingly stringent safety regulations.... *

Moved out of my parents house to live by myself.

It seems like the French colony is pissed as France is trying to allow French citizens who have lived there 10 years voting rights. Honestly, kinda seems justified, but dont know the whole situation.

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Yes Mr. Chamberlain, maybe we should take steps to prevent a fascist dictator from invading eastern Europe.

Or just as a marker of how reliant a lot of web denizens are to adding reddit to end of their search for more relevant user generated data. Either way, it's numbers will fall, as a lot of the more recent data often isn't correct.

This might be a stupid question, but this wouldn't have anything to do with a lot of onstar units not being able to connect to 4g now that 3g is being phased out, now would it?

Other than stopping the support for Israel (for reference, besides the obvious humanitarian issues, the US government is throwing a massive amount of our tax money in weapons they are effectively giving to a foreign country that doesn't really seem to like the US a ton), stop the stupid tariffs on solar panels and other renewables. Yes, the CCP is obviously flooding the market with cheap renewables, and they probably aren't the most ethically made, but we've had decades to throw money at renewables and frankly, it seems we haven't really bothered much. If you really want to fuel the domestic renewable market so much, give out insanely huge subsidies to them (like the CCP has been doing for years) and invest in the next gen tech related to them. I get we are currently in a trade war, but we also need to meet climate goals and without China it doesn't really look like we will even get close. Not trying to be a China shill or anything, just facing the issue that it mostly seems like this is just going to be a net negative for the climate.

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And his approach is increasingly flawed, as he has backed an apparent genocide which sounds absolutely like something Trump would do. I keep hearing soooo many whataboutisms when mentioning this, about how Trump would be worse, about how questioning this could put Trump back in office if it causes people to not vote for Biden, etc. But that's the issue, as Biden was elected largely because he was seen as a pretty nice guy who was pretty decently prepared for the role, and specifically would try to fix the problems Trump created. And to be fair, he has fixed a ton of them and has overall decent track record of recovery for the country. However, it's pretty clear he's trying to bow to AIPAC so that they don't try to tank the democrats in the next election, and in turn it is greatly tarnishing their reputation, more so than I think they've realized.

Yeah, I enjoy a ton of hobbies where a lot of the people that know their stuff aren't particularly computer savvy. If they're not on my platform because it is too technically complex, I'm probably going to at least visit the more walled off platforms (not usually a fun experience).

Not really. I compared it to an older Chevy s10 for a reason. Those were relatively small trucks that, while not always the most reliable, are still a pretty decent option for most people. Kei trucks are a smidge smaller, but are better on gas and frankly less safe. I don't think this is a "get rid of bigger vehicles and this goes away" but of a "Kei trucks aren't really any safer than an off-road golf cart and current regulations allows them on the road". We need the safety regulations so less people die on Auto accidents, and kei trucks don't really have to comply with even the basic ones.

Poor financial literacy, not really planning for the future, or thinking the reliability will make up for the extra cost. Either way, I suspect there's plenty of people like that around the world, just that we have less public transport so most people actually need a car to get around (although most people would be better with beaters or just a couple years old sedan).

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Is it a lanolin allergy, and if so have you tried alpaca? Its as soft as cashmere (in superfine grade and above), but shouldn't make people with wool allergies itchy. It doesn't have the hive mind qualities you seem to be looking for, but it might help with the itchiness.

I wouldn't worry about it. I was one of the gifted kids, got my Bachelors then Masters in Computer Science with good grades. But also I got massively depressed and it took me a while to get a job after graduation. One of the more valuable lessons I learned from that experience was that I was often not seeing the forest thru the trees. After all, going to college is just a means of hopefully ensuring that you have an easier time covering the cost of living long term. So, overall, if you're happy and don't have to constantly worry about your bills there was no real loss of potential.

You mean protect those inside the 7+ ton vehicles and to hell with anyone else?

Haven't played Alan Wake 2 yet, is it good? I remember the original one fairly fondly (it played really well on my underpowered laptop and thought the story was decent).

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But just waiting for others to die out doesn't always work. Take for instance the southern US. It took the federal government intervening (sometimes violently) to actually deal with a lot of the ingrained racism. And even then, there is still plenty around, and in some places it is gaining in popularity. In my mind, the argument you are posing could easily be subbed in as "we shouldn't allow mixed race couples to have children, as those that are racist will inevitably traumatize the children. " I get that your argument is probably not from a place off outright homophobia, but it is kinda homophobic in that it accepts that children shouldn't be around gay/lesbian parents because of what others will think and do. Is Poland shitty to LGBTQ couples? Probably, but just waiting for people to eventually accept them isn't gonna fix the issue.

I occasionally go back to reddit for niche communities and for looking up some user generated information/answers. I think the niche community might not easily be solved until more people move to lemmy, but as for the information lookup, if we can port the more useful stuff from reddit I don't think I'd have much of a reason to go back to reddit (seriously, so much of the newer info in some subs are factually wrong but no one seems to care and it just seems to get worse the longer time progresses). The main issue is how to figure out what is the useful stuff. Idk about Twitter, haven't used them in years.

No reason you couldn't have a cylinder of airy cow syrup on the side.

A lot of cars with automatics and manuals have slightly different brake pedal sizes for the same models (bigger on automatics usually, takes a bit of the space a clutch might). So theoretically it makes some sense.

*"No, not like that!" *

At low speeds. My grandfather has one (a really low milage one he inherited) and I've driven it a bit. It's a small, cheap car that doesn't get good milage at all (a 90s camry will get much better), but if you just want something to putter about in it works. Easy to park, cheap so you don't have to worry about people messing with it, and pretty simply designed.

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More or less agree, pretty much predisposed to lightly used vehicles. While I'd argue that Teslas have a lot less maintenance than ice cars, the downside is I've heard that a lot is non-user serviceable, and any issues with the car are pretty hard to fix without going straight to Tesla. The drivetrain is supposed to last for ages though, so I suppose that is a definite plus. Evs have come a long way in the last couple of years, but the charging is still an issue, more than the range for a lot of people (myself included). I actually considered a Mini Cooper se which has a range of around 100 miles, but given I live in an apt the charging situation wasn't really feasible. Honestly, rather than having major charging stations on interstate routes, it would make soo much more sense for the government to incentivize a lot of higher density housing to adopt low cost lv2 chargers.

Yep. I recently got a newer car (a first for me, grew up on beaters and was fine until I drove a newish miata), and I remember when talking with credit union's officers that the new avg price for a lot of the loans they were seeing was around 50k, which just blew my cheapskate mind.

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