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Joined 12 months ago

Giuliani micro penis confirmed.

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Good, good…let the Reddit brain drain continue. Do not fear the Lemmy. The lemmy welcomes you. maniacal laugh

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I am willing to bet the Dems will trip over their own dick and fuck it all up. We need leaders to challenge the right wing using their own tactics. Us going ‘high’ hasn’t changed a goddamned thing. Go on offense for once you wine sipping rich fuck wads

Obama has the resources to flee the country. The rest of us do not. What are we as individuals do when half of the country decides to abandon democracy and the rule of law? Asking for a friend…

JFC that’s hilariously hideous. Well done spez you fucking wank stain

An SF Bay Area rich guy debating a Florida swamp chimp? I am going to smoke a nice sativa for this one… and make some popcorn… can’t forget that.

Edit: a word

I have such a low opinion of this taint sucking parasite that nothing he says will surprise me. Just go away you hair color sweating dipshit

For over 20 years these tanks have been bought and paid for. Don’t let anyone tell you different. We have so many god damned weapon system in storage that we can supply Ukraine with arms indefinitely. Those who say we in the west are spending too much money are full of shit.

I’m sure it’s fine. Hey have you seen the new Ferd Canyonero?? It only comes in two colors gun metal and black. I got gun metal. Cyclist are a menace and cause my SUV to catch woke cancer! Now everything is in metric! How are we to save fetuses now that atheists have a meter stick! shakes fist at Canada. ‘Whyyyyy??!!’

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Carter? Why mention Carter? Not Nixon? Not Harding? Why not Trump? Bush? Fucking Taft? What’s the reason for the Carter comparison? I don’t know what you’re on about.

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Here's a thought. Maybe. Just. Maybe. There are people that live in the United States that don't own a car to fill to the brim with that amount of supplies. It's difficult to carry that amount of groceries on a crowded and late bus back to your apartment. Delivery you say? Well. That's extra isn't it? Remember to tip or else. See. Not everyone lives like you. In fact. Less and less people live like you everyday. When the tipping point eventually comes. What will you say then?

They’re incredibly stupid in the present moment too. Stupidity is the great filter

He’d have to trip over a couple thousand more sand bags to reach the level Palin’s stupidity

As I understand it. That dog wouldn’t piss on them when they were on fire. He clearly found a more convenient way to carry out his duties

If that deck was nothing but jokers then sure.

She has moderate to severe dementia. Either Alzheimer’s or lewybody . So she can live for awhile longer yet. So look for more weekend at Bernie’s moments in the near future. Popcorn? 🍿

Desantis looks like a chimp

The headline should read “Ukraine ordered a top Russian admiral to fuck himself”

I wouldn't think for a second that Spez has any self awareness. He's like those fuckers that recently docked their party boat where it clearly wasn't supposed to be. It's a false sense of entitlement.

Camera, chair , woman. See totally sane. He even drew a clock and identified a giraffe!

Wow, scholarships and tuition reimbursement meaning it’s not free. How the fuck is that an incentive? How about raise the pay so caregivers aren’t living out of their car? Or tent? I hate this tone deaf bullshit. The incentive is to pay someone what it’s worth to put up with someone’s demented abusive grandpa. Pay up or it will be taken from you. Not a threat. Just a fact of human nature.

The government already decides who its voters are by gerrymandering being legal. That ship sailed decades ago. So why sound the alarm over this? Concern trolling?

MY Ferd Canyonero XLT lariat can't protect the fetuses if there are windmills ruining my view! You.. don't want the communists to win do you??? Why do you hate America and therefore all christians???


takes off glasses. My god… i think we’ve discovered the eternal question….mark.

Why only the most unethical lawyer would say something so ridiculous.

Your comment is a shit show. FFS man. What now?

Your mission if you choose to accept it. Switch the ‘G’ and the ‘d’ so it says ‘ In doG We Trust. Thereby altering the meaning completely. Sit back smoke a joint and watch the chaos ensue

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Jim Jordan is a joke of a man.

Joe Rogan? Isn’t that the guy who murdered Archduke Ferdinand and started World War One?

These reanimated corpses have been in power for way too goddamned long. They can barely carry the weight of their own clothes FFS. Just. Go away.. I bet they park their shit boxes on the sidewalks too. Bastards the lot of them.

I’m curious if they’ll build any fleet carriers? Large super carriers are a sort of requirement for fighting on the vast Pacific Ocean. Or any ocean really.. but especially the biggest (the best ocean)….

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PSA: Please don't stick your dick in reddit, as it is fucked enough already.

Yes. A rich persons assets are protected by law. Whilst your life is considered secondary at best. Laws are primarily written to protect assets of the rich. It’s always been that way. From the Roman senate to the US senate. They are/were all rich land owners. Land which they stole from the natives, and enslaved them. There is nothing strange about this. This is just how we do things as a species. So a better question would be. How do we break this destructive cycle that has plagued our (human) civilization since its inception?

That's some commie quitter talk right there spits

Don’t forget the infrastructure failures either. You know.. the train derailments, the collapsing bridges, the tens of thousands of people killed on our roads everyday. Point out that the right is waging a culture war at the expense of public safety. This is really fucking dangerous. Good luck as I am not sure much can be done because words have become meaningless.

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Hey! Look at Elon point his psychopathy at his critics! He’s on the verge of a collapse.

Have..we tried cutting taxes??? I’m sure that will fix everything AND solve world hunger. All we need is more rich people to trickle down on the disaster areas.

You're a tone deaf wanker

You vote for the Siberian candidate then. RFK is a Wagner shit weasel.

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What made Reddit so special were dedicated users like you. Glad you’re on the fediverse. I love the vibe of this place. It reminds me of 2011 Reddit.