Adkml [he/him]

@Adkml [he/him]
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Joined 1 years ago

Because they actually just want to still be on reddit.

Fuck off lol you do it then if it's such a trivial task.

"Ungrateful" yea they should be super grateful for making a little over 10 bucks an hour to listen to this kind of self important bullshit.

Feel the same way about restaurants that don't have prices on their menu.

Basically assume "if you have to ask you can't afford it" because if the price wasn't an immediate deal breaker they wouldn't be withholding it.

Same with job listing, of they don't list the salary it's because they know that stating the salary would make you less likely to apply.

Yea takes an impressive level of self awareness to go from "you work for us" to "no you don't deserve more money" to "why arent you personally catering to me more" in that amount of time

Tools and sports equipment especially if it's something niche.

People shit on harbor freight but if you need a new tool or something for a hobby it's probably not something you're going to use often if youve already soent any significant tiem doing that hobby.

Buy the cheapest version of it and of you use it enough to either break it or figure out what parts of the design you don't like it's a good sign spending a little extra on a better version isn't a waste.

Especially getting into a new hobby avoiding the urge to buy expensive shit right at the beginning because you think it'll make you better at the thing.

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Live in upstate new york so unless I throw my ballot at Biden so hard he dies my vote will have exactly zero effect on federal elections.

So voting for people who think public education is a positive and not communism in local elections where the differential is 12 votes and writing in Hunter Biden for president because it's funny.

Because 90% of jobs don't just let you do leisure activities on the clock and doing literally anything makes time go faster than sitting around doing literally nothing.

Catholics do a bunch of stuff other Christians think makes them not Christina.

The biggest one is the pope, catholic lore says the pope is the literal spokesperson for God on earth all other religions he doesn't have authority.

Idolatry: other Christian religions don't have a lot of images of saints or anybody other than christ and basically think catholics are wrong for worshipping Mary and saints on the same level as Jesus. Similarly it's the difference between catholic crucifixes (has the dead guy on them) vs regular crosses

Transubstantiation: according to catholic lore when the alter boy rings the bell that is LITERALLY the body and blood of christ you're eating. Pretty sure other religions think this is a step too far.

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In the later books Harry gets a slave and doesn't free him but its ok because the slave is rude.

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In the run up to brevity people were literally saying "were tired of listening to experts" who were saying it would be a bad idea.

Were you not around for the last 4 years when half the country decided all doctors were working together and lying?

How about our populations response to climate scientists.

Or the universally agreed on hatred for any college degree that isn't sufficiently marketable as "worthless"

The only way I can imagine saying you've never seen anti intellectualism is you don't know what you're looking for.

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In high school my graduating class was 38. The one before us was 21, the one after 18.

Coincidently there was a massive blizzard that snowed everybody into their house for a week about 9 months before my birthday.

God in a campaign defined by hilarious self inflicted pratt falls I can't believe they slapped Tim Karnes dumbass into Hillary vp slot.

And then tried to whitewash him as "your boring uncle (please don't look into any of his actual policy positions)"

Frankly I don't think there much boring about the genocide the corporatist is enabling.

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Reddit already naturally lashes out at anything that threatens white male hegemony Twitter he actually had to rip down a bunch of guardrails to get it to the shitshow it is now.

Reddit is doing the work for free.

Good point I'd put hardware like screws and nails themselves in the same category of stuff it's worth not getting the cheapest version of.

Tell liberals they have to vote for Stein because it's her turn.

Setting aside all the legal reason people have outlined its important to rmeber this is America.

If a rich enough person wants you dead they'll shoot you in the head on the front porch of your home in broad daylight in front of your neighbors and then the cops will say no crime happened and the news will say that person always lived there.

Rich people can and do act however they want without consequences and our entire judicial system is just set up as a smokescreen to point to to tell poor people that isn't the case.

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Lost my main account when theybgot rid of third party apps, that account was banned from news subreddits for calling g chuds fascists and dumbasses so now every new account gets suspended for "ban evaison" so now it's basically just a lib take aggregator I can't interact with

Didn't downvote you but the only difference I've seen and heard about as far as how things are going for minorities is when there's a dem president libs tell minorities to stfu because they're making them look bad.

When there's a republican president libs pretend to support blm, when there's a dem president libs tell them they're secretly republican russians.

Try telling a lib the concentration camps on the border are still a problem and you'll get a lecture about how it's a way more compassionate concentration camp now.

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All the adds look like posts and all the posts are actually just adds now.

Has anybody seen that shitty boomer comic that's been boosted to the top ad space on every YouTube video for the last two weeks.

Those have been the top post on comics for the last two days.

It is primarily bots advertising to each other at this point and liberals circlejerking each other that they're the good guys for "critically" supporting nazis.

If you avoid everyone who supports Israel in this fight you won't have anyone to vote for.

Yea I'm aware that's why I'm writing in hunter Biden.

After voting for people who explicitly said they dont care about my support only to be blamed for their failures I'm putting my foot down and not voting for anybody enabling a genocide.

Don't worry I live in upstate new york so unless I literally wad up my ballot and throw it at Biden so hard he dies my vote will have literally zero effect on the presidential race and I'm aware this is a very privellaged position to have.

I'm also voting straight working families party in local elections which usually get about 80 votes and the working families party candidate is the same as the dems.

"Who doesn't like bicycles"

proceeds to list every bullshit anti bicycle talking point I've ever heard

Damn those entitled cyclists acting like they're entitled to use the road without getting run over.

Which really highlights how stupid and funny the "act of god" line is

So has he just randomly decided recently that he wants to spend more time fucking up people's houses or is it maybe that it wasn't just collateral damage of some benevolent beings plans and maybe there's a a more concrete basis for why these weather events occur.

Anti intellectualism is a cornerstone of right wing politics which is gaining steam in lots of countries in Europe.

Yea probably should have included the caveat tools but nothing that would benconsidered a safety device.

I'm also not buying fall prevention anything for as cheap as possible.

As soon as the AIs start saying it would make the most sense to equally distribute resources and having 10 people hoarding all the wealth is bad for the economy they're going to get some adjustments real fucking fast.

A quirky trend that was observed by assimov 43 years ago?

That's a hell of a trend

Liberals stay dumb as fuck.

Ask the BLM organizers who committed suicide by shooting themselves multiple times and then setting their car on fire how secure they feel.

Or the person who published the Panama papers, whatever happened to that guy.

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Yea I'm in a small town so I'm aware how rabid and bloodthirsty the chuds are.

I'm not voting for Biden but I also live in New York so I'm privellaged to have the option to do that meaningless protest.

I thunk your spot on with thenlocala support, generally just vote for whoever the working families party candidate is even though 90% of the time it's the same person as the dem candidate but it's a good way to weed out the chuds that just run as dems because this is new york.