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Also locks out anyone not living in the 66 countries serviced by the PSN.

Also now requires giving your personal info to yet another third party and their friends. A third party which has a storied past of losing user data.

I've been told that the armies in many countries use sliding scales of work-rest cycles based on temperature and humidity. For example in Canada, above 35°C you may only have half the crew working 30 minutes on 30 minutes off. Meaning you have 50% of the work being done 100% of the time. Hydration and heat stroke checks are strongly enforced as well. The American army does similar if I've been told correctly.

How American civilians and labourers are not allowed these very same standards is insane to me. People die because of this shit and unions are just okay with this?

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It's not in the EULA at all. A major problem with this change is that PSN is only available in about 66 countries. Locking out the rest of the world from playing without fear of repercussions due to falsified account info.

Also just the shitty problem of having to give your personal info to yet another third party. One who has a long history of losing personal data of its users.

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What the fuck if wrong with you?

In case anyone confuses him with Linus Torvalds:

When I look at American politics it really seems like almost all modern problems can be blamed on Nixon and Reagan.

Okay, sweet. Then that's identical to the system I've been told about for Canadian Forces and similar to what I've seen with other militaries. Crazy how that works. Especially seeing American states that are so pro military and anti-labour fail to meet the basic criteria even the DoD follows.

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You're disgusting. Instead of worrying about the plight of millions you and your buddy here decide to objectify women who have lost their fathers, brothers, husbands and friends to a horrific war.

You disgust me.

It very well could be NATO doctrine. Militaries figured out real quick that you have to keep troops alive long enough to fight. Whereas it seems civilian workers are treated worse.

Funny how the military, being an innately fascist system (meritocracy) also happens to be the most socialist system many countries have. Room and board, fair wages, a viable path to promotion, medical care all in return for your work and possibly your life.

The military radicalized me to democratic socialism.

Bro. Bro.

Belle province, all dressed steamies and an "Italian" Poutine. My god.

Sure as fuck ain't Italian or a good meat sauce but as a combo that shit slaps.

Literally not angry with no evidence.

Perhaps I misremembered what I read from other sources. My memory isn't infallible. The thing I'm angry about has evidence and I made it clear why that upsets me. I also clearly stated that there are only about 66 countries WITH access. Meaning over 130 other nations without access. Including the entirety of the Bulkan states.

Go lick some other corpo's boot.

Certified bootlicker in every one of your comments.

What's troublesome with that is American cups are something like 237ml and a Canadian cup is 250ml, a quart a litre and a gallon 4 litres.

Makes using American recipes a bit finicky. So now I convert recipes to weight. Though I basically never use a scale or measuring cup when actually cooking.

Define authentic taste for me.

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