Adramis [he/him]

@Adramis [he/him]
3 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The ActiBlizz merger needs to be shot down and Microsoft Games needs to be forced to split off from Microsoft. This tactic of "Make all the money in one sector, then use that unlimited money to invade another sector, force small businesses out by operating at a loss, and then enshittifying the entire sector to a state worse than it was originally" has to stop - across all sectors.

If you can't survive in your own sector on your own merits without money from Daddy Corpo, you deserve to die.

I also hate that Spencer talks like "sitting on a big pile of cash" instead of gambling it on the market is fucking stupid. Classic "NOW NOW NOW" American capitalism.

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Post: Uses the word normies in a positive sense and literally says it's great that gaming is more accessible

Fediverse: Is this a neckbeard?

It's amazing that a non-slur single word can get y'all so fucking bent out of shape. It was worth a double take, but not shitting on the entire post. It's literally a post about a non-traditional gamer / not-power-user / etc person finding a sense of community and fun because of the rise of handhelds. Is shutting down that discussion over one word worth more than seeing the good in recent trends?

I hope we continue to see more good handhelds get made - I'd personally love a Steam Deck, but seeing Valve get some good competition would be good for the technology (not you, Apple / Meta). Maybe I'm just too old, but I'd love to see slide-out keyboards again...

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Oh no, CrImInAlS. We'd better make sure only big corps can use this tech and legislate against individual use. /s

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Bi transman here - the answer to your question is because queer people have a lot of misandry. There's been a great movement to push people to recognize their misogyny, but misandry is still largely acceptable and even popularized to some extent. Because people equate "masculine" with "privileged", people equate men with the shitty assholes in their life who have put them and other queer people down, even when the men they're talking to have always been allies and often haven't had a lot of the privileges people think they've had. There's lots of axes of oppression, but even so queer men especially often lose a lot of the male privilege people assume they get.

I've had transwomen tell me that men should be rounded up and killed, and when I said that was sexist, told that included me. I've had non-binary people tell me that they identify as transmasc but not as a transman because men are toxic - even knowing that I am a transman. That person was a long-term 'friend' of several years. I've had multiple people say they'd feel safer in shared spaces if there weren't men present, even while I was sitting there, as another queer person trying to find a safe space.

It's a really big problem in the community that has gone largely unaddressed. I think things are getting better, but it's extremely hard not to feel isolated from the only community that is supposed to be accepting of us.

FWIW though the video is supposedly talking about that problem and how to make it better. It's a god-awful title for a community that's supposed to be very caring and careful about people's trauma, though, and proves the point that the community is much more accepting of misandry than of misogyny. If someone posted a video titled "Why we hate bi women" with the thumbnail of "Don't date bi women", it would probably have already been removed for being triggering, even if the point is to lampshade the problem.

There's lot of us out here, even if it doesn't feel like it. I'm really hoping we'll find more spaces that are really, actually accepting of us.

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Why wouldn't it happen for Game Pass? It's happened for every new service. Start them with a great deal to undermine all competition because you can eat the cost and they can't. When the competition dies, slowly start enshittifying it, until it's as bad or worse than the original. Arguably Microsoft is already starting that process by killing off the $1 demo.

Microsoft isn't going to pass up free money, and if anything this email conversation confirms that they're drooling, waiting for the "fuck them over the barrel" stage.

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Then you fundamentally don't agree with the principles behind federation, and the fediverse might not be for you. It's funny that you are mad and "want to curate your own browsing experience", but aren't willing to put in the effort to run a simple script (, pick an instance or a few that match your stance (they're out there and much more common than the niche Beehaw serves), or start your own instance.

Do you know how much effort being federated with spam factories / outrage machines generates for the mods and admins? When you depend on individual blocking, you get to click and forget about every bad actor or community. You don't see the ongoing hours that mods and admins have to pour in to dealing with that actor or community as they keep spitting out garbage.

Also, good thing you're on a very unlocked instance then. If you're mad about your instance doing whatever, then take it up with your admins, not Beehaw. Beehaw is a uniquely curated instance primarily intended to serve as a space where queer people don't have to get bombarded with non-queer people being ignorant. We deal with that enough in real life.

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Peak "WTF" moment. I'm really sorry you went through that.

Hopefully stuff like this video means that things are getting better - I hope that translates into better experiences for you in the future.

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It's great to not be 'chained by societal expectations' - but some people want to look like the traditional American 2023 cisgender man. That's not being chained by societal expectations, that's expressing our gender identity the way we want to. Let us have our space and our discussions without subtly acting like being non-binary is morally superior to being binary.

As a transman 3 years on T I don't even agree with some of his advice, but it's important for transmen to be able to have these sorts of conversations and give-and-take without everyone breathing down our necks.

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Are they also going to alter their stance that Planned Parenthood and a children's hospital aren't charity?

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It's not happening for Game Pass right now. If Microsoft hoovered up Nintendo and all the other companies, leaving Game Pass with little competition, they'd flip in an instant. Then you'd have not only Nintendo games for an overpriced subscription, you'd have Nintendo and everything else Microsoft bought for an overpriced subscription, where Microsoft can do whatever they want because only they have the rights to those games.

I'm not arguing Nintendo's subscription services doesn't suck ass, I'm arguing that Microsoft would do the same thing if they got their mits on Nintendo's catalog, except potentially worse because they have more 'exclusive content' to lock-away in their garden and they can force their BS into Windows.

"Those are very human emotions to be feeling" isn't a valid answer, though. It's an internal, unfair bias that hurts other people, and that shouldn't be acceptable in a community that is trying to be all-inclusive.

Not sure what I'm going to do when this hits my state. We passed our "child only" bill last year. I don't live near a border and my job is strict in-person only.

I technically have the resources to move and have at least some job prospects, but there's huge swaths of my community that don't. Also, effectively outlawing trans existence in a state guarantees that no one will be left to vote for it, effectively pushing more states red. We can't even rely on the Supreme Court to strike these down...

I've heard Minnesota is good, but that's extremely far from me, and I have moderate-severe SAD so I worry that living that far north would be the end of me. Maybe I'll have to go for "might be the end of me" over "will currently be the end of me".

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42.2%, or 3 million people, didn't. You always have to remember that there are literally millions of people who desperately didn't want this.

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Are these actual "major health issues", or is this standard level anxiety/depression? The article doesn't really clarify, and I get the feeling that's on purpose.

“There are people out there who I think are trying to play both sides of the game,” said Jerome Limoge, an aviation medical examiner in Colorado Springs who gives physicals to hundreds of pilots a year. “They’re being encouraged by VA to claim everything. Some of it is almost stolen valor.”

If they get put through the meat grinder that is the US military complex, maybe they should be able to claim the benefits they deserve. This is just veteran-flavored welfare queen rhetoric. And it's not like VA benefits are worth shit anyway...

There's a line to walk between preventing tragedies like Germanwings Flight 9525 and putting undue stress on pilots. This both puts undue stress on pilots and ironically makes a similar disaster more likely. Bringing the hammer down on people with mental health problems doesn't make them go away, it just makes people go undiagnosed and untreated.

It's not strictly anti-trans, but it does erase entire swaths of people who are able to give birth but who aren't women. Birthing person is inclusive of women and everyone else. I don't understand the problem.

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"Quantifiable harm" might be a distinction to draw here. There are immediate, obvious, and potentially life-long physical complications from a jack-ass style competition that are literally physically tangible. There is no arguing with "Little Timmy's ball got kicked off and he's going to be a eunuch for life." The 'harm' caused by children attending a story time with a drag performer isn't quantifiable in the same way.

Generally better, but it's contextual. Someone saying with a surprised tone "It was pretty good" implies that it's better than good and better than expected, and that the person might not have expected it to be good. Someone saying with a muted or dull "It was good..." would be worse than "pretty good" and implies that it was acceptable but disappointing or mediocre.

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+1 for all the advice here, with one extra one: Make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet. Your muscles are getting torn up, and that's good - that'll make them grow back stronger! But only if you're getting enough protein to build them back. I boil up 6 of these guys at a time and pop two a day for breakfast for just a little extra protein:

Is that the fault of the admins, trying to stem a tide of reports and problems, or is that the fault of some users, not being willing to open a second tab in their browser? It sucks to have to maintain different accounts, but it's a lot less deleterious than the alternative.

I think if there were strong mod tools, your argument would make more sense (though I'd probably still disagree), but especially with the utter lack of mod tools, it just isn't feasible.

IndustrialCraft still exists:

BuildCraft never moved forward past the block ID change in 1.12, but it's still updated, IIRC.

Forestry hasn't been updated in a long time, but with the addition of bees in vanilla there's new bee mods to play with:

Logistic Pipes also didn't make it past the block ID change in 1.12, but there are a variety of new storage mods like xNet, Integrated Dynamics, Applied Energistics 2, etc.

My personal opinion is that minecraft modding is a lot quieter than it used to be because Microsoft has been playing down the Java version (the moddable version) and playing up the version you have to pay for addons / mods (Bedrock). But there's probably a lot of things contributing - aging demographic of the Java version, the fact that the mod API never happened and never will, disillusionment with M$, etc.

There was literally an article either yesterday or the day before with the headline "AI being used to ban books in Iowa" or something to that effect.

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It makes me kind of sad to see so many people happy that the accent is going away. It's good to have diversity, and the thought of my "native" accent becoming extinct makes me sad. I don't want bad people to have a claim to an entire accent and culture, especially since the death of the accent won't do anything about the bad takes. There's a lot that good about southern culture - taking things slow, being laid-back in a world that wants you to run around like a chicken with your head cut off, and forming tight communities with the people around you. I just wish there was a way to reclaim that without feeling afraid that people would assume I support the bad parts, too.


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Only for Democrats, unfortunately.

It's an unpopular opinion and even I don't know how I feel about it, but I almost feel like democrats should run until they get voted out same as Republicans. Because of her being a good person, this seat is now back in contention and the democrats don't have the incumbent advantage they should. Until everyone is forced to play by the rules, one side playing by the rules and the other not just means that the side that flaunts the rules will win.

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You good bro?

Blink three times if you need help.

What is that? /s

They've made everything else as inconvenient as possible, that extends to vote-by-mail too. To request a mail ballot in Florida, you literally have to call, mail, or fax an individual person. How fast do those requests get processed? How often do they get denied for BS reasons? What happens if the person's voter registration gets purged between the request for the ballot and receiving the ballot? How often do mail-in ballots just 'disappear'?

There's just so many problems with mail-in that it doesn't feel like a sustainable, reliable replacement for in-person voting.

Because everything sucks and we're all going to die?

Yeah, the polycules I've met have all been hot messes that caused a lot of pain for everyone involved (and adjacent). At least a few have this attitude of "Monogamous people are prudes and need to open up, polyamory is HoW hUmAnS sHoUlD lIvE". Maybe it's just bad luck, but as a result I generally keep a bit more distance with my poly friends.

I'm assuming that "big pile of cash" is their emergency fund - Spencer implies as much when he says that it serves as an impediment to buying them out.


I can't imagine the pain of having your sight taken away, getting it partially back, and then having it taken away again purely by corporate greed.

Would go toddler hunting for that sweet face, 10/10 good boy

For me: Get a decent news aggregator. Check it once a day as part of another routine to help reinforce it as "This is a thing I do once a day when I do X (eat breakfast or whatever)". Close the news aggregator. If you want to scroll something, get a decent non-news aggregator. Bonus points if the aggregators are on totally separate websites so that you have less temptation.

Didn't even think about that, that's a valid point. Thank you for bringing that up.

+1 for Majesty. The combination of fawning over your champions while also absolutely cursing those stupid useless fuckers was fun.

Snake Pass - "What does a platformer look like without jump (or a regular walk for that matter)?" It's really fun and unique.

The article says that a lot of people catch fibers from their clothes, but like...I don't feel like my shirt gets into my belly button? I wonder if the survey from 2002 also took into account weight.

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This is lovely! An upgrades system would be really neat - like buying more cores, or bigger memory, or shooting users in the head when they don't log out after completing five tasks

Okay, got it. I was like "...worse than literally right-wing, genocide supporting, actively shutting down leftist organization on Twitx Elon Musk???"

This is really neat! How much did everything cost in the end, and are you going to get some kind of case for it?