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Joined 1 years ago

Another article specified that they were literally found stabbed to death. How the fuck is there not foul play involved? Sounds like the AG is in on it or at least permissive of anti-LGBTQ+ violence.

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It feels disingenuous at best to lump in people making $60k/year with Jeff Bezos and other billionaires. Just twelve billionaires account for 2,100,000 homes worth of emissions, and that's only the raw output of their travel and other direct expenses:

Yes, we can all do our bit to help out, but workers pointing fingers at other workers will only ever benefit the ruling class.

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Possums have one of the lowest size:lifespan ratios of any mammal, living just two years at maximum. The fuck up indeed. ;~;

Probably because it's Chinese spyware.

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Lazy people who automate their own tasks so they do less work - efficient.

Lazy people who pass off work to other people, causing them to get snowed under no matter how efficient they are - garbage shitsacks.

That looks both fun and painful AF. Kicks are no joke.

Living in a red state, I would? It's not every year that an elected official gets whacked, even one that's a member of a hated minority. For reference, there's been 57 assassinated government officials in the US total:

Saying "Eh this is just par for the course all countries are like this" feels like it minimalizes the problem.

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Looks more like a political hit job - see and

Show me someone saying "This is fine", and I'll show you someone who has the privilege to not fear whether they're going to be blocked out of society for the crime of...existing. This is only the first step to "All businesses, including businesses required for life, can discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals". Y'all are unhinged.


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It was true in KY. The hardest anti-trans candidate got shit on in the GOP primaries, then Cameron lost too. We still have issues with state representatives because gerrymandering but at least governor went well.

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How many Palestinians, and Muslims in general, are allowing their judgement to be clouded by the Israel/Gaza situation to the point where they’re actively saying “Down with Biden, consequences be damned”? Some of them are openly willing to accept a Trump presidency simply because it’s not Biden.

I think the thing that really gets me about this sentiment is "Do you really think Donald Trump would've killed fewer Palestinians?" Killing brown people is a Republican past-time at this point. I understand being angry to the point of self-destruction if you think hurting yourself might help someone else, but this isn't even that. It's literally self-destructive and would make the very thing they're mad about worse. For my sanity I have to believe this is like some tiny twitter echo chamber that the media is blowing up for clicks.

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Looks good! :) You're going to kill it - good luck!

I don't think you understand what rural means. There were people who had to travel 1 hr+ by car to get to the local grocery store where I came from. An ebike isn't appropriate for places where you may need to travel 60+ miles, and/or in snow or bad conditions that might persist for weeks, and/or in ungodly hot / humid conditions that also persist for weeks. All three of those are true for decent swaths of the year in my area.

Hear me out...

our local pizza place has something similar to the cookies and cheese. It's actually good. I have no idea why it works but it does.

Is part of ADHD inattentiveness not making the bottom ellipse a circle? :P

I don't know how to deal with it with 99% of people, but between my wife and I we have a system. When someone is talking and the other has a response they want to say to something, they hold up their finger. The speaker then wraps up their thought and gives the other person room to speak. It isn't foolproof but it helps a lot. We both have the problems you're describing otherwise / we still have those problems, but it's better than otherwise.

Explain like I'm a boomer (specifically who is on the right and how do they relate to Nixon?)

One weird accordion

I hate the menthol ones, but the ricola herb drops are the shit. Obviously they aren't going to numb you up as hard as the menthol ones, but they feel helpful without being overpower.

As a member of the current media boogeyman group who is facing legal bans from receiving life-saving care: Can we please get our shit together? I get it, it doesn't feel good to vote for a candidate who does bad things. You know what's worse? De facto electing someone who does that same shit to a worse degree, who also does literally everything else wrong. I voted Stein in 2016 and have regretted it ever since. It didn't make anything better. I don't even feel like I "stuck it to the Dems". We all just suffered as a result. Please don't make my mistake.

Across three different organizations, I’ve watched five members of IT fired for their arrogance. If you’re interested in doing this, simply hire an attorney, bring the smart person into the room with the arrogant idiot, and make it clear that someone in that room is not going to work for the organization in two weeks, and then explain the situation.

I don't understand this. What happens when you do that?

He did. It passed because we have a simple majority veto override, but the sentiment still counts.

They're literally cockroaches. Even Wikipedia agrees: Fuck that hotel, lol

Yeah, if they can take even some of the hair out, it can save you down the road. Where we are laser is "Pay a lump sum for life-long laser on a given area", while electrolysis is per session - IDK if that's how it is where you are.

Also, laser is one of those things where how well it works varies vastly by the equipment and the wielder. Even if the place you went wasn't able to help you much, going somewhere else might work out better. My wife has had great results with Milan laser, and they seem to have very recent equipment. Supposedly their equipment works well even on dark skinned people, but we can't vouch for that.

Yeah, TCL was the front-runner when I was looking for a non-smart TV until I saw that. :( I ended up just going with a samsung and hoping for the best. I've not noticed anything annoying, but we're probably going to switch back to a PC hooked up to the TV with all the subscription problems / price jacking lately.

Yeah, that's fair. FWIW it's still uncommon enough that "Eh it happens" isn't reasonable.

Nongshim Kimchi ramen. Shew-ee

⭐ Quizzle 30 8/20

⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨 🟨⬛🟩

Guess number buddies!

FYI the bottom link is broken (but it's easy enough to get there, lol)

So...doesn't that mean that 538 is literally just the name with nothing behind it anymore?

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Also, Light. Who TF names their kid Light and then expects him not to have a god complex?

I have something called Dr. Squatch's Wood Barrel Bourbon. It's a bit strong for my taste but it smells nice and controls the sweating better than Old Spice Mysterious Ocean Bits (which also smelled good).

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I stopped using Dr Squach when I found out their toothpaste omits Flouride for REasOnS.

Ugh, gross. Thanks for the heads up. That's a shame.

I agree that kicking the can down the road isn't going to help anything at this juncture, but it isn't a good idea to fund the government for the next 100 years. The world changes drastically pretty much every year at this point, and funding needs to change with it. We just need actual adults as representatives so it doesn't take the entire legislative session to do the basic upkeep of our nation.

cries in SAD

For real, I think I've gone through the "It sucks that never came out" -> "They're still working on that?!" -> "It sucks that never came out" cycle like three times. The first blog post is in 2018 and it states then that it's been in dev for several years. It's never going to see the light of day, or if it does, it's going to be a conceptually outdated, buggy mess that's barely duct taped together. It's just so incredibly hard to dev for that long across multiple engines without it turning into a disaster.

I'd love to be proven wrong, though...


Your meme made me happy. Checkmate atheists

+1 for Bitwarden, wife and I use it and it works well. It lets you securely share passwords for free.