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Joined 1 years ago


They massively changed the UI in 2019, in version 2.8. Hasn't changed much since then though.

If you remember Blender having a bad-looking light grey UI and no support for multiple workspaces, that's the old version.

not really a joke article because the guy did make it, but it also isn't a product, it was just an 'art project' by the guy

"you now have to spend more money to survive" -> "people are now spending more money" -> "the GDP is going up" -> "the economy is doing well!"

They can't. AI has hallucinations. Google has shown that AI can't even rely on external sources, either.

"Solved it" for a game just means "approximated it well enough that the average user won't notice".

Here is a link where you can view these edits.

If your goal is to make everyone traumatized and live in fear of the government from a young age, then sure

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I doubt its ai - I don't think AI would get that guardrail that consistent. It has that little hole in the exact same place over every bar, even the distant ones. Although, why is the guardrail double sided when there's no road on the other side?

Nevermind, I found it on google maps.

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For Stable Diffusion, it comes from images on Common Crawl through the LAION 5b dataset.

it seems like the physical limits in the strength of cubes are probably becoming a problem lol

Those are some pretty beefy motors. Its interesting that they don't have a link to a product page for the motors on the video, as I assume that was the primary justification for the project.

Shader programming, except if you actually tried that it would just be all black

That's great, I hear CD Projekt has some real problems with overworking their employees.

Edit: (right before cyberpunk released)

Employees at CD Projekt Red, the Polish studio behind the game, have reportedly been required to work long hours, including six-day weeks, for more than a year.

My school in the US had that too, but I don't think any of the teachers even knew about it because they never used it.

If Palestine wasn't oppressed, no one would be joining Hamas and they would have no power. This is a problem Isreal created for themselves.

I recommend this video, it really shows how what Isreal calls peace is still so oppressive.

I would interpret 'the computer forgot my password' as someone accidentally getting logged out of their password manager

A raspberry pi zero 2 w ($15) has 512 MB of ram

These sand things just don’t exist where I am in the US. I remember when I was staying in Europe as a kid the setups with sand and water pumps being the most interesting part of a lot of playgrounds.

Some more youtubers:

  • Sebastian Lague

  • Stefan from CNC Kitchen

  • Sam from Wendover

  • Jason Slaughter (NJB)

  • Reece Martin (RMTransit)

UTF-8 and ASCII are normally already 1 character per byte. With great file compression, you could probably reach 2 characters per byte, or one every 4 bits. One character every bit is probably impossible. Maybe with some sort of AI file compression, using an AI's knowledge of the English language to predict the message.

Edit: Wow, apparently that already exists, and it can achieve even higher of a compression ratio, almost 10:1! (with 1gb of UTF-8 (8 bit) text from Wikipedia)

If an average book has 70k 5 character words, this could compress it to around 303 kb, meaning you could fit 1.6 million books in 64 gb.

You can get a 2tb ssd for around $70. With this compression scheme you could fit 52 million books on it.

I'm not sure if I've interpreted the speed data right, but It looks like it would take around a minute to decode each book on a 3090. It would take about a year to encode all of the books on the 2tb ssd if you used 50 a100s (~$9000 each). You could also use 100 3090s to achieve around the same speed (~$1000 each)

52 million books is around the number of books written in the past 20 years, worldwide. All stored for $70 (+$100k of graphics cards)

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Someone got Linux to boot (very slowly) virtualized on an ESP32. For context, you can get a board with an ESP32 (basically a tiny computer without a power supply or interface) for around $2.

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People call the control system of the Saturn V a computer when it is less powerful and capable by any measure you choose to compare. I'm really just calling it a computer though because a lot of people don't know what the word microcontroller means (this isn't a tech specific community)

Both games are completely free and without any sort of monetization, I do think he definitely should have linked to the original game and taken it down when the original creator asked, but a fan remaking a game doesn't sound that unusual

No-one is profiting, no one is losing anything, why does it matter?

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Reuters is the source, they’re fairly reputable.

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It hasn't been proprietary for a little while, its an official standard now. They had to open it in order to receive government funding for charger construction.

The North American Charging Standard (NACS), being standardized as SAE J3400, is an electric vehicle (EV) charging connector system developed by Tesla, Inc. It has been used by all North American market Tesla vehicles since 2021 and was opened for use by other manufacturers in November 2022. It is backwards compatible with the proprietary Tesla connectors made before 2021. (link)

The real problem was just the person making it being too cheap/lazy to do any sort of safety certification on the submarine (and also picking the cooler sounding material over the one best suited to build a submarine). Don't blame it on logitech.

I would say the distinction is that lemmy doesn't have a personalized algorithm.

The problem is that Biden knows that all of these people will vote for him anyways in the general election, so he doesn't care.

Download wikipedia. Its not only possible, but its actually easy. There are some apps for it, see Kiwix and Just bring a couple phones and some solar panels for when they run out of charge.

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It's still a decent card, probably can still do well at 1080p max settings in most games. Very similar to a 3060 in terms of performance, which is the card I have.

The problem with raytracing is that it's real strengths are in places where traditional rendering doesn't work at all. As soon as raytraced games stop needing a rasterized option, raytracing will really become useful. Most of it's advantages are around dynamic scenes where you can't just bake the lighting, or reflections which without raytracing will break if you look at them slightly wrong.

Edit: Most of the minecraft raytracing implementations are lacking in my opinion, but minecraft is a game that is well suited for raytracing. Really just anything with a dynamic world.

If the internet isn't fun for you, find a community on the internet that you actually enjoy being in. Easier said than done, I know, but the internet is a big place.

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A prediction from 1900 that in the year 2000 everyone would use 'Footomobiles' for transportation. Honestly much preferrable to what actually happened.

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Because that’s expensive and can be done with a camera.

Expensive, as in probably less than $600? Compared to the $35000 cost of a tesla?

(comparing the cost of the iPhone 12 (without lidar) and iPhone 12 pro (with lidar), we can guess that the sensor probably costs less than $200, so 3 of them (for left, right, and front) would cost probably less than $600)

lidar can actually be very cheap and small. Unfortunately, Apple bought the only company that seems to make sensors like that (besides some other super high end models)

There have been a lot of promising research papers on the technology lately though, so I expect more, higher resolution and cheaper lidar sensors to be available relatively soon (next couple years probably).

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Important to point out that a lot of NASA's problems are probably caused by Congress: their attempts to "save money" by re-using designs, the risk of NASA losing funding if any rocket they make fails, their insistence on having NASA support government military contractors, etc

This is a lot of what is preventing them from taking the rapid prototyping and iterative approach of SpaceX.

Every large social platform has groups of people who hate each other, even lemmy. They just all have ways to keep only showing people the posts from groups they support (through defederation and only looking at specific communities, or twitter/youtube/tiktok/facebook's algorithms, etc)

This really reminds me of the latest wendover video. It seems like large companies see small studios as an investment and take any chance to cash out and fire everyone as soon as it’s hurting their short term profits.

You could say the same thing about literally any industry and it would be just as true

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onlyoffice is much more polished than openoffice or libreoffice but a bit less open