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Joined 1 years ago

Just a regular Oklahomie and internet enjoyer.

As a federation shouldn't we start with Diplomacy? This is a prime example. We didn't wait long enough, and it was clarified rather quickly.

Defederation should require more deliberation and unless an immediate emergency shouldn't there be other actions under consideration first.

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Senator Sanders is in lockstep with Biden & rest of Democratic caucus's view here. There is a big push not to lose the path for a two-state solution and to pause West Bank settlement expansion. Wouldn't be surprised if President Biden's friend Bernard consulted with him about this beforehand.

19 more...

I was a little bit worried about Shawn's strategy but he married his big pitch to the tried & true method of pressuring Ford first(more family owned & Detroit/Michigan connection to contend with). Proud to say he got a lot a lot of the strong labor points out there in the public. Glad we are seeing benefit from having more labor friendly president(we can always do better but glad we have something).

Why don't they go back to the "Free Market" and fund their own football stadiums. Then go fund their own talent building & recruitment programs instead of relying of public schools as well as public college & universities.

Biden is a great president and best panacea to the ugliness of current politics. Feel free to not like him though. Nothing against polls but it is still far out so even as a Biden supporter I'm not going to wave this poll around like I'm Dean Phillips.

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Turn around don't drown and stay safe out there!

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Twitter really must have lost about all their advertising if they think BrainMush Plus pill advertising might save them.

Its LARPing revolutionist all the way down


I'm not seeing the narrative on Democrats trusting SCOTUS here, Roe was decided in 1973 under the Ford administration. The next Democrat president Jimmy Carter was highly christian & saw only to uphold the law despite disagreeing with it & only viewed expect in the life of the mother. Congress from the 70s-90s still depended on Southern Democrats for any Democratic majority & they were very much opposed to supporting Roe. Even as you get to Bill Clinton he later loses congress to a Republican majority.

Best cases were first term Democratic presidents Clinton & Obama who were both in no position to swing for the fences on large issues that would split their own party(Untested in Obama's time) & who would both see Republicans sweep majorities in congress at re-election time . We are only at this level of support due to hard work of Democrats over the years to rebuild after losing southern voters but it comes at great risk of losing the Senate. Clinton & Obama use to be able to count Ohio & Florida as blue states.

The game of getting consensus & then even winning a legislative victory is tough out there.

Companies are going to hype up AI then fire some staff to get a stock bump & Management high-fives themselves with bonuses. Weeks later contract offers will come up for some odd title but will be the equivalent of a VBA programmer role to help improve the terrible AI responses.

The cost will go up and some web service company will come out to hype it up as a service. The companies that laid off won't admit that this was unnecessary. So a consortium of those companies will got to industry events pitching about how this is all Web 4.0 growing pains to give the customer a more "collaborative" delivery mechanism or something buzz-worthy like that.

An honest soul

We won the war, it's the nation building that failed. Something we don't have to worry about because the rural Chinese would favor a better pension scheme than the crummy deal they have now, and I doubt the CCCP leaders who only favor Bush Jr era business tax cuts would have the best time selling a war to a one-child policy population.

They can just go Dongfeng themselves some more instead of spreading anymore of their authoritarianism anywhere else.

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There you go again; never said we'd do any liberating that is for the citizens to decide themselves. If China goes to war because of their authoritarian leader, the system may unravel & highly likely not be supported by their public. War won't fix their real estate Ponzi scheme that collapsed ruining a lot of people's retirement plans.

Take off the rose-tinted glasses and see past propaganda. You don't know anything about China and their happiness. We are seeing discontent among the working age youth (they stopped publishing stats on it), and they have had plenty of protest squashed. It's not all bubbly (nor is it the worst possible thing). To be honest we can't know because authoritarians despise transparency. They are just happy for rubes like you.

Afghanistan was a NATO Article V in response to 9/11. The guys that supported networks like Osma Bin Laden's & terrorist like him are long gone. NATO reformed the mission in 2015 with the goal of developing an independent, self-sustaining force capable of combating both internal and external threats. It wasn't the preferred government forces that would be duly elected & accountable to the citizens but hey they got there in a way. Now they can have water wars with Iran, get in scuffles with Pakistan, decide if they want a Chinese highway cutting through remote territory, and fight ISIS-K all on their own. The kids grow up quick and get to go their own path like Iraq.

We exited a war with a more different version of our 2015 goals but we it wasn't some combat loss you are thinking of. They are fighting terrorism & standing up for themselves as a nation, not for sure how long but it got there. If I see some ballerinas playing on public TV, maybe I'll change my mind. I just like enjoying my life free from the taste of boot in my mouth and wish the Afghans could have enjoyed that too. But feel free to lick those boots if you want to.

Quick, everyone get more friends and grow that family!

Punted a Bork nomination and had to eat the Thomas one instead. Sucked all round & Bork openly against Civil Rights & Privacy which would have been at odds with Roe.

Never blamed anyone for leaving but use to advocate a lot to push for change in red states like mine but at this point its obvious they are trying to make living in those states untenable for those with a conscious or not completely crushed & apathetic.

I'm the Democrat you probably are referring to. Quite frankly nothing is wrong with your interest in a third party or even having an interest in alternative voting method (Ranked Choice or Star voting) to get a more preferable candidate.

My only thing to bring up is to understand the objective as well as its difficulties. On a federal aspect 'but Trump' is a very real issue. Nobody should be ignorant to harm that having Republicans in the White house & 1 and/or 2 branches of congress is very dangerous & detrimental.

The enthusiasm that people have for wanting to have something better is commendable & shouldn't be discounted. The task to win an executive office is based on electoral college not a popular vote. President Obama & Biden has soon how even that large of an office can be well checked & handcuff to a unaccommodating congress so you need to have more one office to present an alternative. That is fifty sates & with several states having various methods of how they allocate those votes. A third party & Independent candidate run that hasn't spent at least multiple years & decades should really owe potential voters a serious analysis than supposed moral platitudes(There are real harms for Republicans winning). They need concrete real & achievable measurable goals & strategies so their voters can gauge their success a long the way so voters could make rational choices come time for the general election. Democrats & Republicans benefit from a long history of being established players(or the only ones), it can seem unfair but don't be discouraged.

First, read up on your state statues & laws on what it takes to form or be a recognized political party. Then check out some of those recognized especially ones you believe align closest to you. Make sure you aren't reinventing the wheel. You might find out the those parties have platforms you for the most part agree with. Check out those parties state rules & bylaws on how they are governed or operate. If their is possibility to get involved that might be an easier option. There is something meritorious in a state having their own voice or say in a different candidate even if they aren't the presidential pick. Just see how Bernie Sanders's status is viewed as a Independent who caucuses with Democrats. Even as Democrats we got to keep an almost free pickup with Joe Manchin in MAGA country West Virginia & also John Tester in Montana. Distinctions can be made while existing under the umbrella.

There are lots of other avenues to explore that doesn't have to be a national campaign or even a state-wide one. Apathetic voters that don't or rarely do as well as plenty of disgruntled two party members exist to provide a strong base for third parties. Nobody would be upset with third parties increasing the voter pool & providing them with a voice better aligned to their views or interest.

Don't discount the importance of city, county, and state legislators importance in everyone's life. Some states don't prevent minimum wage increases passed at the city level & one insane aspect of RW SCOTUS is municipalities can enact environmental laws they are trying to strip from the federal government. Cities give "incentive" deals to businesses and I've seen them get involved in housing schemes. There are possibilities for improvement. Just Imagine taking that kind of victory separate from Dems or Repubs to the national stage. Also, how much better an individual would feel being involved in that kind of improvement.

(The only challenge would be that both parties at state & federal election filing may challenge petitions to be recognized and later to field candidates with challenges. Easily addressed by CHECKING your state laws. Some states like Florida & Tennessee the party can field their own candidates so check the laws. Be prepared and really try to work on a process to get candidates to support the issues & actions condoned by the group recruiting them. After building a good strong base its really just working on the party's appeal & protect their image from attacks by the Big Two. Establish an ethics committee or other aspect to help guard against accusations. Be accountability & trust in the party but not naive. Not being so paralyzed you have to be afraid but vigilant enough to challenge entryist that are only there to sabotage.)

If Geert forms a government they might re-elect Boris now

Is this similar to Nuclear Diamond Battery that EEVBlog covered years ago?

I'll ask somebody to give him their Thoughts and Prayers^tm^

Heck yes!

I live in a deep red rural area and the MAGA flags and others are out of vogue(granted they were Cheap AF & ruined quickly). I'm not seeing the energy. Even the perennial die-hard "but democrat x bad" have lost their desire to trumpet even a pro-republican slogan. They will vote and most won't change their mind but they are seriously deflated with nothing to rally around with Trump's "retribution only" campaign.

I agree many of the news organizations have changed leadership & most of them are clamoring to get back the audience they had from previously or seeking to "shift tone".

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A little bit of learning curve but getting the hang of it.

I'm not vibing this so see you later federation is such an odd strategy.

They ignore the reality of their suddenly disliking Biden & the lack of time on fielding a viable candidate. They didn't condemn Biden during the 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis. They don't know that Trump halted US funds to UNRWA & Biden reversed that. Skipped out on state Democratic conventions despite polling showing Democrat support for Palestine exceed Israel support & they could have tried to push for party platform changes. If they dislike Biden as much as they claim, then why did they not fund a PAC or challenger years ago?

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Reminds me of CHOP

As soon as I saw it the post, I was like guaranteed its going to be Area C.

Feel free to change their view but be rational about it.

They still have enough time to rally around US House & Senate candidates to advocate for issues such as this. Field a PAC or some kind of effort for 2028 if this is their first foray into single issue voting. Learn about power of down ballot. Get involved with local/state political party perhaps consider joining another one if you are so opposed to the Democratic one.

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So bizarre, you'd think there would be some implicit realities of what is constituted by contracting for grid load power generation & even peaker plants. The grid has to be maintained to function and can't lose frequency even if that does mean shedding there should be key named emergency services that should be maintained that would warrant liability on power generators. This is all upside with little cost or risk & also why there was no effort to coordinate because nobody is responsible.

I'm going to write something bad about you that can legally be disputed, refuted, or might not be verifiable right away. Please host me & that content at your expense. Thank you bye!

-Sincerely Biggest Brained Boy

Thank you,

People who read headlines are being robbed here. I agree following the Forbes article was WAY more helpful and nothing backed up Gizmodo's claim.

All that power and they chose to lord it over us poor Lemmy users.

Strategic Taiwanese-American communication play just got initiated

Nothing has ever changed with US-Israel military sales & cooperation. Biden has never championed that he was ever going to end or limit that. Again why did all the "concerned" voter not make an effort to charge the Democratic party platform or support a candidate or effort from the get go?

Quite frankly I question the seriousness of anyone who just became "concerned" now.

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Crazy to know that millions of Ukrainians are refugees in America & Europe yet there is no desire for neighboring countries to offer any refugee options for Palestinians. Guess none of their neighbors want to risk a repeat of Lebanon & Kuwait.


Maybe the death sentence would be the better option than prison. Not like we are on par with other peers with prisons. Either way I could care less about this one specific case.


Did they provide evidence of this? They mentioned that the users they banned usually came from a few instances but then mostly argued it's too much of a hassle/vibe problem with only 4 mods and went full nuclear.