0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I went from a cheap mp3 player that I could just plug in to my computer and drag in music to an iPod which forced me to download the iTunes bloatware create an account and then took 100x longer to transfer music because of the pointless conversion each file had to undergo. This was my first and last experience with a personal Apple device. Ended up putting some old pop music onto it and giving it to my grandmother after 2 days. Uninstalled iTunes and went back to using my cheap mp3 player until I replaced it with a smartphone.

Coming in as a close second place, an all-in-one Sony Vaoi computer that cost a fortune and had shit performance. Took daily nags to Sony before they took it back and gave me a refund. I find that Sony's hit and miss though. My favourite smartphone (Xperia Play) was Sony, and I love my Sony Bluetooth earbuds. The Sony Smartwatch was shit.

I swear dumbarses like this live in a bubble. Who in their right mind would give their identity documents or bank cards to a porn site? If the UK government enacts this silly legislation it just means UK residents will use non-UK sites.

Some people really need a reality check.

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"When (social media) becomes a tool for organising or for attempting to kill, it's a real problem," Macron said.

One of these things is not like the other.

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The kids don't give a fuck. It's the backwards parents who can't get their mind out of the dark ages that are 'uncomfortable'.

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An open source music streaming service where I can financially support artists but where I'm not forced to put up with annoying advertisements (even when paying membership fees!), and which allows me to use whatever app I want to play the music I listen to. It is annoying AF that I need to switch between apps to listen to music because Spotify's shitty native app is inferior in every possible way with the single exception of offering more content.

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disinformation has no domestic impact

Ow, my head.

A significant contributor to the deadliest man-made disaster in the history of mankind was domestic disinformation in China.

Edit: I misread the comment and didn't see the preceding word 'foreign'. In hindsight my original comment doesn't make sense given this context. I don't agree with OP's comment though. They seem to rely on the idea that, 'China is special and unique (unlike you troglodytes)', as an explanation for how the government behaves in international politics.

I think a different poster explained the CCP's sophisticated methodology better: "no u".

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'Bankruptcy' means an inability to pay your debts. Can he pay $1.5b? Probably not, but does he have money? Yes, he does. He is a multi-millionaire owning at least 5 properties and spends tens of thousands each month on his 'expenses'.

Don't confuse bankruptcy with poverty.

This is the first beef stroganoff post I've seen.

After that stupid beans crap ruined Lemmy for days I blocked every meme community I could; it sounds like this was the right move.

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Some people really have nothing better to do with their time.

I would like to be told that, "You're free to go, we've decided not to execute you", then spend the next day joyfully celebrating on rides at Disneyland, followed by being shot in the head by a professional hitman without my knowledge. If I have to be executed, at least I can die happy... Shame about spraying my blood over all those kids at Disneyland though.

It's clear that most of the people responding to you are being deceptive and crying 'racism' to make themselves feel superior.

This was not a referendum to recognise indigenous people. Whomever titled this article is a liar. It was a referendum to create an advisory body that makes representations to parliament to support a specific race. Contrary to the holier-than-thou crowd around here, many people voted 'No' because they do not agree with permanently enshrining this in the Constitution.

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It's good to show genuine scepticism to what you read, but I can't help but think yours is not particularly honest.

It is extremely clear via auditing the trail of this report that the 'crypto shill site' is negligible to the story. You would have had to go back one step in the chain, stick your fingers in your ears, then ignore everything else from that point onwards to think Coin Telegraph was actually relevant to the reporting of this story.

True or not, here you can find a clear summary, along with screenshots stamped with the seal of the Chengde PD. These screenshots, contrary to your claim, are not at all blurry, and have minimal redaction (to protect the person's privacy).

Given fairly credible and detailed screenshots of a police report, numerous reporting across a number of different websites in both Chinese and English, even a reported GitHub profile of the person in question, I think there's sufficient evidence to believe this is likely a true story.

But you do you.

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Was he happy the next episode?

Edit: Sorry, that wasn't really called for... Go Zoidberg!

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Did they backtrack already? is literally the first result when I Google it.

Sorry, you must have a special character. Oh... Not THAT special character, it has to be a special special character, that one isn't valid. Ah, no, that one's too long. It should be shorter. It needs to be between 11 and 11.5 characters.

Half the time I now just enter random nonsense until it lets me create an account. Then, when I want to access a website/app again, I just 'forget' my password and reset it to some other random nonsense.

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Game is kind of 'meh' at the moment. I paid more for this game than any other in my life, yet I am disappointed in what it's achieved.

The outpost mechanic is completely and utterly pointless, inventory management is a disgrace, questlines are forced and inflexible.

I will revisit in 6 months or so in the hope that modders finish making the game that Bethesda started. I have learnt my lesson to not buy a Bethesda game straight away though.

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My sister got a job with a primarily LLM-written cover letter. When trying to sway someone to your side, how you say something can matter more than what you say.

For people who aren't good at articulating themselves, noting down key dot points about their skills and job history alongside a job description, then asking a LLM to write out a cover letter can be very helpful, even if only to get a rough draft.

As an aside, out of curiosity, I asked ChatGPT 3.5 to rewrite my comment above and got the following, not sure which is better TBH.

My sister landed a job using a cover letter mostly written by a language model. When persuading someone, the tone and style of your message can outweigh its content.

For individuals who find it challenging to articulate themselves, outlining key skills and job experiences alongside a job description, and then seeking assistance from a language model to compose a cover letter, can prove highly beneficial, even if only as a starting point. exposes the consequences of the “fetal personhood movement”, which seeks to legally define fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses as people. The concept, enshrined in expanding anti-abortion laws, has led to increased surveillance and criminalization of pregnant people, with women punished for the outcomes of their pregnancies or other actions that police claim endangered their fetuses.

The way the detention staff acted in this is frankly disgusting. That being said, I don't think it is entirely fair to equate Alabama's frankly stupid abortion legislation with assigning a certain level of rights to a foetus. If a mother intends to carry to full term and is using drugs, I don't think it is fair to the foetus-soon-to-be-person to ignore this.

Who here would like to try and explain to a victim of foetal alcohol syndrome or prenatal opioid exposure that their suffering is morally acceptable because their mother had the right to choose?

It doesn't always need to be one extreme or another, there is a middle ground.

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After turning the word into a noun though, you'll need to know how to turn it back into an adjective. We use "-less" to turn the noun into an adjective.

I prefer PNG because it losslessnesslessly compresses raster images.

I prefer PNG because it uses a losslessnessless algorithm.

I prefer PNG because I love losslessnesslessness.

That's hardly the original source. The second paragraph of that article links to another source again.

Did you even read the comment chain you're responding to? You know, the one where I said it is 'good to show genuine scepticism'? Or the one after that, where I linked the 'unnamed' individual's alleged GitHub?

I am not the one being overly trusting here. I think it is 'likely' that this story is true. I researched it, looked at the significant amount of evidence, and I am still not 100% convinced. That is far more than what I can say for you people replying to me en masse who all assume the story must be an American plot with absolutely no evidence to back up this claim.

Ugh, I need to figure out a way to unsubscribe from replies to a post. You people are bonkers.

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Don't even need to waste my time clicking that link to know it's full of crap. Pretty much every single major cow milk alternative has less sugar than cow milk. And 'chemicals' is a scary word that has no meaning in this context.


I literally, just purchased a subscription to Joplin Cloud! I already pay for Proton Unlimited and was tossing up between Joplin and Standard Notes.

What a bummer... I bet Proton adds this as an additional service to Proton Unlimited.

That followed an alert on Tuesday by ProMED, a publicly available reporting system for emerging diseases and outbreaks, saying that hospitals in Beijing and elsewhere in China were “overwhelmed with sick children” amid outbreaks of pneumonia.

Rather than having my All feed spammed with walled gardens I'd rather mods who don't want outside participation to be able to stop their communities from showing in All.

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I expect to pay more too, albeit very begrudgingly. To develop meat you have to feed vegetables to an animal for months/years and then you need to process the meat in a very specific manner to separate the meat, the offal, and the bones.

A vegetable patty? Just mush it all up and call it a day, maybe add some beetroot extract to give it that 'bloody' colour.

The lack of competition, the lack of consumer demand, and the lack of government subsidies have turned what should be a very cheap alternative into a luxury good.

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Hmm... To debate with a conspiracy theorist or not... Such a difficult choice.

You know what, let me try something different...

You win this debate! I concede! Although I am not an American and don't live in America, I am a stooge of the American imperialists! And yes, like the other 8.1 billion people on the planet (sans you, of course), I live on stolen land! Have mercy!

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Spoken like someone who has never had to deal with corporate 'security' before. Password managers are great, but if your workplace has incompetent IT (e.g. probs 90% of workplaces), then you're SOL and must play the increments game.

Yeah, my bad. It's clear I got stuck on that one point.

Don't forget to check out rom hacks as well. There are so many creative people who have extended or redeveloped games into their own image. Some good ones that come to mind are Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile and Super Mario 64: Last Impact.

How disappointing... At one time Capcom was my all time favourite video game developer, I grew up playing the Breath of Fire series and it remains one of my all time favourite video games. Such a shame that they turned into such short-sighted idiots.

I was looking forward to this game and I would have 100% purchased this if it lacked micro-transactions and the Denuvo bloatware/malware. In their attempt to make more money, they at least received less money from me.

there’s this really cool alternative to streaming, called you buy their shit directly.

Wow, mind blown! I had no idea money could be used to buy things directly! /s

Seriously though, buying music from artists you already know is easy for artists that actually provide this as an option, but it doesn't help when trying to find new artists and songs to listen to. Spotify is brilliant for discovering new content and can't be replaced by 'buying shit directly'.

I learnt my lesson from Starfield; the most expensive video game I ever purchased.... I pre-ordered that tripe and suffered the consequences. Never again.

I am so glad I learnt my lesson and decided to wait for the reviews for Dragon's Dogma 2. Pretty sad that this is the outcome, but I am glad that I decided to wait and see.

Please keep responding to my comments everyone. I've decided to take this as an opportunity to block as many of you annoying mosquitoes as possible so I don't have to deal with you in the future.

it requires a power dynamic to be in play

Tell that to every major dictionary.

You using an out-of-whack definition of the word that almost no one outside of the liberal-arts agrees with is not me being 'misled'. Language is owned by the masses.

I don't care about prosecuting or criminalising in this case. There is already precedent for rehabilitation both voluntary, and in the case where a person's safety is at risk, involuntary.

I don't see why this could not be expanded to include the safety of an unborn child.

Noting specifically that I am talking about drug abuse where a woman intends to carry to term, not about locking women up to force them to give birth. I hate that I even have to clarify, but if experience had taught me anything, people on social media get positively orgasmic when they find something they can willfully misinterpret.

Rather than sharing a useless link, why not specifically say which part of what I wrote was a 'lie'? I'd be very interested to see which part, considering I specifically tailored my comment to adhere as much to the proposed wording in the amendment to avoid sanctimonious people coming and claiming with their noses 10-foot in the air that, 'I was lied to'.

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Only a few sentences later it's specified that they obtained a child abuse certificate for them which came back with 'no records exist'.

Happy to dis silly conservative groups, but it honestly looks like they did their due diligence with background checks.

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This is incorrect. You do not need to log into an account and MicroG works perfectly fine without one. MicroG doesn't use Google Play Services, it replaces it.

What? Who said anything about denying them the right to a home? I said Australia should grant less permanent visas not strip rights from existing permanent visa holders. I am not sure you fully understand what permanent residency is; it's hardly creating second-class citizens. Permanent residency is a transition towards citizenship or an alternative for those who wish to maintain their other citizenship (for countries that won't allow dual citizenship). People who have never travelled to Australia in their life can be granted permanent residency, it makes no sense for these people to immediately be granted citizenship when they don't even know if they like Australia.

My father was a permanent resident for over 30 years before he became a citizen and I honestly don't think he ever experienced an issue.

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