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Joined 1 years ago

To be fair, every single project regardless of proprietary or open source has a backlog like that. It's just that open source projects show the backlog and don't have marketing people telling what is and is not in the backlog.

No, it's not part of Islamic history, it is part of Islamic theology.

Most Muslims are Sunni, and within Sunni Islam there are 4 schools of jurisprudence. All four of these schools have deemed it acceptable to marry a girl off as soon as she is born, and hand her over to her rapist when she turns 9 years old or bleeds.

While most Muslims are anti pedophilia, the Islamic sources and clerics are not. It is a huge problem where I'm from.

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Someone needs to make this Musk's official title. Chief-Fuck-Upper. I also heard Chief-Twit circling around.

Can we perhaps add a list of notable titles to his Wikipedia entry?

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If we are lucky, it'll end with Musk's bankruptcy.

My long term objective is to never print a document in my life.

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Can we get a discovery channel special that details everything revealed during this discovery?

Thank you for the warm welcome. Any tips and tricks for us Reddit refugees?

There is a lot more to a game engine than just graphics, although that's an important piece of the puzzle.

Input, sound, physics, networking, collision detection, path finding, scripting...etc are all important parts that are handled by the engine.

To be fair, usb3 has been around since 2008. Surely apple could have afforded to pay 3 more cents per phone to support that.

On my phone I switched to Element X because Element would take up to a minute to sync messages. I'm willing to put up with the reduced feature set, as long as actual messages fucking arrive in time!

Sorry, you need hardware.

If you are doing a ton of encoding, you could even get specialized hardware like amd alevo (spelling?) card which enables you to encode even AV1.

That being said, what are you doing that requires you to encode h.265 on ancient hardware?

Mainly C++ with a sprinkling of Python and Rust for fun.

Used to code KDevelop, now VSCode. Build in a regular terminal (I prefer Meson over Cmake, both end up producing Ninja files.) Debug with valgrind, gdb and ddd. Push to Gitlab for my personal projects.

I use Docker for my test environments as it's easy to bring them up and restore them to mint condition, and it ensures that the longer running tests with side effects don't interfere with one another.

Then they wouldn't be able to sell their phones in the EU. Regulators may be stupid, but even they can see that it's a blatant disregard to the rule of replaceable batteries.

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and sells batteries to the other auto makers.

My limited understanding of the matter is that their batteries are overpriced and nothing special compared to alternatives.

The real game changer that seems to be coming down the pipeline is the solid state battery Toyota has been teasing. If they manage to bring that to market while holding important patents on the technology it's basically game over for other kinds of battery for EVs.

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Hex screws are pretty standard. I'm not a lawyer, but I'd imagine they would be acceptable.

That being said, I never understood the reason to have 5 different types of screws around. Can we just have one type for everything?

We need u/fuckswithducks over here

I'll transfer a bunch of audio books to and from my phone every once in a while. Since they are FLAC files I certainly do appreciate the additional speed from having a protocol that's not yet old enough to drink.

And in case someone missed the reference: USB 2.0 was released in the year 2000.

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You can see evidence for God every time you boil yourself a bowl of spaghetti. He boiled for our sins, repent to the Flying Spaghetti Monster!


Nobody is getting swayed, but your gf may be tempted to move away, opening the place for more Muslims and creating a Muslim area.

I've been using Konsole since switching to Linux with the KDE 4.0 release. Never felt the need to switch.

Only thing I wish it supported is Tmux control mode.

If you have to print, that's probably the best option. I'm just happier without any of this.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Probably. Especially with phone cameras becoming so good that we now need to transfer multi GB video files.

Watch Bosh change their tune a mere days before this law becomes effective.