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Joined 1 years ago

With Chrome killing ad blocking, they'll quickly care

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They've not fallen in perception to those whose medical opinion matters

I've been a Firefox user for ages on all my devices and I have no idea what you're talking about

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I'm from France. Getting a rifle is pretty easy, you "just" have to get a psych evaluation and a shooting club registration / hunting license. But that gets you long, manual weapons with small magazines. You can keep the gun if your license expires.

Then you can get a stronger license if your shooting club vets for you. This allows you to get handguns and semi auto rifles.

Any auto gun or explosive is basically only authorized for use for the military.

Oh and anything that can be used as a weapon is prohibited from being carried around in public spaces (yes, it is that vague), and protective equipment is subject to authorization as well (gas masks, bulletproof vests etc)

You can read more on Wikipedia

Edit: Wikipedia does not seem to explain it, but A class weapons are basically military only. B class is what you get through shooting club vetting. C class is for anyone registered by a club / hunting license. D is adults only, with exceptions for criminals etc

I don't get why they put a shield icon?

Well there is also human cost for development, PR etc, which also probably costs a lot

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Why are you threatening me with a good time

Privacy Badger does break a lot of websites too

Gotta feed the family tho

Do you have a post clarifying how uBlock got prepared? I can't seem to find anything

It's not lemmy it's just one instance of Lemmy

As insignificant as it was I actually liked having karma

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True but still funny

Is this any news to people in the US? In France there is no way you're pulling out your phone from your pocket, or your parents have to get it from the supervisor (or you can get it back yourself at the end of the day depending on the school rules)

But you have a computer at your disposition when it's relevant

I very much disagree with the "no downvote" opinion. It leads to homophobic, racist and generally bigoted comments getting much more displayed appreciation than they should (see: any YouTube comments interaction).

You can say it's the job of the moderation to take care of that kind of hateful content, but I prefer that content to be displayed as a rejected and challenged onpinion rather than not addressed or ignored. And for that, a quick downvote + sourced debate is better than an unending thread of wordsoup where even the most hateful argument only gets shown some love in the form of upvotes.

Sorry, I thought you were saying in subtext that we should only judge based on accusations since evidence is hard to get for abuse cases. My bad!

Ah yes, do compare a reality show to a fiction cartoon. I'm sure Top Chef has such a greater impact culturally than Breaking Bad

But should you stop killing gay people because they're an abomination in the eye of god, or would that be a sin 🤔

Not sure, it seemed off at first but the app is fairly easy to use now, it's just adaptation

Why ask 💀

The estimated free labor done by mods is valued at around 3.5m a year, how are they gonna find that amount of manpower? And how are they gonna properly vet these mods in such short notice?

Mods already are carefully picked and yet slips happen often, if they rush a replacement (which they will have to do if they force new mods) then moderation issues will be a big issue on reddit

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How did you do that?

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If you weren't killing kids, displacing families, and generally a colonial ethnostate we would love to visit israel.

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Magnitude of force of a 40yo vs. a teen makes the self defense acceptable imo

Not being found guilty IS being found innocent, that's how justice works

So we should be satisfied ruining people's lives based on accusations alone?

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