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Joined 1 years ago

And cow feed is also grown with tons of pesticides and you need much more of it for less tissue at the end.

I have hard time seeing clothing with a bigger environmental than leather.

Most surprisingly, the inspectors observed barefoot employees working in a sterile area of the facility, where they should have been wearing shoes—plus gowns, gloves, and shoe booties. (The barefoot workers were also not wearing gowns or gloves.) A production manager puzzlingly told FDA inspectors that shoeless work is "standard practice."

They were supposed to cover everything including the feet.

I'm afraid that would not be sufficient.

These instructions are a small part of what makes a model answer like it does. Much more important is the training data. If you want to make a racist model, training it on racist text is sufficient.

Great care is put in the training data of these models by AI companies, to ensure that their biases are socially acceptable. If you train an LLM on the internet without care, a user will easily be able to prompt them into saying racist text.

Gab is forced to use this prompt because they're unable to train a model, but as other comments show it's pretty weak way to force a bias.

The ideal solution for transparency would be public sharing of the training data.

They gave them a birth control shot without properly informing them of what it was. Still scandalous, but not what you are saying.

Even if 99% of it would evaporate that would still be a ridiculous amount of power.

But Bill Gates proved that diversifying a stock of mainly one company while having that company keep all its value is possible. Elon Musk is horrifyingly rich like it or not. His power and the damage he can do is huge.

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Some members have stated as such but have been corrected by the leadership. Hamas, at least publicly, only said that they wanted to forcefully displace the Jews and that they would not hesitate to kill civilians to attain that objective.

Example: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/senior-hamas-official-urges-palestinians-worldwide-to-kill-every-jew-on-the-globe

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Didier Raoult for a large part. He was the one who published the paper that really started this whole mess. His shoddy research practices and non-respect for patients did plenty of harm.

Good thing that they've forced his retirement.

Thanks I was too lazy to find the exact citation.

Do you see the difference between what you said and their charter ? What Hamas wants is awful enough, no need to exaggerate.

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To avoid people being homeless ?

Well yes ? How else would you want to do this. I just gave you an example of a senior Hamas officer saying kill all Jews and Hamas saying they do not agree.

I have no doubt Hamas leadership is a bunch of genocidal maniacs but their official stance has been in the past the forceful displacement and nowadays it's the return to pre 1967 borders. They are ready to admit to the existence of Israel, not by pleasure mind you, but their official stance nowadays is that they are partially open to a two state solution if the right to return is put in place.

This might be a bunch of lies, but it is their official position.

They don't want to kill all Jews. They want the expulsion of all Jews from Israel/Palestine. At least according to their original manifesto, they've changed it to remove this part to be fair.

It can be argued that the Israeli government wants the same thing for the Palestinians.

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Yes it is a clear war crime don't get me wrong. But exaggeration has no use when reality is awful enough.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation that will not hesitate to kill civilians to achieve their ideals. They do not publicly at least want to kill all Jews.

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people who've never been laid

That was unnecessary. I know that people with poor social skills have more trouble with romance, but implying that all virgins are socially inept is a harmful stereotype, luck is a big factor in finding relationships.

They are prisoners of Hamas

Hamas is controlling Gaza through a dictatorship yes. But their ideas are popular.

Even more radical political parties like Lion's den or Palestinian islamic jihad having higher approval ratings.

That said even Fatah is more popular than Hamas.


I think it's healthy to have clear boundaries with coworkers, they are not the same things as friends.

That said I spend 41 hours a week working, no way I'm not going to socialise with my coworkers. If I don't make any friends after several years of working at a place I feel I have done something wrong.

That's not exactly true. If you make parmigiano you have to follow pretty strict manufacturing procedures to ensure that the cheeses have the same taste.

It's pretty much the same thing as a brand except it's not produced by one structure but several independent structures. The main advantage is that you know what you are getting.

I mean yes in the sense that the capture of civilians has a clear military objective. Doesn't make it less awful.

One genocidal state doesn't justify another one. There are no good guys in this conflict. That said one side has more bombs than the other so we should be focusing on that side. But please, no justifying war crimes.

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I don't believe that there are solutions that are as complete as team, for video and voice calls it's among the best.

But it's so bad for text ! Why do I have to wait for a second when I change channels ? Why does it not support markdown (the partial implementation that it has is arguably worse than no implementation at all) ? Why is the search so bad ?

Where do you see that I'm supporting them? I literally reiterated in many comments that what they want is a war crime. No need to invent some other objectives they are plenty awful enough.

Truth matters, especially in conflicts like this.


You were asking for a picture I gave you a picture.

Here's the methodology : https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah

I gave the other poll as it showed the impact of the war on Hamas popularity.

Hamas is popular in Palestine and other more radical parties are even more popular. There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for Hamas to exist, religion + an Apartheid state right next door is enough.

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Convolutional neural networks and plant identifying apps came before chat gpt. Beyond both relying on neural networks they don't have much in common.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad which polled at 72% against 43% for Hamas.

That said Hamas is becoming more popular now that they have caused his mayhem. They may become once again the most popular party.


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More than 33,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s offensive, around two-thirds of them women and children, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Its count doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.

In the 33 000 figure Hamas combatants are included.

I'd say at least 20000 innocent civilians killed since the start of the conflict. Probably more as Israel seems to be quite trigger happy on civilians.

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Yup that's a mistake dunno why I talked about the west bank when Fatah is the governing body there.

Thanks for the correction.

As long as the demographic chart of Palestinians murdered by the IDF looks like the actual Palestinian population demographic (1/3 women, 1/3 kids) it's safe to assume that there is absolutely no real targeting taking place.

Yes, there is a bump if you look at the Hamas fighting population demographics but it is a minority. The large majority of people killed in this war are civilians there is no doubt about that. I was denying the 1:100 figure. For example Hamas has 1\3 of female victims, yet have a 1:4 casualty rate.

Netanyahu literally said publicly that he saw wants to kill all Palestinians including the women and children and his deeds match his words.

No he didn't and you know it. Why lie ?

Some senior Hamas executives have had such a discourse for Jews before being very softly reprimanded by Hamas but no executive from the Israeli government. There have been plenty of dog whistles, but they are not stupid enough to say it literally.

Edit : I didn't realize it but you were the person calling for the massacre of civilians in an earlier comment. Explains why you would lie, you need to dehumanise your enemy. I'm not spending more energy on this. You're too far gone.

WordPress wirh custom templates running on a LAMP stack.

I mean he did exactly that. He diversified his portfolio.

Microsoft stock is still going strong.

Shared that last one as it was more recent but I was citing this one from memory:


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Don't know why you are down voted it's a good question.

As a matter of fact it almost happened for search engines in France. Newspaper's argued that snippets were leading people to not go into their ad infested sites thus losing them revenue.


Reference counting is a GC though ?

It's a bad one sure and will leak memory in cases of a cycle which most tracing GC are able to do.

It's main advantage is that there are no GC pauses.


It's absolutely amazing, but it is also literally and technologically impossible for that to spontaneously coelesce into reason/logic/sentience.

This is not true. If you train these models on game of Othello, they'll keep a state of the world internally and use that to predict the next move played (1). To execute addition and multiplication they are executing an algorithm on which they were not explicitly trained (although the gpt family is surprisingly bad at it, due to a badly designed tokenizer).

These models are still pretty bad at most reasoning tasks. But training on predicting the next word is a perfectly valid strategy, after all the best way to predict what comes after the "=" in 1432 + 212 = is to do the addition.

Nobody can vote in Gaza. But saying that Hamas was created and financed by Israel when their ideas are clearly popular is ridiculous.

You can say that Israel caused this mess by annexing Palestine. By putting an effective regime of Apartheid. But saying that Hamas or their actions are not popular among the general population is false.

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I gave the polls, you can look at the Fatah party to see how popular the Abbas led government is. Historically you are right, but right now Palestinians are not looking for peaceful solutions. I think Israel made them understand that they would be slowly annexed.

Edit: also I'd recommend reading the two state section of the Wikipedia article on Hamas.

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This is plain wrong and disinformation. Israel has killed way more civilians than is usual or acceptable in a war but nowhere near the numbers you cited.

See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_2023_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war

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Where did I say that one side didn't want to genocide the other ? Hamas is more public about it and won't even try to justify their civilian killings, but Netanhyu government has made it clear again and again that they are willing to do collective punishment. The high civilian death rate is of course intentional.

Hamas has also killed plenty of civilians, and they don't even try to pretend that it was accidental. That said you are close to their ratio which is three civilians for every military death.

Israel's civilian deaths to militant deaths is probably higher due to the usage of bombs (10 civilian deaths per explosion) and intentional starvation but it isn't 100:1.

Hamas' strategy of hiding behind civilians is also a war crime since it obviously increases the number of civilians killed.

If you believe Israeli propaganda, they have killed 5000 Hamas militants. Reality is probably smaller than that, but since Hamas intentionally doesn't publish their militant casualties we won't have a good estimation. That said 500 Israeli soldiers have died and seeing the asymmetry in warfare, you can expect much more Hamas militants to have died. I have not been able to find an estimate from an independent source.

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Yes ? Do you really think only 200 Hamas militants were killed ? Because that's what your ratio would suggest.

Israel is unnecessarily killing and starving civilians, but once again gross misinformation serves nobody and only justifies more horrors.

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Frankly both are awful and both should not be allowed to take control of Israel/Palestine. I have no idea what solution there is to this conflict honestly, I just want things to stay somewhat factual.

I agree that the 5000 figure seems highly improbable. Israel has been quite effective at killing high members of Hamas but I doubt they have killed 5000 out of the 30000 militants.

Now let's look at Office. Open an Excel spreadsheet with tables in any app other than excel. Tables are something that's just a given in excel, takes 10 seconds to setup, and you get automatic sorting and filtering, with near-zero effort. No, I'm not setting up a DB in an open-source competitor to Access. That's just too much effort for simple sorting and filtering tasks, and isn't realistically shareable with other people.

Am I missing something or isn't it exactly the same thing in libre office ?