1 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here's a description of the bleeding process:

It's specifically non-fatal:

Bleeding horseshoe crabs to death is not an acceptable practice in the U.S.

The volume of blood taken is actually quite small, as most of the material in the collection jars is anticoagulant.

It may look uncomfortable to us humans, but keep in mind that horseshoe crabs are not human. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. Granted, it would be kinda weird to be hoisted from your home by a giant ape and forced into a blood drive. It's done as gently as possible though.

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after hidden camera catches him sneaking breaking into rival's locked office

Pretty forgiving language in that headline.

Hey now. Trump would definitely rule out pardons for his sons too.

Edit: For different reasons though, lol.

Careful. If you're too mean to him he'll cancel Fez 2 again!

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I still play Dishonored every year. Those are not realistic graphics in the slightest, but it still holds up pretty well. Why? Style. I would 100% take a "lower" graphics game with style than a 100GB game with exquisitely modeled sandwiches.

Stylistic games also age better than realistic games in my opinion. Look at other 2012 games like Mass Effect, Far Cry 3, and Borderlands. Mass Effect and Far Cry went more realistic, and I think they suffered a bit for it in the long run.

Not saying Dishonored didn't age tho. It does have that 2012 feel, lol.

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Yikes 😬

35 LB isn't even that much if you have a medium dog.

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I thought it was a poorly drawn air pod for a second there.

Every November I play Dishonored. Just finished the main game, and now I'm playing the Knife of Dunwall DLC. Next will be Brigmore Witches, and then it's on to Dishonored 2. I love these games yo.

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Here's a form post that goes into it.

Make sure you have analog button enabled on your controller. Go to options. You have to press "Select" (if I recall correctly) in the controller config screen (it should tell you at the top of the screen). Then you select "Steering" and press left/right on the d-pad to select analog/digital steering.

Disclaimer: I haven't had to do this in years, but that sounds familiar.

Uhg, I hate when that happens. The worst is when realizing I haven't eaten triggers my aloof interoception and I suddenly start shaking from hunger.

I really liked the differences between Corvo's and Emily's powers. I also like the variety of ways they allow you to complete tasks and combine powers.

Honestly, a bit ESH. The temp was out of line shoving everything on the floor. I can understand being upset by misgendering, but it doesn't warrant an immediate tantrum. Even if you were a hateful douche about it it doesn't mean they should ruin the coffee and doughnuts for everyone.

I don't think you were wrong to say dude. Unless you really emphasize the "dude" I think it's a perfectly casual way to address people. Modern usage has it shifting more towards "cool person" instead of just "cool guy".

I do think the "nobody cares" part was a bit insensitive though. I don't know where you are, but tensions in North America are high right now regarding trans rights (not saying this person was trans, as there's not enough info in the story). Lots of people care a whole lot more than they should about other people's chosen gender expression, so it's a touchy subject. I can understand that maybe you were coming from a place of "I don't mind one way or the other", but I don't think that's what it sounded like in the context. Especially with the "stupid" part thrown in.

I'm playing the ninja platformer N++. I'm probably not good enough to 100% it, but I'm having a blast with it.

Looks like Mario Odessy maybe?

Oh, I don't mean the "blood donation" being normal. The person I was responding to asked why they were being drained "this way". I assumed they were concerned about the folded-over positioning of the crab.

Also, counter argument (in good fun): plenty of animals get their blood drained regularly in nature. Mosquitos, ticks, leaches, and vampire bats are a few examples of things that drain blood from others. Maybe the crabs see us as giant pests?

Defo not the best arrangement for the crabs though. As others pointed out to me, apparently despite the optimistic wording in the link I shared the process is still fatal to some. I'm glad we're working on alternatives.

Would Obsidian work for you? The notes are stored locally, and the software uses markup for formatting and stuff. You can get it synced to your phone with Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.

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