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Joined 11 months ago

Restaurant tipping instead of decent wages; somehow the blame is on the "stingy" customer

I love reading good news! like seeing the annoying orange finally tasting karma. I am making fresh popcorn

When their AI is well trained on social behaviours, they'll start sending Minority reports

12 monkeys and Se7en... Probably because I was more impressionable as a teenager though

"What did the EU ever do for us?" in the monthy python mood. After usb c, apple is getting its proprietary model challenged again. When will Apple understand that in the long run it hinders innovation? And that openness and standardisation is a catalyst for it. RCS might not be the interoperable solution the EU pushes though. Anyway that's the future of not using standards :

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There is this mostly French community (second language English) called yunohost (read y u no host) that provides a selfhosting solution accessible for beginners. They even offer one free domain to familiarise yourself hands on (+letsencrypt certificate). I have been using this for two years and it works well, I ran into issues but learned a lot in the process, community and devs are nice and helpful. Based on debian. They package most of the popular applications you'd expect for selfhosting (nextcloud, owncloud, WordPress, drupal and easily a hundred other apps)

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Idioms is basically how French was built

Instructions not included, Safety not guaranteed. That's two separate movies in case the name pattern is confusing

I only searched for apps in F-droid and my favourite is Voyager. Just love the full black interface with blue highlights and the swipe actions. I tried liftoff and thunder, but came back to voyager.

Season 2: Ronin prolapsus

Aaah glad they're still kicking! This sends me way back..., a time when burning CDs was the thing

I did the other way round. An old nuc from 2013 turned into a gui-less debian selfhosted server (yunohost) for 2.5 years, until my old laptop (2008) died. Then I installed xfce on top, plugged a wireless keyboard/touchpad combo + hdmi to my TV, and use it as a desktop mainly for web browsing, open office and some gimp processing. But just once a week or so.

I've used Yunohost for two years and a half, it is good for me to step up my Linux / cli game while enjoying a fully featured and functional solution. I played a bit with Linux at work decades ago but couldn't have found the time back then to dig into selfhosting from scratch. It is still a good solution for me, I am also looking at Runtipi for the next setup, that I will install at a family member's house, mostly for mutual backups. All I read however points to the fact that debian + docker is not far out of my reach. Runtipi seems like a middle step

They do sell crowbars no?

Counting the days till you eat your hat

What's an ssh key? Nvm I'll research

Very interesting! What is your view on it? Do they use a stock android, or do they heavily modify or cram it with bloat ware? For the first time I would consider buying an Asus phone, as it is really the last compact phone with flagship features.

I wish they would also make a premium 8 inch tablet, as it is a low quality mediatek graveyard for the moment

I remember someone in this community selfhosting on an android phone, I think samsung s20

I've never been a fan of Bond movies old and new, except Casino Royale. This one still feels like the odd one out and the only one I would rewatch too. A mixture of the fresh attitude of Craig not giving a fuck (scratch my other ball 😅), Mads Mikkelsen as a perfect villain, and Eva Green gorgeous like a goddess.

S23 will cut your palm with its sharp edges though

Thanks, I'm looking into it

So defo no candy crush

Yes I do have fail2ban. Do you mean I could have just (example) a yubikey and no ssh password? As safe as they can be, why remove the other factor?

Well fail2ban went from very active to very quiet. It is definitely worth not leaving 22 (when opening ssh is a must for different reasons)

I went from Nexus 5 to Samsung s7 and now s10 which is so smooth in hand. I was thinking of upgrading to s23 but it looks like an iPhone 5, edges are so sharp that I'll pass. Eyeing on the pixel 8 now. It will be a big upgrade for me anyway so not bothered about the pro having higher specs. I simply can't handle (literally) phones bigger than that, and actually can't be bothered by the latest AI gimmicks. I would in fact deactivate stuff that would need to connect to a server to improve the pictures or videos I take.

Yeah like Donut Trump

I am not a expert in Linux, and I mostly rely on very strong passwords. I also discovered recently basic stuff like changing the default SSH port. Anyone knows of implementation of 2FA on Linux?

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Damn it's only slightly better than last year's samsung flagship powerhouse. Probably it means candy crush will be lagging eh

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