3 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes but there were and still are wild, edible fruit and vegetables. Humans were hunter gatherers. We have always eaten whatever we could get a hold of. We're omnivores for a reason.

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That is a bit of a selection bias. What you are effectively saying is "the biblical names that have survived to today have staying power".

But even that isn't true here as almost all of the names you cite are significantly different now than their original forms. Looking at your list we have Yeshua, Shemuel, Mikael, Rivka, Yohanan, Miriam, and Paulus. Adam is mostly the same, as is David (with a bit of an accent difference), but the rest didn't exactly emerge as they were.

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That doesn't explain why already established products are ditching things like plainly visible scroll bars in products like Microsoft word and other content viewers.

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There is no current game I want to play that doesn't run on Linux. Valve really has done an amazing job with proton and getting games to work as well or better on Linux.

Now, that said, I am not big into competitive multiplayer, so take that into account. Anti cheat is still a problem since most of the current ones need permissions that are not normally given on Linux.

Currently paying Outer Wilds in my steam deck while docked to a tv. It's been very engaging and fun for my wife and I to sit down and try and solve an interstellar mystery while winding down for the night.

Interesting game with good art style and interesting mechanics.

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I would have no problem if that popped up in my feed while I was in a public place.

That said, I don't think it would be safe for work, so the nsfw would apply. But I would not be browsing Lemmy at work either.

Alright, alright, alright.

Having been in the military, I find it hilarious and accept that it is not a place everyone should be. The recruiter likely has a very similar realistic understanding of where the military stands with people right now.

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It's the asymmetric bullshit principle

The claim that was being refuted was that humans ate a diet that "pretty much only consisted of meat". That is not the case despite the fact that our crops today are bred to be larger and more calorie dense. Humans did eat vegetable and fruit alongside meat in our ancient past.

I have a good heavy cream version that I like to make from scratch and it is really good, but this was so simple and tasty that it is going to be something that I keep on tap for an easy night where I still want something amazing.

It kinda depends on what you want it to do. Personally, I am enjoying the official valve dock. It does all the things I want it to do and I do not need any additional functionality out of it. I have heard that it is finicky with certain types of tvs though, so you might want to search for your tv model(s) and see if anyone has had issues with that before.

That said, if you want extra features like storage or whatever, then you need to look for those.

Return to sea-monkee?

Whataboutism doesn't suddenly make the action ok. Two countries doing something wrong doesn't suddenly excuse the act.

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It really depends on what you are doing and what you are expecting to get out of the experience. For instance, streaming a game from a gaming pc to a Steam Deck or other portable unit works best when the pc is wired to the network.

But that's why you would put it near the router so you don't have to use 100 ft of cable to do it, so meh.

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I think there is something that is generally added to prevent it from sticking together if I remember correctly. You could certainly try it, but grating a cup of parm is not too difficult and it tasty.

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This version is a good bit different than the cream versions that you generally find. Pretty much just butter, cheese and pasta water.

The worst that happens is that it doesn't form an emulsion with the butter and the water. I say give it a try and see how it turns out. Just remember to report back here so we can all learn from your experiment!

My understanding is that it is working much better now than a few months ago. I haven't actually put it to the test yet, but it is on my list of things to try once I have time to set up my index again.

Yeah, I am wondering about that as well. It sadly sounds like it might be a bit much for the deck, but we'll see!

I am trying to think of things that are difficult for using something like Linux mint vs my last Windows install. If we are taking about doing a full, clean install of both, I think my last Windows install was way worse.

Mint installed and just detected everything I was using without a problem. I had to tweak some minor things to get it to display on the 4K TV I am using in my living room, and there are still some games that don't play nicely with Linux.

The Windows install, on the other hand, required me to get drivers for the video card, WIFI, and a few other things to get all the hardware to work right. Then getting it how I like it took longer than I like and I had to visit multiple sites to get all my preferred software.

My power comes from the two sets of solar panels and batteries on my land. It is possible to do without fossil fuels. We're not there yet for everyone, but the problems you point out are solvable, and if solar/EVs had the same amount of backing from the government over the same timeframe that gas/ICE cars have had, we would be in a very different place right now.

What I would honestly fear happening more than corpos coming in to buy up communities is the possibility of them join forces to lobby congress or other governmental authorities into creating unfavorable legislation and regulation.

It is nice to be in a free world, but freedom is a threat to those that want to make money off of peoples' attention.

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Well, I use mine to stream games over wifi and it works better when my pc is wired. Different situations require different set ups. That's the beauty of having options.

It all falls under the same blanket concept of privacy rights, but yes monetizing user data is a more accurate sub category. It doesn't truly matter what we call it as long as the discussion is being had.

Fuck around. Find out.

So, what I would guess is that they would take a similar tack to other decentralized services or FOSS initiatives. You find people that are using the technology to skirt an existing law, for instance sharing pirated media, circumventing encryption, or some other thing that shouldn't be a crime, but technically is. Then, you demonize the whole technology for that one set of infractions. Make an attempt to ban the whole the technology, but then walk it back to just a set of regulations that make it almost impossible to comply.

You can kinda make it bend a bit to your whim. While it is technically immutable if you don't mess with it, it does have everything necessary for using pacman. It just all reverts next time steamos updates. Anything you install directly through the discover portal is permanent, but it does technically have access to anything in the pacman repos as well.

I unlocked mine long enough to download neofetch and take the screenshot for this. It'll revert back soon, but I only needed it temporarily for imaginary internet points. :)

This is a bit late for a response, but it has to do with what protections are afforded by what entity. The US has very explicit treaties signed with allied nations. Canada, for instance is a five eye partner and thus has far less to worry about from the US than it does from China.

Additionally, China has an ongoing bad track record with how it treats other nations. Commercial entities within China are far more at the whim of the state government and are required to act in alignment with the CCP instructions.

People treat China differently because China is different. They very much are a different beast when it comes to authoritarian control of its commercial and private entries.

That sucks. I am sorry that you can't do the simple thing that so many of us take for granted. My animal friends are real friends to me and I am so glad that I get to have them in my life.

I'm sure that if you keep pushing, you will eventually find yourself in a position to make it real. In the meantime, here are two of mine. This is Dipper and Aang.

Awesome. That might have to be the work around if I don't get the normal steam streaming to work.

Just checking, but you are running this on the deck while docked to a TV, right? I can stream just fine to the deck while undocked. It is while it is docked to the TV that is the problem.

I do have experience with using the moonlight/sunshine combo though, so if I have to go that route I can, I would just prefer a native steam solution.

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It isn't attempting to capture your personal data and sell it to ad companies like most social media platforms are though.

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Haven't really seen anything other than the Alfredo one actually. That is what started me looking into this recipe.

Are there any you recommend I watch and try out next? I like learning new ways to make awesome food.

Not the version that I am talking about here. This particular version was invented in Rome and was quite famous in its time.

I will honestly have to look into it more. It seemed interesting, but I have not done a deep dive into how it works.

Definitely. P2P is the way to go, but has its costs. It would be really good to see a semi-federated/P2P hybrid or some other architecture that allows some of the best of both worlds.

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In addition to what is mentioned here, you could also grab a steam controller. It is not quite as refined as the deck's controller setup, but it works very similarly with two track pads for mouse emulation.

Anyone here on Steamdeck?

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