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Joined 1 years ago

Questions like “When you’re sexing some sexy sex, how many sex do you sex?”

Let’s keep the immature high school/sad old desperate man horniness out of here.

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I mean, they typically are dumb nazis.

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Same. I just wish there was an easy way to transfer. I just found the communities I wanted and I don’t look forward to making a new profile and adding them all again.

This is exactly it. It seems like every service is raising prices with no noticeable improvement to the service itself. Hell, this would be easier to swallow if Spotify was going to pay artists more. There doesn’t seem to be any benefit to anyone other than Spotify’s bottom line, which I assure you, is doing just fine.

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Frankenstein. If you’ve never read it, the caricature of what it is has done it no justice. It is an incredible book.

I’m still there, too, but not nearly as much. If they take old.Reddit away, I’ll be completely done.

In the meantime, Wefwef has been doing right by me. Just wish communities were more active.

My first one was NES. I was just the right age in the late 80s to be caught in all of it. Funny thing is, I don’t remember asking for it. I think my parents just got me one, but I fell in love with games from that point on.

Heck, my second system was the Genesis, and I didn’t ask, or know about it, either! One of the best memories I have of growing up.

Went to the movies with family friends. When I came back, my dad had set up the Genesis and had Altered Beast playing on the tv. Coming from only knowing the NES, my mind was blown.

Thanks for the excuse to walk down memory lane.

I don’t know that I’d consider this “mildly” infuriating. Good on you for having any semblance of composure!


Quest 64 wasn’t considered good in its own time; not sure what people would think of it today. I think it was very elementary, “baby’s first RPG” type of stuff, if I remember right, and that certainly didn’t bode well against games like FF7.

I can’t settle on one yet. I alternate between Wefwef and Memmy. Both are very good at bringing the Apollo vibes!

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My eyesight isn’t great. I was looking for a bathroom in a restaurant, assumed I found a door, but instead of using my hands to push it like a normal person, I slammed my body into it, smashing my nose.

Also, it wasn’t a door. It was just glass.

Head hurt for the rest of the day, and I was bleeding for a bit too!

That’s exactly it. I saw a lot of people on Twitter today saying they’re only staying the fallout. It’s dumb, and yes, I’m part of the problem, though I’m staying only to update some connections on where I’m going.

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Another Apollo refugee here. Wefwef and Memmy (haven’t settled on one yet) both have me feeling a bit at home. I hope Christian does an Apollo for Lemmy, but if not, these are great options.

Honestly, it was the perfect mix of random party and skill. I don’t think any Mario Kart since has captured that balance. It’s my favorite one, too!

The great thing about Reddit is that a lot of people are there.

The worst thing about Reddit is that a lot of people are there.

I don’t think the fediverse is ever going to be massive, but that’s okay! Smaller communities usually lead to better interactions. I’ve only been here a day, but the thing that jumps out at me is this place doesn’t seem hostile.

Early days on social services have always been my favorite. In a weird way, I’m glad Reddit led me here.

I might do this. I have some myself. What was the surgery like? What was the recovery like?

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That’s a bummer. Hope you can get in soon. It is very similar to Wefwef, as they’re both going for Apollo, so you basically have the gist of it. They both have been getting frequent updates, so I flip flop on which I prefer. It’s been Wefwef until today, but right now, I think Memmy is slightly edging it out.

Nothing, I’m still there, unfortunately. Fact is, there just isn’t that much engagement here, and smaller niche subs that I like will have new posts daily on Reddit, but will sometimes take a week or more.

I like the idea of Lemmy quite a bit, and I appreciate the hell out of Memmy and Mlem (can’t decide what I like more), but I also am using Apollo still, and I may have to stick with that for a while.

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Completely agree. I think people are so engrained that they just don’t want to try something else.

This is slick! I love it!

I have been using Wefwef and Memmy, and I’m not sure what I prefer, as they’re quite similar, but I think Wefwef is edging it out for me. It feels a little better.

I’m still on Reddit at the moment because some of the niche communities I’m into just don’t have a lot going on here. For instance, I love wrestling, I’m part of three wrestling communities on here, and Reddit still has more going on.

That said, I’m looking to get off Reddit completely sooner than later. Still finding all my communities. I don’t expect this place to get as big as Reddit, but I do want to see a little more activity.

I forgot about that pic! Nightmare fuel!


Thank you for clarifying for me!

I’m new to all this (Reddit refugee), how do you move to another instance? If you do move, do your comments and whatnot all come with you?

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