2 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Everywhere I go they ask me where I am from , when I tell country of my birth and whwre I was raised, they say but what is your origin? They want to hear the nationality of my parent because my skin does not look white enough, THIS IS THE SITUATION IN FRANCE, even if you are fluent in French but does not look white they will ask you whats your origin. FU K EM

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its easy for you because you been playing around with Linux, I tried to install SSH on zorin os. But after installing SSH , it needs to be restarted, when tried to do that , it won't saying the ash server did not start, A simple thing like this is have me stumped in Linux where as in windows it was just installing putty and done.

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Does not work on android with Firefox at all

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Okay , for anyone who can advise a noob like me.i don't want NAS, of fancy connections and switches and gears. All I want is to get SSD or HDD , an tore t client to download ahem " iso"s and then I open my TV/comouert and voilà it's there, what is easy and simplest way to do it ?.

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Decide how much you will spend each week and spend a little less than that, slowly over 3 months you will reduce your expenses. Buy clothes and wash them after 2-3 uses unless you live in super dirty/dusty/warm area. This will prolong clothes life significantly and added advantage is they come back in fashion after a while. I have a shorts which I use still after 10 years.

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Piped NEVER WORKs for me. I click link it op now up in browser, but cannot play the content, do we know what could be possible solution?

I gained weight when I could make money. Now I keep intermittent fasting for 10-12 hours just to prolonge my food. It not just keeps me lose weight but I .sure of I start making money again , I won't be able to get fat because this discipline. Also it reduces your hunger significantly, I now can stay fasting even in winters.

I have ability to ignore pain, stressful situation and/or things I don't want , it has helped me immensely but also is a problem when I have to understand people's nature , what type they are, it also does not help me control my emotions, when I am excited to meet some one, I will just talk truth to them.

I believe it's kind of like autism, cause I know I should control myself but I really can't it's like I am on cliff and falling down but I can't find the rock to hold onto , I just talk.

In EU, you need to use PayPal at transferes are instant, banks provide disponible debit cards , you can use Google pay Almost anywhere, which keeps your Privacy. Where is that you NEED to use PayPal in EU?

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And guess what , when I asked what is replacing VPN as part of services, they say they don't know and tried to move me over to 20 eur a month plan. So reducing the service and staying same prices ...

If you worried about Tracking back to you , why not upload it to private torrent, or rip it and ask in forum in private torrent on how they can help you. Win win for all.

Same for me , and if I use these soaps, I get Very dry skin no matter what. Liquid soaps are only ones that won't do that.

It's sometimes unbearable on Lemmy. I have stated that using Linux is very hard for noobs and it's not useful still for general audience. I have got so many downvotes just because of this, you won't believe. It feels like community is Linux users , who are acting as nerds or are nerds, and they are somewhat inclusive of outsiders. Lemmy feels like a club for only the so called intellectuals and they want to barr regular person getting in. This is also evident with Lemmy worlds or alternative of subbreddits. If you try to find some they still don't exists. Further Lemmy is very hard to understand , even I struggle to understand how it works. But the access to different Lemmy's is good, via boost app. The Lemmy worlds though they don't look as polished as Reddit does but that's cause Lemmy is evolving. So in summary Quality of posts, strong sense of non inclusivity by lemmye'rs , understanding of how Lemmy works and old feel of Lemmy are the reasons is keeping people out.

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Or how about

  1. You can't easily define what apps start with startup
  2. Even when wine is installed , lot of programs won't run in wine
  3. You cannot easily find where the program is installed like you can in windows
  4. You attach a external disk but some apps won't see it mounted making it Impossible to explore in their file picker , not all but some
  5. There is almost huge lack of programs , for which there is huge possibility that a windows program exists.
  6. There is constant need to use terminal for lot of things for which you can't a program see point 4.

I keep telling Linux is still not for common home use for users who are in between power users and people only using it for browsing. This will get me downvotes here on Lemmy all the time . Linux edge lords are their own bubble.

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Thanks again for understanding my really broken English question and answering

Sorry, done , if you can please let me know

I came in to say bravo, Since day 1 on Lemmy i been hounded by Linux dude bros , whenever I say Linux is not possible I been down voted to hell.

Even as simple thing as putting a program in start-up is hassle and varies depending upon distribution, and I went on rabbit hole just like you said.

Even the friendlier(?) versions like pop os and zorin in 2024 and no where near to use ability as windows 95 is.

The worst thing is use of command/terminal , I simple just don't want to use it at all, but not possible to do that STILL in Linux and dude bros keep telling me this is essential and their grandparents are using mint. This is believable only if they surf Internet and not do anything extra at all, that too since flash is dead , cause I have first hand experienced that I had to play with multiple command lines and what nots just to get YouTube working on Linux .

Linux is not ready to be used in home setting not unless it simplifies further as much as windows does AND has lot ofnsoftwarws availability. Think of something and thwr is software for it on windows , hardly the case for Linux ANY DISTRO.

now we await on Lemmy , for Linux dude bros to come out and defend Linux with 4% usage and down votes.

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Didn't know it's a country

Honesty and really as of now much more interaction than lemmy, and no downvotes for not using Linux or saying Linux is hard for anyone regularly using windows

How do you justify paying

  1. For searches , cause i think it's fundamental such as how to fix bathroom leak or even specific name of generic OTC medicine, it's so trivial
  2. Consider if you do search for trivial things how don manage only with 300 searches ? When I am lookig for something's specific it takes multiple searches within hour , what would do then ?
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Hell forget about AutoCAD, what about word and EXCEL. now you and Linux dudebros will tell me there are alternatives on Linux like libre office and what not. To them I say this

  1. Make a document in libreoffice , try to save it as docx and see what says libreoffice, or make a doc in word and adjust formatting, try to open same doc in libre office and see what shit show it becomes
  2. Hand down no body can beat ms excel, on multiple platforms, the versality is not just complex formulas but functions like xlookup, index match , combined with VBA scripting with formulas that can low-key fight python , power tables are unparalleled, if you can replicate these without A SINGLE COMMAND line input for dumb users like us That would the win.

Hört det att lönen har ökat för mycket pga. Inflationen. Vad tänkte du lön av 100k i Stockholms blir okej för familjen? Jag har flyttats ut och vill gärna komma tillbaks men vet inte vilken nivå lön jag måste tänka på att fråga om landar jag nåt tjänst.

Yes I do t like that either and sort of want it too for some channels so what I do is use YouTube revanced with login , I purge my history once three months , and start a random video for first time like may be a documentary or a really.old/new song and then it germinates very different things for me from there on. And I got no ads at all. :)

How about bank account that generate cards for you ? Then you can destroy it online

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Tjenare, finns det nåt svensk Lemmy ?

I hate sygic for this, i bought lifetime för my part of World, and now it mails me every day to get subscription. never i will get it, every time i need it i will use cracked one. It was one of the good company, but now its just a nag.

This feels like something that could be understood easily, thanks 👍. Can I ask ,what if want to not search and add shows based on new items but, I just want to get , say like a movie from 90s , what use is then radarr and sonarr?

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I totally agree with this point that, Lemmy needs to be accessible easily, I started using it and find it useful because of boost app. Otherwise it's very hard to understand and still is what is what is etc. And how to make them combined.

Let's not forget to comment this on I needed account , I tried to sign-up with lublnfrom boost didn't work. I had to Google sign-up for which takes me to special form , which has disable login with disposable email id's. All in all TOOOOOOOOOOOO difficult process for common users. Doing this process I am still not sure if I comment on Lemmy.whatever subs.

Finding community and joining it, I still have no idea. It's all too complicated.


  1. What is a different Lemmy's means
  2. Simplifying sign-up process and make it streamlined
  3. Make easier to use Lemmy

These would be my suggestion as Lemmy stands now.

What do you mean , you get 5 free rekat addresses, you can use it, however many times don't you*?

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Oh there are like many varieties of mangoes z but hands down best is called hapoos or alphonso, it's so so good. I recently found it EU due a colleague and tasted other varieties too such as kesar ( in think it means orange) , in could eat the peel also . The only place that you might get is Indian grocery stores in the areas specially now to end of julyi guess

Same here

Gmail has a feature to send email at later dates. , when you write email , just next to send button there is arrow , with which you can set any time and date for that email.

Var det bara i ditt stad du har ansökt? Jag har aldrig hört att man får 9 av 10 tjänst.

Sygic broke trust like that with me . The software is/was excellent and very reasonable, so I bought licences for parts of world and suddenly they made it subscription based app, with ability to keep forever licence for only part of world you bought.

So even though I have fully paid software , i have to pay subscription for the feature of Android Auto and world maps.

It was the list betrayal of trust i have seen. I never used sygic after that at all.

True on both counts.

What service do you have for 1usd?

It's called pallet whistling, I can do it too in fact I don't need to have lips very close at all i.e. you can see my teeth while whistling.

Have you tried to install add-on or scraper to Kodi? On mobile or remote bases device. Please let me know how many steps it take to that, and also when you find a scraper , how long it actually stays up

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Det inte sant,eller?? Även med Biltema, Stadium ? Aldrig har provat, jag tar grejer direkt till butik. Om det är sant jag vill gärna stoppa köra att bära retur.grejerna.

I have done like 10% manual +90% automation this way. Installed zorin os on old laptop, connected 2tb external HDD, paid and started using emby, and then installed qbittorrent remote on mobile, installwd samba on zorin. Set zorin to not shut off and hen I close lid off. Once this is all done, started adding torrent via qbittorrent remote, then using solid explorer move files to external HDD and th n stream it in tv via emby app