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Joined 1 years ago

We could collectively vote to defederate them.

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I hope this all does them in.

I anxiously check news headlines each day hoping to see that reddit is canceling their IPO.

I can't wait until their valuation is sub-$1B down from a $10B peak.

Fuck Steve Huffman.

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This hurts.


  1. Fuck off

  2. A 50mi commute where I am is going to be ~2 hours each way due to traffic. That's 4hrs each day of lost life which, if I had to do, I'd demand to be compensated for. At even a low 225 days a year that's 900 hours of time at tech-level per hour pay.

  3. There are no collaboration benefits. My Product Manager friend and I disagree on this greatly - but I'm still confident from an engineering standpoint that there is no material value add to in-person meetings that cannot be realized remotely with simple concessions (if anything at all).

  4. There are a significant increase in distractions, long lunches, arriving late, leaving early (to name a few) = significant decrease in productivity / output.

  5. A lot of tech places where I am that are 40-50 miles away will require me to pay for parking. Screw that.

RTO can die. Commercial landlords can burn for all I care. I do feel bad for neighboring small businesses that are negatively impacted by the loss of foot traffic - but if my area is at all indicative, many of them just left the city and went suburban or rural and are just as successful with lower rents.

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When GM killed the Bolt, I tried to buy one at two different dealerships near me. One wanted a $10k premium over MSRP and the other wanted $8k.

They also both had a non-negotiable "security" etching added and wheel protection whatever that I had to pay for.

It isn't that I didn't want one, it's that your dealerships fucked it up.

Honestly, may have settled for MSRP, but they wouldn't budge. Fuck off.

I really like that car crash analogy or whatever you want to call it. It isn't like sudden positive changes in inflation or job numbers magically fixes QOL for people overnight. It can take weeks...months, maybe even years (maybe even never?)

I'm nowhere near Bill Gates money and never will be.

I think amongst my circle of family and friends, I probably net 3-4x more than the highest earner I know. For the most part, I can buy myself whatever gadgets or books or food or things I typically want.

But...I don't, well, I don't always.

In fact, oftentimes I find myself putting off buying Book A or B because I just don't feel like it's a good use of money right now.

Sometimes I won't even buy myself new socks until all of mine have been worn down to absolute tatters. I own two pairs of jeans and one pair of shoes and they're going to go until they completely fall apart.

Other times, I want this new game and I don't buy it because I can't really justify it for how much time I might end up having for it.

But if anyone I know gets me any of the above or similar, I'd honestly be super happy. It removes that mental battle for me and I get something I actually want / need.

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I think he's sick with COVID or sick in general and is about to board a plane and infect everyone.

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This reminds me of when USAA would let you enter a longer password on the login screen than was actually possible to set, so if you generated a 14 digit password and pasted it into the password reset, it wasn't immediately evident that it only took 12. But on login, you could enter all 14 characters and then it'd just say it's wrong. I'm...90% sure they don't do that anymore.

Also, KeyBank used to (or maybe still is? I closed my account years ago) not support case sensitive passwords. So whether your caps lock was on or not, or you alternated upper/lower however you wanted, your password still worked. I think they were converting to lowercase on the back end.

100% this. I used to be able to control my ceiling fan, my portable a/c, and my TV from my phone.

Now I have to use the fan remote, the a/c remote, and install and create an account with some stupid TV app. was also fun for changing the channel of TVs at bars & restaurants.

Seconding Molly, based on Signal's (lack of response), they seem to have zero plans to ever add Android tablet linking. Much to my own dismay.

I'm a recent Molly convert and so far so good. I really hope they don't shut it down or block it somehow. For how much I love Signal, I don't understand why they won't focus on much needed additions that Molly implemented.

For the good of literally everything, they need to die way, way faster / sooner.

Yes, this includes people I know. Yeah, it'd be (kinda) sad. But it'd be better for all.

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I pay $500, lol

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Just a heads-up, there are activity reports that can be run that will readily show this.

I love seeing ads touting "military grade" things, it basically probably isn't worth buying.

Can you elaborate further on the benefits? I have a Mac mini M1, a MacBook Pro M2, a more powerful Lenovo laptop, a more powerful Dell XPS, and a more powerful windows desktop (on paper).

I don't use them a lot, but thus far, I struggle to find any benefit to MacOS. I use them because I have to and, generally, no longer than that. I mean, I might as well use Linux at that point and make my life easier and productivity faster. Mac keyboard shortcuts are an absolute nightmare to me (but maybe I'm just not used to them?)

I must be missing something, because some people swear by them.

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I sold cars for a year. During the initial onboarding we were asked to "sell a pen" to the trainer.

Everyone jumped right in to selling the qualities of the pen they had in hand.

At the end of the exercise the trainer said, "I'm looking for a pencil".

The point was, don't assume what the customer is looking for. Ask qualifying questions and identify 3-5 hot buttons, then based on what should be knowledge of the inventory and inventory of surrounding dealerships (yeah, they're all connected to some degree), make recommendations that fit their needs.

Then describe all the ways it could fulfill their wants using positive, yes questions. Don't ask a question you don't know the answer to. We were taught that it takes 5-10 Yes responses to offset the negative mental energy from a question asked resulting in a No - so we weren't supposed to mess that up. That was just one of numerous psychological plays we were taught and forced to use or get threatened with being fired or having bonuses taken away.

The whole training series was bullshit. And I say it was bullshit because it sucked playing all these games on people. Yeah, 1/5 of the time it didn't work because they caught on. But the amount of times it actually worked made me feel guilty and sad.

The amount of times you put someone into a car they couldn't afford because you successfully sold them on their wants and not their needs was awful.

I quit near the end of that year because fuck car sales and fuck car dealerships. This was 15 years ago, so who knows what it's like now.

Also, because I assume someone might ask (lol assuming, I fail), this was for a conglomerate that owned 5 used car lots, a Scion lot, a Toyota lot, a Lexus lot, and oddly a Ford & Chevy lot. Last I heard they're just down to a Lexus lot and one used car lot now. Apparently the mortgage bubble and COVID hit them hard. Fine by me.

Welp, Louisiana-stupid is now being added to my daily use. Thank you.

Moms for Liberty, Freedom Caucus, etc. - they're ruining all the terms.

Hell, it's sad, but if someone is flying an American flag now I initially assume poorly of them.

They've poisoned it all.

I've been looking at options for leaving the country. It would be a massive task, significant uprooting, certain things I'm part of would have to be completely dropped or divested.

Problem is finding work and satisfying citizenship requirements in other countries. Other problem is that it isn't like my US debts magically go away and as best as I can tell, no other country would pay me the same for what I do (Software Engineering).

Any recommendations for replacement utilities for Power Toys and DisplayFusion? Most notably the monitor profile & snap zones short cuts without having to use a mouse, the high order characters, and the multi-clipboard?

Thanks in advance!

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In this case, I feel it's important to push donations to Media Matters.

It isn't fair or right that the rich can just sue what they see as opposition into oblivion. I hope in this case that Media Matters or others sue/counter sue Elon and make his life extra miserable.

Yeah, sorta. Nobody would provide internet to where I live, so I finally convinced a company to trench fiber to my house for me.

Unfortunately I'm paying $500/mo for like 96 months now so they can offset the cost.

Worth it though. My alternative was 512kbps DSL that would have outages daily and I'm a remote software engineer. It just didn't work.

I was reluctant to jump on the Kagi bandwagon, but I'm now a week in and genuinely enjoying it.

Before, I'd have to search things across Google/Bing/AskJeeves a few times to finally arrive at an answer - I've yet to leave Kagi this last week.

The different AI engines you can also use and the customization for styling are pretty darn good, too. I'm now using it as my dedicated search on all my android phones, my laptop, and my desktop. Time will tell if things hold up, but so far so good.

Only con so far is that it's sometimes slow to provide results. It isn't devastating, but it's like a 5 second delay which "feels" slow, but it's whatever.

Could you explain more? Almost everywhere I've worked from Fortune 250 on down has used stored procedures with applications and it seems extremely clean and performance-oriented.

If anything, it separates code from the data more as far as I can tell, so maybe I'm missing something?

Also, if something is somewhat data driven and there's a bug, you simply alter a procedure versus doing a build and deploy of the entire application.

Wherever is easiest to get up and out and go pee because I snuck in beer and I have a small bladder.

I'm Asian and live in rural Oregon.

Umm, I don't think so. I know my foot tapping speeds up and my heart rate goes up.

But I don't think I really perceive anything else as speeding up. And, if anything, sounds drown out.

Ugh. That's bullshit. I still hope Elon / Twitter lose. Fuck that guy.

Total points comes back from an endpoint, so if you hit that endpoint it tallies it for you.

Same issue here! I thought I was alone. It annoys me to no end and weirder still, issue doesn't present itself with Firefox for Windows running behind the same IP.

Firefox Focus also doesn't seem to present the issue. Just the primary Firefox browser for Android. And honestly, often enough that it's nearly unusable.

If you ever figure it out, please let me know.

  1. wtf is this
  2. good on ya for the find
  3. I'm trying to picture what this towel offer even was
  4. regardless I, too, also want said towel now

Alas poor @NAS98, we knew thee well.

It's always

No. I graduated with a degree in CS at 26, but learned everything I really needed to know on the job. Probably wasn't until 30 that things started picking up. Now I make close to half a million a year at almost 40. Do it.

Wow, that's awesome. I couldn't really tell from the article if he legitimately did the - and 20 crossout or if that was just some editorializing?

Wait, why do people like to dump on CloudFlare? I must be out of the loop.

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Is this a thing? I don't own a steam deck so I can't tell if you're kidding...

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I can't believe this isn't an Onion article. This is bonkers absurd ridiculous. Wow just wow.

Also depends on where you live. I can charge my Model S from 0% to 100% for about $5-$6 and get 350-400 miles.

But my friend in California would have to pay something like ~$40, which makes it a much harder sell.

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