3 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

because these topics are de facto censored on most of the internet

Complaining about capitalism, landlords and US Politics are censored on most of the internet? Have you been to Reddit or Twitter?

Also aren't a bunch of other websites specifically dedicated for discussing specific topics? I.e. modding video games, agriculture/horticulture, etc?

Are there like a bunch of bloggers complaining about living in the West that are being censored, or are they just not popular because they're terrible writers and have 0 reach?

Also no one talks about Linux besides weird and niche communities. It's not censored either. I say this as a Linux user.

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Could one prong on this assault be to increase the IRS' operating budget, so that they're able to track down and stop more of these tax haven shenanigans?

Well you could simply start by plugging up a few questionable tax loopholes.

Whether or not the reason the IRS can't collect the tax revenue to be able to provide certain services is because of them not having enough money, I don't know.

But if you're issue is with certain laws on taxation, it would makes more sense to deal with those first.

EDIT: To mention something else that's important to all of this, there's something called the Laffer Curve. The simple explanation is that there's a happy medium between the percentage of income tax and the amount of tax revenue gained. Too much or too little income taxation and you end up with less tax revenue. You can see this in a few times during US history where the income tax wasn't as high, but the tax revenue was great. So to further determine where we should go with income tax you could look at the past few years of projected and actual tax revenue, as well as spending to service government debt among other government spending.

I'm not an economist nor an accountant, but this is likely what you'd have to do to figure out the balance between taxation and government spending in order to have money for certain social services. However, no one wants to do that and another big problem is the government doesn't like being told it needs to manage it's spending better.

He was ousted in part because Mozilla is supposed to be and open and inclusive place to work,

So by "open and inclusive" that means "everyone has to have the personal opinions, even when they don't bring any of those opinions to the company?"

To clarify, I think gay people should be allowed to marry. I don't agree with the supposed position Brendan Eich has. I say "supposed" because you haven't provided any proof that this is his position.

Here's 2 great questions you should answer:

  1. Should Muslims be allowed to work at Mozilla?

Islam is very anti-gay, and if you've met any Muslim immigrants, I have, they don't think the gays should marry either. Among, uh, other things. Depending on age and where they're from.

  1. Should you be penalized/reprimanded/fired by your employer for having opinions they don't agree with?

Let's say this: you work for a Pakistani Muslim and in a workplace that's predominantly Middle Eastern and North African. He doesn't believe in gay marriage, you do. You donate like $50 to some LGBTQIA+ organization. Should your boss fire you?

Or let's be less controversial: you want to legalize all drugs and donate to a candidate who thinks the same. Your employer had a family member who died of a heroin overdose, and they're pretty anti-drug. Should they fire you?

Or lastly: you're a Republican. Your boss is a registered Democrat. Neither of you talk politics at work and you get along well and you do your job. Should they fire you?

hard to do that when your boss doesn’t believe you should be allowed to marry.

Was Brendan Rich going out of his way to tell any gay people at Mozilla he thinks they shouldn't marry? Was he bullying gay subordinates? If he was, yea, he should absolutely be fired. If not, it doesn't make sense to me for an employer to fire you for personal opinions you hold that don't effect your day-to-day job.

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Ah, okay. So, if I understand correctly, unless I'm trying to have Jellyfin do what YouTube does with offering multiple resolutions and bitrates for video, I don't need to bother with looking for a GPU that's good at video transcoding?

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This guy scrapes

Outside of the (theoretical) technical specs of the OPi5 being better, I've heard/read mixed things about OPis. Some say they're a good alternative, some say they're cheap Chinese-made crap. I've had no experience myself, so take it with a grain of salt.

I'm interested to see more data on the RPi5 when it's out, as to figure out if it's worth getting over trying an OPi5 for a home media system with Jellyfin.

If you really want Intel, just get an N100 or N300. Low power, Intel HW transcoding on iGPU on Linux kernels 6.3+, and can handle Jellyfin no problem.

Didn't think about that either. I'm finding I didn't give this as much thought as I should've.

You can get a minipc with everything you for $175 for a no name brand, or maybe $250 for a more well-known brand.

But why do that when I could spend +$600? 😜

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Good point. So what we're really talking about then is

  • something like a raspberry pi
  • 1 or 2 hard drives for base storage
  • 1 external hard drive as a backup
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Interesting. Would you say that porkbun is a good candidate for setting up a PiHole + Wireguard VPN at home?

I don't think there's anything in the Pi-Hole VPN setup with Wireguard that says you need to open up port 53. In fact, in the Pi-Hole userspace you see so many people specifically saying to not open up port 53.

Find a static site generator you can tolerate and style things the way you want, have the static files be generated, pick your favorite way to host and server up those static files.

It's not self hosted, but you might like 750words as well.

Hey now, spam is made of pork! What cuts of pork we're talking about, well, that's a different question.

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Sure, I don't disagree. But you can't fire them simply because Islam isn't pro-gay.

But I need proof that Eich was going out of his way to specifically oppress the gays, not a "well obviously" or tangential claim. If he simply donated to some Republican who later turned out later to actually be anti-gay marriage, who's to say Eich didn't know they had that position?

And we don't even know if Eich is against gay marriage, no one here has shown proof of that. Should I assume you're possibly Islamaphobic because of your comment? I don't think I should.

We can't assume people's positions based on nothing tangible. It comes off as obnoxious mind reading. In fairness, the internet created these mind reading games all political sides do, because it gets attention and likes. If someone truly holds a disagreeable opinion, you should be able to sufficiently counter it. Granted, that's a whole different think when we're talking about being in the workplace.

I'm curious, what's the benefit of using Tailscale over setting up Wireguard yourself? Is it just not having to do all of the setup? Or do I misunderstand what the main use of Tailscale is?

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Hmm, I guess my question would be how does this all work? I mean, is it not possible to configure STUN/DERP services yourself? Or add control lists yourself?

I'm curious as to how all of this is done, not just to see if it's possible (even if it'd be a headache) but for confirmation. Granted, networking is my worse subject when it comes to any related to computers. For ACLs, I guess Apparmor and/or SELinux profiles would be configured? The removing a key I can understand why it's be a nightmare yourself, but how does Tailscale do it where it's just so simple?

EDIT: Another question I have is how does Tailscale work when I have a VPN for securing network traffic when browsing the internet etc.? Or is that just seamless?

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Interesting, thank you for your response!

I don't know why I didn't think about the fact of having network specific ACLs is probably something we've developed since the dawn of the internet.

Also it makes sense that the configurations would be hosted in one place, and I see what Headscale is for now.

Maybe I'll dump my VPN provider for Tailscale or setup a Headscale instance on a VPS some day. I also saw Netbird, which their $8/month plan gives unlimited users. Seems slightly similar to Tailscale.

If you are not trusting Proton, you should not trust Tailscale as well, in my opinion.

True, although I don't know if I say I don't trust them. It's more of a sense of skepticism that's always in the back of my mind when it comes to any service.

Another question is that why are you paying $19 for that? They have $10-12 plans that come with 500 GB storage, emails with 3 custom domains and high-speed VPN.

I have a business account with them. I'm trying to remember why I upgraded...

Another question that pops in my mind is, why do you need a VPN? Do you need to connect to your services privately, or do you just need to change your IP for (relatively) better privacy?

At this point, if I'm going to do be doing more self-hosting I'd want the ability to connect to services privately. The other thing is that with Tailscale I can set my PiHole as my DNS server. That way any device on the tailnet gets the ad blocking as well. Plus, if I can get unbound with DNS-over-HTTPS (via stubby) setup on it then I have a pretty secure and fairly private setup. That's kind of what's got me thinking about moving to Tailscale.

I have a business account with them. I don't really remember why I upgraded to a business plan. Might downgrade it to save a few bucks for now.

Tailscale just partnered with Mullvad so this works out of the box for that setup:

Ah I literally saw that post here a few days ago! How could I forget about that? I might just switch over to Mullvad. Way cheaper, I can downgrade the Proton account I have (I'll still use their email service until I have time and figure out how to self-host my own email) and I can use Mullvads encrypted DNS servers until I can configure DNS-over-HTTPS + Unbound on my PiHole.

I got a RPi 3B as my Pi-Hole that I'll eventually use as my Wireguard VPN, too. Hoping to get another Pi device for hosting Jellyfin on.

Currently, and I could be wrong, the alternative to a Pi 4 from Pine64 now would be a Pine64's Quartz64 Model B. A Star64 might be interesting, but that's RISC-V so who knows what OS you could boot on it currently and if it would even be stable.

Plus with the Quartz64 Model B, who knows if you'll able to get a good case for it. There's the $28 “Model B” ALUMINUM WATERPROOF ENCLOSURE, but, eh, no thanks. There's the open enclosure, but that's also a no for me. I want a case I can hide the device itself, the cables, put a heatsink and fan on, be able to use an SSD with USB connect and connect a power supply all stuffed in a case. Which you can find plenty of for Raspberry Pi's.

Not to mention the Pi 5 isn't even out yet, and it's entirely possible it'll be better than the Quartz64 Model B, on top of having a ton of accessories. Plus, I can Pi up practically any Pi at the Microcenter or similar store near me as opposed to having to pay for good shipping.

I'm totally for having alternatives to the Pi, heck I might pick up a Quartz64 Model B if I can find a case, but a lot of alternatives don't have the same support and accessories the Pis do.

Great point. I don't know why I didn't think about that.

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If you’re gonna spend that level of money, you may as well go for an M1 Mac Mini.

I was joking. I don't feel like shelling out $600 for a starting media server.

I don’t think anyone here would recommend BSD

I'm guessing this is due to issues of support, compared to Linux?

I tried to set the Pi-Hole as the DNS via the instructions here, and the exact settings for the Netgear router is under Advanced -> Setup -> Internet Setup. Everytime I've set this, no hostnames can be resolved. I followed the Pi-Hole instructions to a tee, so I don't know if I'd be missing something. Currently, the Pi-Hole acts as the DHCP server.

Have you made sure you’re on the latest firmware?

I don't even know how I would do this on this Netgear router. I see nothing in the settings to check for firmware updates, and I don't recall seeing anything in the manual. I guess I'd have to call their tech support.

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As I said to someone else, it must be the Netgear modem. If I go to Advanced -> Setup -> Internet Setup and click Use These DNS Servers and put in the address for the Pi-Hole, it prevents me from doing so. Or, rather, I can set the addresses, but then I have no internet access. Hostnames don't get resolved, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something?

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I mean, right now, that's definitely not on the table.

4K would be nice, obiviously, but I don't think I myself am to act nor do I want to act as the alternative to Plex for a bunch of family and friends. 😆

The car the lady was driven off in was like decent looking ~2020 model car. Maybe it happens the way you say it does, I don't know. I'd like to see data that shows if either how you what you say is true or not, but generally when I've personally witnessed shoplifting it's not done by people who seem like they're truly struggling.

Sorry, I agree. I don't know why I simply said "fired."

$20 per month for 400mb of email + a VPN was an acceptable cost maybe in 1998, now it’s insanely expensive

Yea I have a business plan with Proton. No idea why I upgraded but I remember doing it.

And then you need to tell us why you’re using the VPN. Just privacy when using unsecured wifi? Or ISP tracking paranoia? Or torrenting?

Yes, yes and yes lol. Also I would like to connect to devices privacy and see if I can make use of my PiHole when I'm not on my home network where the PiHole is located.

are you the only user or is this for some family members also?

Probably just me and my fiance at the moment.

you can 9/10 just get a basic 5$ or less gigabit VPS.

Sweet, good to know!

but your traffic is not routed through their servers,

Hmm so correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am), but with a basic Wireguard setup you'd have one device act as the server and other devices that connect to it are the clients. But can't you have 2 devices that act as servers/clients to each other, and then have other devices connect to them and the connect with bounce between those two devices?

I'm assuming that if this is even achievable, it's not something Tailscale or Headscale will let you do.

To a first approximation, Tailscale/Headscale don’t route and traffic.

Ah, well damn. Is there a way to achieve this while using Tailscale as well, or is that even recommended?

Are younreally expecting 10gb/s speeds over your encrypted links?

Eh, no. You have a good point there. I mean in a more perfect world that would be wonderful, but that's not the case.

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What do you think we should actually do about those problems? Ask nicer? Vote harder?

I think your rent should be due a week early this month.

your traffic is not routed through the Headscale server

Damn, well is there a means of using both Headscale and routing your traffic somewhere else?

My big reason for looking into Tailscale/Headscale is the ability to connect to my devices at home, at the office or a VPS that's in a different state/province and having the ability to use my PiHole as my DNS, but I would still like my network traffic to be (mostly, as an VPN doesn't save you from other tracking methods) protected.

Force tailscale to route all traffic through the DERP servers?

No no, sorry. I mean can I still have all my network traffic go through some VPN service (mine or a providers) while Tailscale is activated?

So if I'm torrenting something, I don't have to turn off Tailscale on that device and switch on a VPN before I start the torrent process?

I'm going to guess either "no" or "yes, on paper, it's possible."

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Plus, ZFS supports native encryption!

Hmm, I think that was the one I was wondering about. I use Gentoo, and when I was initially setting everything up on my machine, I saw there were a lot of caveats for using ZFS on linux from the Gentoo wiki entry on it. Maybe that's changed or those issues are no longer related to native encryption specifically.

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It's a combo. Most are these days, I believe, but I know Spectrum is weird and will give you a router AND modem if you just buy it through them. What device would you recommend? I don't want to buy one just to find out I can't set the Pi-Hole as the DNS server on a new one.

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It's the interest in how well the HAMMER2 filesystem works for everyday storage, as well as how swapcache performs. Not much besides that, plus I've generally decent experiences with Net and OpenBSD.

If you are not too stuck on bsd

Not really. It's more out of the curious of how DragonflyBSDs HAMMER2 filesystem works. I've good things about it and ZFS on FreeBSD. ZFS on Linux I've heard is still getting up to where it is on FreeBSD.