1 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Weird fantasy to kill kids. You might need some help.

I haven't ate meat in 6/7 days, broke down and had a BLT yesterday. Tough to give up the bacon completely but I'm working on it.

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When I was growing up I was told to never trust anything I saw on the Internet.

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I've gone the other way with this. I've significantly cut my spending down in the last couple years. No more eating out, no vacations, grow my own food, don't eat meat, no ac and minimal heating to only to keep pipes from freezing. Even with all that and more I'm spending as much as I did a few years ago but a much more restricted lifestyle. Be cool if my pay rate kept up with this inflation but my union agreed to a shit contract just before all this started.

Let's see some drug tests.

Working hard to keep 420,420 green

Live in a suburban area. Several of my neighbors have 5+ acres of land. One of them has a makeshift range, so I hear someone shooting all the time, sometimes for hours on end day after day. I'm not thrilled by it.

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Bear Grylls entered the chat.

I'm not reading that whole post, but in answer to the title. I use an android for my personal phone and an iPhone for my work phone. I've used both side by side for more than the last 10 years. Without a doubt the android phone is more functional and easier to use. I don't give a shit about cameras, messaging apps, or brand loyalty. The android is more affordable and allows me to send texts, surf the internet, and watch YouTube without adds through vanced. I would never consider getting an iPhone as my personal use phone.

How Ironic I click the piped link. It throws a can't play error and asks me to download the app. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

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I'm still waiting for the next dangerous migrant caravan saga to come along. I expect we'll see it in the next couple months.


I take it one further and bring in a cart from between spaces, someone is finishing using packing away groceries, or already in the station and bring it back into the store to use. And as a single person struggling with the increasing cost of groceries, trying to keep my weekly trips under 80$. I can carry out everything I get by hand, leaving the cart in the store.

Returning the cart to the station is like bare minimum and still many people can't even do that.

I don't know about that. A combo meal at McDonald's is inching closer to 15$ in a lot of places. You can go down to the grocery store and get a good amount of food for that much. Healthy doesn't necessarily mean only the expensive organic, free range, non GMO whatever foods are worth eating.

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This math doesn't add up 78k is 6.5/mo?

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Maybe he should step down about it

Sendin out an sos, I fukin hate sting

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I only fill up a trash bag maybe once every 2 weeks. I only take the can down once a month since there's so little waste. Between composting and recycling there's so little that actually gets thrown out.

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Are they implying that these corps would stop or slow making ev because some workers want more pay? Oh yeah you plebs want to be able to survive why do I destroy the planet see how you like that /s. Like we cant do both and it's zero sum.

Pork chop sandwiches!

This is a problem with a lot of digital content these days. You don't own anything, it's all leased from the company and can be taken away at any time. It's worse for video games where everything is now online even for single player games.

So a happy meal with no toy.

While driving, I'll find a spot on the windshield and try to make it weave in and out of the center dotted lines by waving my head back and forth.

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All that power to print monopoly money or disney dollars.

Bubbles: Shopping Cart Venture

Just finished the entire MegaMan battle network 1-6 gba series on my retroid pocket.

I'm making a BLT pizza when I get off work today.

My recipe, 1lb whatever bacon, frozen pizza crust, 1cup mozzarella cheese, 1 head romaine lettuce, 1 large tomato, 0.5 cup mayo (not fucking miracle whip gross). Fry up the bacon and crumble. Thaw pizza crust stretch to desired size. Top with mozzarella and crumbled bacon. Bake crust according to instructions. Top with mayo and sliced lettuce and tomato. Ezpz

A Big Mac combo is almost 20$?!? Who the fuck would buy that?

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Maybe we don't make every game a live service. Remember halo 2, game was fantastic and no micro transactions in sight if you don't count xbl.

I never heard of anyone having fond memories of ecco the dolphin.

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Att had their major outage a week or two ago.

Cody Johnston sweating intensifies

No lines

Didn't know your boyfriend was Mimi-Seku did ya.

Back in like 2007? I started a line in front of a best buy to wait for the wii console release it was about a 3 day wait. I was the only one there for the first day, but some other people showed the next day. We had a pretty good time.

After a while you get pretty good at it. I just run over it with the buzzer multiple times and run my finger tips over the back of my head a few times looking for longer strips I missed. Also if you're out in the win you'll feel those longer hairs you missed waggling around. I trim once a month or so but if you do it more often you'll be likely to catch it the next time you buzz. I understand some people just don't like the buzzed look, but I wear hats most of the time anyway and couldn't imagine spending 20$+ to have my hair done.

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Console would have to be the Mario/duck hunt/track and field combo. Pc would be either dos MegaMan or kurstys fun house.

I wouldn't call any of those options better. Idk about your taste if food if you like cold mostly rice burritos, or cold mostly rice and katsup chicken. I've been priced out of fast food because of these rising costs for a couple years now and making my own food is quite a bit healthier and cheaper even though I hate cooking.

When I see suggestions like this o don't know of it would ever work for me. I could eat peanut butter out of the jar by the fistful. I tend to go way overboard with it when I use it.

As a classic wow enjoyer Im limed to ~100 slots of bag space. Stuff that says with me and will never get sold or deposited goes at the top of the bag where it'll never move. Usually goes by hearthstone, class items, consumes, specialized gear, followed by quest items. The items I pickup along the way go under that. While questing I'll pick out the things to either keep or sell and move it to the bottom of the bag. This includes materials and valuable items. All the junk stays in the middle and gets sold to the next vendor I cross.