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Joined 1 years ago

Why the fuck would you pause it? They should lock an actual gag around his mouth and leave it there.

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When he was forced to actually buy it (instead of just being a memelord), I immediately thought he would try to tank it (to the ends of whatever money juggling bullshit that rich people get up to).

Stories like this aren't doing much to change my mind.

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Right. Like the motive isn't fucking obvious.

"Orange man with small hands does another illegal thing, this might be the end"

It never is. Fuck you to every sensationalistic "news" outlet that continues to post the same artcle with differnt herbs and spices for the 10,000th time.

He's a douchebag. We all know already. Shut the fuck up about it unless he's in jail or dies. Then shut the fuck up about his dumbass kids. I don't want to start hearing about them for the next 40 years after I'm finally rid of their asshole father.


Okay, that could easily be misinterpreted. What I mean is don't look for one. Live your life. Get to know yourself. Find some hobbies, start some projects, do some cool shit. Not as a resume for a relationship, just to do it and be fulfilled. You don't need to find someone right this moment.

The worst relationship I ever had was because I was young and lonely and bored and I ended up dating someone who nearly destroyed my life and dominated everything about it. Took 5 years to get away from it. Subsequent relationships suffered, though not because my partners were awful, I just wasn't worth dating.

At some point, I just got tired of it and "retired" from dating. I took care of myself, did things that interested me, and relaxed for a few years. Just me. I got really happy just being with myself. Then, my best friend of nearly 20 years and I ended up starting a thing nearly on accident, and now (a few years later) we're very happily married. Absolutely would not have been possible unless I'd spent the time to figure myself out.

I feel like someone in this thread should be calling someone else a tankie, even if only for the meme of it.

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Good, fuck 'em. Stop ressurecting dead people with shitty inaccurate software hacks.


It seems like just yesterday I was listening to Dana's comedy bits about Dex as a ~5 year old.

In no particular order;

  • Detecting "installed" software is iffy. Linux can have all kinds of things running on it that aren't "installed" as-such (same as Windows with portable EXEs, Linux has AppImage/etc). Excepting things like that, you can detect installed apps through the package managers (apt/pkg/yum/snap/etc).
  • OS updates in Debian-likes and Redhat-likes are controllable out of the box, but I'm not familiar with a way to prevent a user from doing them (other than denying them root access, which might make it hard for them to use the system, depending on what they need to do).
  • I've had a lot of good results with OpenVPN.
  • lol antivirus. Not saying Linux doesn't get viruses, or that there arent antiviruses for Linux, but the best way to avoid getting them is still to just avoiding stupid shit. Best thing I can offer is that if you have some kind of centralized storage, check that for compromised files frequently, and keep excellent backups. And make sure your firewalls and ACLs don't suck.
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Grew up in Chicago, currently in Phoenix. I miss squirrels.

All the lizards are pretty cool though. They're like desert squirrels.

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Aaahhhh, there we go

Usually they just over-pay for their computer because you can't really buy a system without Windows pre-installed (unless you build it).

I have so many computers that came with Windows installations that I never even booted into.

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Reasonable to allow only secure devices for work: Yes

Reasonable to expect the employee to provide such a device: No

Work should only be done on company hardware (including auth). Especially if they're going to be that concerned about security.

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I know that there is a large difference between CAD and general 3D modeling, but I've designed all my custom 3D printed parts in Blender and have had zero issues with fitment or scaling.

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Only 60%?

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Absolutely nothing, because they all give fucking useless results. Hallucinates, is confidently wrong, and isn't even grammatically competent (depending on the model). Not even good for a draft, because I'd have to completely rewrite it anyway.

LLMs are only as good as the guys training it (who are mostly morons), and the raw data they train on (which is mostly unaudited random shit).

And that's just regular language. Coding? Hah!

Me: Generate some code to [do a thing].
LLM: [Gives me code]
Me: [Some part] didnt work.
LLM: Try [this] instead.
Me: That didn't work either.
LLM: Try [the first thing] again.
Me: ... that still doesn't work...
LLM: Oh, sorry. Try [the second thing again].
Me: ...

Loop continues forever.

One time I found out about a built-in function that I didn't know about (in LLM generated code that didn't work), and read the manual for it, and rewrote the code from scratch to get it working. Literally the only useful thing it ever gave me was a single word (that it probably found on Superuser or StackExchange in the first place).

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I initially thought this post was about a reddit sub going missing, and I was very confused about why anyone would pay to be part of it, or why there would be a search.

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I may be spoiled in that I don't play AAA multiplayer games, but I do play AAA single player and indie single/multiplayer (usually the type where one of the players is also the server, e.g. Terraria).

Been running Linux on my systems for more than a decade, and - especially since Proton/SteamDeck enchantments made their way upstream - I haven't had any major ssues (except having to wait a while to play RDR2-PC in Ubuntu because of a weird game-specific graphics card driver issue, but even that was fixed in due course).

Fuck Windows, and fuck the assertion that it's the only way to run games.

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Gotta be a tie between him and Musk.

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@NoStressyJessie Did I miss something? What prompted you to start carrying a firearm? Some loudmouth asshole who didn't do anything but talk? Was it in a previous post?

Also, don't carry and drink. Never mind being a dumb idea in general, it can get you in a lot of trouble if you ever have to actually use it.

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Didn't say it was the only way, just the best way. Most effective attacks are still against humans, not computers.

That's basically a character on Rick and Morty (except its like a million ants)

Indeed. Though that's only my surface level complaint.

On a deeper level; LLMs just fuckin' suck ass. They aren't people, stop assuming they can do things that people can do.

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I only work in dumbass terrestrial systems administration, and even we do that (mostly because I pitch a fit when they try to test more than one thing at a time)

People used to believe that leeches could suck the illness out of you. There's always been someone selling bullshit.

If you mean specifically the outward appearance to a general audience, the term "Keeping up with the Joneses" has been around for ~110 years ( ).

I was just posting in another thread about how I remade the armrest of my Traveler Guitar to be more comfortable. The one it comes with is super uncomfortable to me, so I redesigned it to be shaped more like a Squier. Images here .

All I really needed was some cardboard, some calipers, and Blender. Though, to get the measurements just so, I had to make a bunch of little virtual rulers (the yellow strips). In CAD, you wouldn't need those since the measurements are described directly in the process of making the part.

All these people talking up either PC features or Switch formfactors, and no one's bringing up Steam Deck...

Highly recommend getting one, then you don't need to split your library.

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I've always thought that the metrics for "this is good/bad" should be separate from "this deserves more attention".

  • Cute kitten plays with yarn? Awww, upvote!
  • CEO conducts massive layoff? What a jerk, downvote. Wait, in needs visibility, upvote...?

I suggest 3 metrics:

  • Add/reduce visibility: This is the user's vote for whether the post should get more or less traction.
  • Good/Bad: The users review of the content. Used to tell whoever reads it what the community thinks of the topic.
  • Relevant/not: The user's opinion of whether the content is relevant to the magazine/sub/etc. Not all vaguely off-topic posts need to have their visibility reduced, but might be used as a metric for locking/moving the thread.

Now, if you institute all 3 metrics, would that mean more than one pair of up/down arrows? Yes, it would.
Would it mean that people have to actually think about their votes? Yes, it would.

One might reply that people would viscerally vote all up or down for a given post, and we'd get a lot of garbage data. I would argue that having all 3 of these in one metric (plus favorites) is already garbage data.

As for saving threads for later? That should be a sub-option, like checking activity, or reporting.


It was a hypothetical, I was just using myself as an example. Here's one that's not hypothetical:

I'm already a practiced in 3D modelling, UV unwrapping, texturing, lightning, rendering, compositing, etc. I could recreate a painting, pixel for pixel, in 3D space.

If I just hit render, is that my art now? It took a lot of research to learn how to do this, I should be able to make money on that effort, right?

I can do that millions of times and get the same result. I can set it on a loop and get as many as I want. It's the same as copying the first render's file, it just takes longer.

Now I decide to change the camera angle. Almost the entire image is technically different now, but the composition is the same. The colors, the subjects, relative placement in the scene, all the same, but it's not really the same image anymore. Is it mine yet?

I can set the camera to a random X,Y,Z position, and have it point at a random object in the scene (so it never points off into blank space). Are those images mine? It's never the same twice, but it still has the original artist's style of subjects and lighting. I can even randomize each subjects position, size, hue, direction, add a modifier that distorts them to be wobbly or cubic... I can start generating random objects and throwing them in too, let's call those "hallucinations", thats a fun word...

At what specific point in this madness does the imagery go from someone else's work to mine?

I absolutely can generate millions of unique images all day. Without using machine learning, based on work I recreated with my own human hands, and code I write uniquely from my experience and abilities. None of the work - artistically - is mine. I made no decisions on composition, style, meaning, mood, color theory, etc.

You may want to try to write these questions off, but I can tell you with certainty that other artists won't.

I've known my best friend for 20.5 years. We're getting married in March (close to the 21 year mark).

Nice try EA, but you're not getting my golden ideas for free.

You can be single and still have lots of friends and socializing.

@NoStressyJessie That sounds a whole lot like "I know what the rules are, but I'm ignoring them anyway, because I feel justified". That's not how laws work.

The best way to use a gun is to avoid using it. Don't put yourself in a situation where you feel like you're in danger. That means you probably shouldn't get dinner at the shitty bar that over-serves armed racists. If it's as bad as you're indicating; get the fuck out of there (and report the incident to their management... on the phone, later).

@Thcdenton @Fal

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The reputation system is awful. It's actually enough to get me to stop using the platform, because - unless you dig in to my comment history and see the upvotes - it looks like more people disagree with me than not.

Logically I know it's untrue (and it wouldn't matter if it were), but reddit gamified both the attempt to gain popularity AND the dissemination of it. Because of that, huge numbers of people treat internet points as an actual indication of a person's value. I left reddit a long time ago, and that was one of the major reasons.

I don't want to have my thoughts on a topic discounted because of a clerical error coupled with too much emphasis on counterfeit updoots. I especially don't want to become an outcast because of a flood of downvotes from people who can't tell the difference between "someone they disagree with" and "a bad person". We're building a new community, we should take this opportunity to build a better one.

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Oh hell yes they will!


Well done; you missed the point entirely, slung some useless mud, and figured out a way to turn it into self- praise. You should run for office.

Everyone stop what you're doing at look over here at... "TokenBoomer"... they'll get to the bottom of this, on a web forum, deep in a thread with... Hey! 5 boosts! We're almost there, I can feel it.

Like and subscribe, thoughts and prayers.

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That's the company that made those assassin games


It's been suggested that AI art created without human input cannot be receive copyrights;


I've been using Clevo laptops for years. Large user base, lots of great Linux support. I just run Ubuntu, haven't had many issues (and no critical issues).

They usually get rebranded, and I've gotten them through IBuyPower, Origin, and... can't remember the other one. My most recent one was just straight up marketed as a Clevo, got it on Amazon.

You might have one or two odd issues (like having to install custom code to configure the RGB key backlights), but there are plenty of users to ask for assistance on various forums and repos.