1 Post – 9 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Or you can browse following and see only what you are following, you know? Like how reddit does it

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I'm neither left nor right, I'm forward

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I want this, but linux

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Chainmail or cuirass, spangenhelm type helmet, shields and a spear should do

How does one get gay cats? (they conform to my gay lifestyle)

Wait, there's a "forward" party for real? Tf?

Well, that one I can support

Hm, yeah idk what that is exactly, I'm not from the US so whatever

Maybe they meant libertarian. Right wing people against government intervention on people's lives, just in favor of little to no regulation on anything. Or liberal left, as opposed to radical left (which usually means Marxist), or maybe centrists, which usually are more liberal. In general it means being more in favor of a less powerful government.

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