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Joined 1 years ago

Untrue, any Russian in Ukranian captivity can refuse to be in prisoner swaps.

This was almost certainly done by Russian citizens, but then it doesn't REALLY matter does it? It's all about the message.

Dear Russian's, the world hates you. We hate you until this war ends, we will hate you until we die. You will face a lifetime of embargos, and you will live a life of hardship and struggle as your Rubble declines in value. May you starve, may your children die of disease, I wish for your lives to be miserable and I hope the world is cruel to you all.

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I used to agree with you. But I'm not so naive anymore. The average Russian wants this war. The average Russian thinks the world is bullying them. I propose tossing out the baby with the bathwater on this one. Blame them all, let God sort 'em out.

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I think it's more of a "they have to host your shit somewhere" even if it's just cold storage think about having to task employees with backing up 7 year old drm onto cold storage. The man hours are better spent elsewhere. I don't love it, but I get it.

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As a Google investor this is good news. That ain't SHIT.

Russia recently began pulling Soviet era armor out of cold storage so.... probably from there. So yea, I know you may have been slightly joking but it's accurate. These are old mostly out of order tanks being revived in a last ditch effort for Putin to not get Muammar Gaddafi'd on Facebook live in the coming years.

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I agree with you. I don't feel bad for any dead Russian, but I wouldn't be happy if a school or hospital was directly targeted. Ukraine is doing things with honor. Honor is not something you can buy on Amazon so most people don't care for it now, but it is amazing to see some still have it.

War takes longer than you expect it will. Take that to heart. It will last a surprisingly long time. 4-5 years at minimum and I'm sorry to say it but at a certain point if Putin isn't overthrown Ukraine is OBVIOUSLY going to get nuked. I fucking hate this war. Peace in the east.

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On this point I have to concede. That is not beneficial.

Try Suicoke auto-cab's pretty stylish, they come in black, can be worn with sweats or jeans or anything really, and they're pretty comfy for me. I've got some screws in my foot from a motorcycle accident so I'm bougie about my footwear and Suicoke gets my nod of approval. NIKE ACG sandals LOOK nice, but I've never worn or owned em, so I don't know if they're comfy or durable.

Olu'kai also makes great house sandals, but they're NOT stylish for going out, they are comfy though if that's what you're in for.

I hate Birkinestocks because I used to be a chef, and that's what chefs usually use. If I see birki's when I'm out I just assume you're a chef on his off day lol. Fucks with my head

I mean, there's nothing wrong with doing it that way. We cannot just decide its not a place anymore. There are, hold on to your butts, good people who were born in Russia... GASP!!!! I hate this war, I do not hate each individual Russian. I blame Putin more than anyone.

You couldn't tell me one thing about Cuba without googling it. I'm not exactly worried or even at all interested in what the average under-educated and geogphically illiterate American thinks... about anything. But thanks for.... whatever it was you think you did with this response. Wasn't anywhere near as meaningful as you thought it was when you typed it.

Hmmm not really though. Depends on how you currently use phones. I have the bottom end last year's model galaxy phone. My annual insurance costs as much as this phone not counting what I actually still pay monthly for the phone. Something like this is WAY cheaper and even if you have to replace it in 2 years you can upgrade and still spend a FRACTION of what I did for this phone. It's very cost effective, and with the added benefit of being repairable these are welcome in my eyes. There IS a market for this even if you do have to eventually replace the phone, as all phones need eventually anyways.

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Kias are such dogshit cars man, avoid buying one if you can TRUST ME.

Right, but from what I believe those were their reserve tanks meaning they were either serviceable or usable tanks in storage for use at a later time. These old fuckers are neither serviceable or useable. It's hardware that was NEVER meant to be used again and therefore this equipment will be found to be largely unusable or simply stolen long ago.

All they had to do was put their asses in the water. When that explosion went off the air forced out of their simultaneously puckering assholes would've propelled them to at LEAST 88 MPH and safely back to the future.

Yes. I'm not sure if you know what reading comprehension is, but start with Dr. Seuss books and try figuring out things like "does Sam I Am like green eggs and ham" and "how many red fish, how many blue fish". Then after you've grasped that a little better come on back and have a conversation with the adults. We will be waiting.

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It was never real socialism agreed, but about 2 years after the embargo is when the country really went to shit. There's quite a few video documentaries about it, i wont argue with you about weather or not im right because im just telling you facts.

Believe it or not Cuba is worse off than Russia. The American embargo has decimated the island. It is not easy to leave, but they will have a better life literally anywhere they can go. I'm cuban. Trust me. In a strange way, I do hope some poor cuban kid does go to the war, and does kill an American volunteer. And then finally Americans will consider this pointless embargo and it's ramifications.

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Make cargo shorts and t shirts illegal. Seriously, you look like a bum wearing that shit. Wear solid color Chinos and sweaters for cold weather, camp collars for warm weather. Stop dressing like mommy picked out your clothes.

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Lol. I'm not certain reading any of those studies would benefit you actually. You seem to be pretty sure of yourself. I'll enlighten you, condescension is often linked to a lower IQ. Belief that the world is an inherently good place is often linked to a lower IQ. The fact that you think faggot is a no no word is also indicative of a low IQ. The fact that you think calling someone a child is an insult means you're early to mid twenties. So let me get this all wrapped up for you, you're likely not College educated. You drive a used car. You do not own a home. You're struggling with your bills and currently shitty job, and yet here you are. Arguing with a stranger on the internet instead of trying to better yourself as you think I should. So let me ask you, what makes you think your better than me? Is it because you lack the brain power to realize you're having a childish internet fight while ironically calling someone a child? Or are you one of the many people with a low IQ who thinks they're the smartest person in the room?

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I hit the nail right on the head. That's why now you're so reticent. Run along. You've other people to spout your drivel to.

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Drake likes to have sex with children so... maybe care about more important shit.

You think you're on the moral high ground because you're uneducated and empathetic. Get in line, the internet is full of you.

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You clearly have no knowledge of what Argentine people are like, or you're one of their putrid offspring. Either way, you're wrong.

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... whatever faggot. Your beliefs are opinions and you tout them like facts. Look up what that says about your intelligence. I'm serious. It's readily available. Plenty of studies about how intelligent you must be to speak this way.

As for you, you're probably a faggot because your father was a faggot; and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Argentina is a land of racists and nationalist pieces of shit. Make that a meme.

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