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All that's left are tears at the reality, or laughter at the gallows absurdity of the reality.

Because "free markets, competition, being voluntary" are propaganda by capitalists using their owned media and purchased government to make its victims double as its defenders.

The goal of market capitalism is to end competition often by buying out up and coming rivals to kill the threat, manipulate the markets to your advantage using anything from bribery to cost benefit analysis of potential consequences/fines for sociopathic actions to potential profits, and conspire with your economic sector to coerce the workers you need into accepting less.

This is just expanded indentured servitude with a marketing team.

"So long as I'm free to exploit you into subsistence, you're free to die in the gutter when you're too broken to produce value for me!"

-The capitalists destroying us and the habitability of the world for any future humans, solely to run up their ego scores.

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I'd say we had a nice run, but considering genocide, slavery, highly selective voting rights, Jim Crow, Union Busting, supply side economics, foreign government toppling for domestic economic goals, warring to open up markets for resource exploitation, citizens united, etc... No we didn't.

We weren't even some benevolent saviors in World War II despite the constant crowing, we had our pacific fleet destroyed so we fought back. The war came to us, we were practicing eugenics prior to WWII.

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Oh shit guys, nevermind! Rah says he's doing great! Hows Bezos? Also great? Welp, that settles it, we're gonna be ok!

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If you force the peasants to stayed paired off and breed, especially in desperate, abusive conditions, they will produce the best kind of exploitation livestock for our glorious capitalist owners: the desperate kind that tolerates any abuse.

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We're patient zero for the world's current greed disease.

Not only won't we go along, our purchased government will internationally war against this. Never forget we destabilized the South American continent, a government at a time, to keep their markets open for capitalist exploitation and snuff out any potential examples of an economy that serves its people, as opposed to a society that subsists in service to an economy as it is here and increasingly everywhere.

We're a big reason the global owner class has so much unelected, unaccountable power that needs to be fought to begin with, our government has spent decades convincing other governments to "turn the bull loose" to open their markets to unchecked capitalist exploitation and betray their people under the promise that their elite can live like gluttonous modern Pharoahs for their betrayal. The UK has fully fallen to this as just one example.

This initiative for all intents and purposes is an attack on the United States and everything its people THAT MATTER, not us, stand for.

Israeli warmongers like Netanyahu perverting what it means to "learn from history," and dishonoring the struggles of those that came before them by taking on the methods of those that tried to snuff them out to snuff out a different people. (and it wasn't just camps, they starved them in the ghettos they locked them in as well.)

The I'm sure intentional lack of self-awareness is darkly cartoonish.

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... And The anecdotes ride off into the sunset together, their anecdotal futures so bright, they gotta wear shades...

They're a product of unrestrained Capitalism capturing its own government and accompanying regulators. This was the inevitable outcome of "turning the bull loose."

Short term profit > the needs of the many and the long term habitability of this planet for all future humans.

Who cares about our species' future? Bezos' support mega yacht for his mega yacht needs a support support mega yacht to keep it company!

And prior to us getting attacked, there were a metric ton of powerful Americans who sincerely dug the Nazi's style, including Henry Ford, who manufactured war machines for both sides, and is still held up to children as a titan and pioneer of American entrepreneurship because he made a lot of money and facilitated more profit for other capitalists, all that matters here, so who cares what he supported ideologically amirite?

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Unfortunately, despite the fact I agree with you this court is illegitimate, and would add our entire government is illegitimate due to the capitalist's capture of it and legalization of their bribery of incoming officials, these illegitimate rulings will be enforced by our captured government at the point of a gun, and for this I blame the framers for failing to put any reasonable checks, including term limits, on the judicial branch.

The Earth is ๐Ÿ”ฅburning๐Ÿ”ฅ, by our own hands, and we'd still rather play team sports for greedy sociopaths than prioritize even doing it a little slower with cheap EVs.

The Earth will heal in a few million years once we've destroyed ourselves. ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

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Capitalism is clearly going to death us first.

I'm sorry, but again, jim crow.

Our most revered eras of prosperity, except the 90s, were so prosperous on the backs of a massive, racially determined underclass supporting it and not benefitting from it with no other options. They never even had well funded schools worth the defunding that's happened to the rest since then.

And once a lot of people died getting rid of that, the owners decided fuck all the peasants, leading into today's more widespread economic despair.

Also rock and roll was derived from African American music of the times, and was just another thing white Americans stole from their racial underclass to benefit themselves.

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Thats a new spin to me. The only thing monopolies secure is their own existence.

And there's no making it right. This is the world. At least for this year.

And it will be hotter next year, and the next.

Why? Toleration that led to celebration that led to worship of unchecked, insatiable greed.

I'd say maybe lets force the owner class to stop though revolution and dismantling of our needless consumer culture so our children and theirs have at least a minimally habitable planet for humans and the other surface dwellers we don't give shit one about to live on, but we're not going to anyway. So burn baby burn I guess.

Greed is the most destructive human impulse, but prudishness still wins handily in the fucking annoying category.

Oh no, boobs, those things pretty much everyone likes, the horror!

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Fuck it, if we're dumb/selfish enough to be doing this, let's get it over with.

Good luck dolphin people! My only advice, if you have any dolphins incessantly trying to claim more resources for themselves than all the other dolphins, beat the ever loving shit out of them and nip that in the bud.

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Humanity is surrounding itself with the harbingers of its own self-inflicted destruction.

All in the name of not only tolerated avarice, but celebrated avarice.

Greed is a more effectively harmful human impulse than even hate. We've merely been propagandized to ignore greed, oh im sorry "rational self-interest," as the personal failing and character deficit it is.

The widely accepted thought terminating cliche of "it's just business" should never have been allowed to propagate. Humans should never feel comfortable leaving their empathy/decency at the door in our interactions, not for groups they hate, and not for groups they wish to exploit value from. Cruelty is cruelty, and doing it to make moooaaaaaar money for yourself makes it significantly more damning, not less.

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Never forget what all this human/animal/ecological death is and will be for, nothing of any value, solely stoking the ego scores of a few avarice governed sociopaths.

I hope humanity finds the strength to construct a monument on the scorched, hostile world we're making that we will struggle to survive on as our species flickers out that reads "Don't take it personally, it was just business."

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All the cool billionaires will do it.

Just saying.

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Unlike a lot of sectors though, Airbus knows what they're doing and is a high profile alternative, and unlike the US, hasn't yet completely internalized our sociopathic greed disease to our degree, despite the global economic pressure we inflict on other nations encouraging them to betray and cause harm to their own societies and citizens if it means an extra nickel of short term private profit.

Don't worry though, the UK has fallen to the greed disease, and our capitalists are bribing and coercing their way eastward, and they won't stop until they either are physically stopped by something like climate change, or successfully make the world forget that Economies are lowly tools that are supposed to exist solely to benefit the people of the society they are a lowly tool for.

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Whenever I dare to hope about the lofty, admirable star trek future, I remember that space is completely unforgiving and we just aren't up to the task for anything more than a token selfie by the best dozen humans we can possibly produce with great effort and training.

As a species, we aren't going to spread out there. Still too primitive, and probably too self-destructive to make it out of this phase of evolution. This might be one of those great filters scientists postulate as to why there aren't signals from innumerable civilizations out there.

We aren't even capable of caring for one another, let alone the EASIEST to maintain, most naturally human friendly habitat we would ever encounter in the cosmos as we evolved to fit it. No airlocks, the air/water/waste recycling was already fully automated, all we had to do was not recklessly grow/metastasize to the point we strain the absolutely massive system out of greed and glut, and stop carelessly shitting where we sleep. We all know how that's been going since we figured out how to make dead animal poison rocket us accross town.

Master space? Master planetary defense? We can't even defend this world from our own habitual consumerism. We'll be lucky if we aren't scattered tribes living near the old hardened structures of the before times for emergency shelter from the new normal weather events in a hundred years. We're already starting to argue over the resources it's taking to rebuild population centers from the current new normal. We have played pretend we were since human civilization began, but we are NOT and never have been this world's owners or masters, and we are still very much its subject.

And Reminder, what we're doing and have been doing in decades won't be undone for millions of years. The Earth is a self-correcting system, and the damage we're doing is inconsequential to its 3.8 billion year old, beautiful story of life growing out of every crevice, just not on a timescale humans can benefit from or even truly appreciate.

Kurzgesagt โ€“ In a Nutshell - Great Filter

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This is what I'm voting for Biden on. The fascists and the neoliberals take the same orders on the economy destroying our shared COMMUNal habitat for short term private profit. We're only permitted a vote on how to address the social symptoms of our growth/metastasis addicted capitalist economy we aren't and never will be permitted a vote on.

All we get to vote on as we sink into oblivion are the handling of social issue symptoms. I'm voting Biden because we don't need to ALSO use the country's Presidential bully pulpit to scapegoat LGBTQ, immigrants, pregnant women, etc for it as we sink into oblivion.

That's the only power we have, so why not be kind with it? Here at the end? Just be kind?

I absolutely did, and I'm taking mental notes on their technique to improve my own.

There's no shame in stealing from a publically traded conglomerate, they used the money from exploiting you and those like you to lobby to steal more from you and destroy the commons they tear up with their supply chains but didn't want to pay taxes to repair and maintain, and destroy public education they also don't want to fund despite enjoying and taking for granted the pre-literate workforce they have access to that they directly profit from. Stealing from them is just revenge.

They've stolen more from us than we can ever hope to steal back, including the temperate climate of our only habitat in their insatiable, blind, reckless, gluttonous, antisocial, sociopathic need for ever moooaaaar.

Enjoy that freedom!

Never lost that backwards, repressed, puritanical, "we come to the new world to be more dogmatic" prude streak.

I voted for Clinton with a funeral dirge in my heart at an empty polling place. Then I voted for Biden.

I despise Neoliberals. I'm a socialist. If I can swallow my pride and volunteer to be fucked with no lube instead of being hit by a fascist freight train yet again, you can too.

That said, this country is over, Rejecting the Reagan giveaway was the last chance to begin righting this ship now halfway under water from decades of celebrated antisocial avarice made legal. I'm voting Biden to minimize needless cruelty and scapegoating of vulnerable groups as we collapse from capitalist greed rot and firesale. That is the extent of our vote's power as our owners bought both parties on economic policy allegiance decades ago, so be kind with it.

We don't need to collapse AND have our chosen Nero in the white house using their bully pulpit to blame it on everyone from undocumented immigrants to pregnant women to lgbtq, etc and getting them murdered in the streets for what Wall Street profiteers, safe in their guarded towers and luxury bunkers, have wrought.

The impending food shortages and mass homelessness crises will be bad enough.

Yep, I had sympathy for her, presuming her to be a mail order bride who was in over her head, until she started adding her own signature cruelty on top of her husband's.

They deserve each other.

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Does this forest get smaller over the course of the night like a hunger games arena?

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I've seen stolen wares and goods being sold on street many times before. They arent scalped as that implies charging more than the retail price, they're sold for significantly less than the retailer, often at a fraction.

And just because they sold baby formula, doesn't mean they don't need to sell it to buy food and gas.

I will side with the have nots doing what they can get away with to survive over the Alice Waltons choosing to live like modern Pharoahs on our backs and never being satisfied with their immoral dragon hoards every time. The owners have bred this desperation, and bribe our captured government to maintain it in perpetuity for their exclusive benefit. Look to the nordic countries, this isn't how we have to live, scraping and subsisting, it's how our owner class demands it be so they can run up their ego scores, competing with one another while seeing us as subhuman batteries for that sociopathic game.

Of the greedy, by the greedy, for the greedy ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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There'll be a whole lot of "Oh if only we had known! If only climate scientists tried harder to convince us for the last 70 years!" as civilization collapses.

On the bright side, once civilization collapses, there really won't be anything stopping us from slapping such people. Won't fix anything, humans aren't clearly aren't any good at fixing our messes anyway, but it'll feel good on the way out.

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I understand why they kill us.

In addition to destroying their habitats for strip malls, we rope them into entirely too many of our rhetorical infighting arguments.

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I don't care what I sound like, they're also one of the few leaders/nations who successfully defended against American capitalist aggression attempting to destabilize their government to open up its resources/people to our owner's merciless exploitation in their insatiable need for infinite growth/metastasis on a finite world, and remove as many potential global examples of alternative economic systems as possible, a feat many South American nations that dared to attempt a better future for their people failed to accomplish defending against.

A small example demonstrating that our oligarchs can be rebuked, but an example nonetheless.

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Plot twist - you get this regardless of which one you choose:

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As an American, I'm all for forced conscription.

Only because it forces people who otherwise try to be "not political, teehee" and pretend our corrupt, captured, failing nation is fine to wake the fuck up and revolt.

For the record, in normal times, I think there should be mandatory national service for a year, but I don't agree a year of service has to be or even should be military. There should be a strong peace core that builds housing for the homeless, provides community services, etc.

I think it would give the US what it most needs and lacks almost entirely: empathy. Especially for our worst off, most suffering citizens.

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She was shot 19 times.

I don't consider it conspiratorial to say, given that it happened within hours the first woman was elected President, that it was more likely than not sending a message of ignorance bucking the idea of women leading, or considering it was cited as likely being a cartel, a message of "don't think we won't kill you if you act against our business interests just because you're a woman." which considering gender roles and mores are still much more traditional than in the US, might have been a message they felt was needed.

It may not be connected , but if it isn't, it's a pretty big coincidence.

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