2 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Joycons. I actually enjoy using them but the fact that their failure rate is basically guaranteed makes them little more than paper weights. I have 4 sets all with drift. I have a friend who's really into Nintendo and he has a huge collection of joycons because they keep developing drift. At $100 a pop in Canada, I know my friend has spent over $1000 on these things. Myself, I would never buy another pair of joycons from Nintendo.

My experience with joycons has actually made me much more discerning when it comes to buying new controllers, for example why would I buy the xbox elite controller when everyone reports they develop drift? Before joycons I probably would have just bought the xbox elite controller and ended up with a disappointing product.

Thank you for the marching cats, I needed to see something like that. I'm sorry you had to deal with something similar last night. I just wish we could use the internet without the abuse. I will try to remember your advice the next time it happens. I will try to go relax but it is hard to find enjoyment in the things I love when I am feeling down. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and respond.

Thank you for the response. I agree with you 100%. I used to try and tell myself its not that bad, just block the people being toxic. But in the end it doesn't matter how many you block or report: If there is no consequence to bad behavior, then it encourages that behavior.

I used to think reddit was better than Twitter/X in that regard but I was so wrong.

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I am sorry you have to deal with this too. I think I comment less and less because of those types of interactions, I appreciate you reading my post and responding.

I like your idea of putting some time between myself and the conversations, I have never directly noticed before but I think your right it can make it less scary. Thank you for your advice and kindness.

I mean, the fact that a subreddit based on making fun of people with disabilities even existed says a lot about reddit, just like dozens of other deplorable subreddits. Unfortunately some of those subs are still around to this day.

I'm sorry you went through this, the internet can be awful. The stuff I used to see on 4chan back in 2005+ was insane. In a lot of ways it hasn't really gotten any better on reddit.

It's alarming that when they rejected you, you doubled down and tried to adhere to their standards to fit in even more. But you were young and toxic groups like those exploit people all the time.

I hope now you understand it is not okay to make fun of disabled people like that.

Thank you for this, I am on a waiting list for CBT so this might be something that can help me a lot. I am going to try going to sleep soon, but I have that link bookmarked and open in a new window, I will be sure to read it tomorrow.

I am working on mindfulness with my current therapist but we have not done any CBT, I am sure that it will be helpful.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and thank you for your advice.

Thank you and I'm sorry you've had to go through all that. It's wild, I get a lot of pushback online when I call it out but in real life most people seem to understand. But I guess that's just the way the internet works.

Thank you for your perspective on speaking out. I hadn't thought about it like that, I appreciate it.

I love f-zero and starfox. I had no idea Imamura also did the art for my favourite zelda game, majoras mask!

That said I wish we'd get a new f-zero game sometime..

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Serious question here, when does this become an act of war?

This is all hypothetical so bear with me; If the USA flew satellites in international space above Russia, and those satellites dropped thousand and thousands of propaganda pamphlets that would fall down on Russian cities, and did this every day for years, would it not be seen as an act of war?

So why is it okay when it's done internationally online instead of international space?

Thank you for your consideration, it really helps make me feel better. I hope everyone else is having a good day at least!

It sucks when life feels like a smash mouth song and the hits don't stop coming. Hope you can fix your mobo/cpu problem without spending any extra money. Sounds like things are tough right now, I hope your week improves too :)

Goodluck! I hope you can get it working without too much trouble 🙂

I wish I could offer some advice, I'm on windows 11. I downloaded the game files from Blizzards website (had to google it, its kind of buried), and used my CD keys from my game cases. Honestly I was surprised I didn't have to do much tinkering to make it work. I think all I did was make sure it launches with compatibility mode enabled in the properties of the .exe

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I just finished playing the original FF7 for the first time in like two decades. I always secretly dreaded trying to play it again, worried that it wouldn't have aged that well as a game, or that my nostalgia was propping it up as a masterpiece when perhaps it wasn't.

It sucked me in and I ended up doing a 100% completion playthrough. The experience has shifted my thinking and now I'm more willing to replay older games. Just last week I found my old CD Keys and started up Diablo 2, the original, not the remaster. Now I've been sucked into that.

I personally am finding that mechanically, these older games have systems with lots of depth and creativity. They give you so many options and choices, and they rarely explain all of it so your kind of left to just.. experience it. I am sure this is not true for every retro game ( and ditto for some new games ) but it is something I have been feeling when playing older games.

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Thank you! I think I prefer a smaller community. I would rather have 5 kind people see my comment or post than have thousands see it and bring toxicity with them.

I was going to try Plugy earlier this week but I just discovered Project Diablo 2 which comes with some of the QoL features from Plugy and more. It's been phenomenal! Absolutely check it out if you haven't.