1 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


My favorite pastime is learning.

If something is unconventional it's typically better for it.

Music is crucial and experiencing it is mandatory - be it through listening or creating.

Reducing suffering is the best life goal I've come up with.

I am envious of this man's seeming capability to honestly pursue the path of an actual hero. May the endeavor and fortune of he and his support structures only prove cause for that envy to grow.

Is this actually a "Quiet down about being exploited by a known bad actor!" post, or am I missing something?

Also, why should discussion stop concerning a current, ongoing development in a space where how we choose to interact with that development hasn't yet been set by many on an individual and a community level? Just because you're tired of seeing it, and some people are arriving at a conclusion that may be different than yours?

I personally haven't decided where I stand 100%. Nor have I seen this addressed by the person running my instance on what (if anything) they are considering concerning the entry of Meta into this space. Why on earth would it be warranted for discussion to cease and everyone take it as fate that the behemoth be allowed to roll over a reluctant userbase? This is absurd.

Just tried using Google Earth to check for any Taco Bell locations to confirm this. How convenient that it wouldn't let me look anywhere close to Mars. They're keeping something from us!

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The forums on the metal archives are still active and a good resource for various different things concerning extreme metal. Bits of news, discussion, and some out of left field recommendations that I don't find other places.

Kinda neat, but pretty janky. Can't get it to open up in street view.

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Eh, respecting peoples' bodily autonomy isn't that difficult. Not doing so causes way more problems in the world so far as I see it.

If you've never tried a melted slice of cheddar cheese on top of a warm slice of apple pie you really should. When my great aunt suggested it to me I was incredulous, but after I tried it I was beyond thoroughly convinced.

Last I saw it isn't actually clear whether or not Fadades is parody or legitimate. Very clear in any either case that Fadades is great.

Especially within a genre like black metal where bands will make contra-conventional artistic decisions by way of course as it is, stumbling upon a vibe like this out of honest artistic expression vs. deriving it with a manifest ambiguity where the tongue seems to sprout from the cheek almost hardly matters. However Fadades came to be, it's a monument to whatever it actually is.

Synthesizers/sound design, music from extreme metal to baroque to pop, learning about anything that interests me (e.g. geography, geopolitics, world history, pop science level physics/astrophysics/paleoanthropology, religions and philosophy), the Godzilla franchise, terrible horror movies, Pathfinder 1E, and a voyeuristic curiosity surrounding conspiracy theories/the paranormal/the occult

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My local grocery store carries an alternative, Lee Kum Kee brand, that I've found to be adequate. There's some stuff that I eat regularly that sriracha flavor profile works better than anything else, so I'll take what I can get for now. Not having tried the Lee Kum Kee brand before the shortage, I'm eager to actually do a side by side once I can get a bottle of Huy Fong.

The thing that's mostly missing from this that would make it way more 90's is a background pattern with overlapping circles, squares, lightning bolts, and squiggly lines all in different neon colors. Everything, you see, was EXTREME in the 90's.

Sure thing. There's a lot to take in, I know. Just keep in mind, as with anything, the more you do it everything will begin to make more and more sense. It's important to get through the process though. When you're able to move through synthesis with intentionality it's like opening up a new world with endless possibilities only bounded by your imagination and the capabilities of the synth you're using.

This isn't a bad video for a beginner. It covers a lot of fundamental concepts. He speaks a bit fast, so slow speed by 10% if you're having trouble following. It's a long video because it covers so much ground, so be ready for that. I hope it helps in your process!\_vOge2gEas

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Tristania - World of Glass, and if you like that check out the two albums before it as well.

Just think of it as an opportunity to watch something burn in the rearview mirror.

Godzilla, rather characteristically, stomps any other answer.

My impression of squabbles after a while was more "feigned whimsy reddit". The people who loved the quirky snu aspect of reddit found their way there. "Oh look, he's wearing a box on his head with a face hole cut out! Ha ha!" - "He's holding a plate with a piece of birthday cake in one hand and a saxophone in the other! What a whacky character!!!" - "He's piloting a rocket ship! Space is amAAAAAzing!!!"

The dev seemed like he was impressively dedicated to improving the platform, but I didn't jive with what I perceived at the time to be the emerging culture there. Nothing offensive about it, but that's not at all what I'm looking for really. I haven't been there any type of regularly for a couple weeks, so not sure if that's still a thing.

Also, I don't pay strict attention to what instances they're coming from, but I've blocked many communities throughout the fediverse that spam memes like they're running out of time or something. I don't think squabbles exclusively lays claim to that type of behavior.

Just my opinion.

I'm going to go with Steven Wilson for this. Mostly because he and Mozart have an undeniable talent, many of their fans consider them to be some type of visionary savant, and despite the broad agreement toward that perspective I still find both of their outputs to be broadly incredibly dull.

I think these all merit a mention given what you're looking for. Whether or not they hit square is up to you.

The Fall (2006) - A bit flat in the story department, but this was clearly a film focused on being a feast for the eyes. It succeeds in that handily.

The Great Yokai War - Ever wondered what would happen if Takashi Miike directed The Never Ending Story? This is something like that.

Tuvalu - Almost like if you smashed the aesthetics of Jean Pierre Jeunet and Guy Maddin together. The dialogue is hyper-minimal, but it you can get on board with the overall approach this film is a gem.

The fandom in the Godzilla sub was super active on Reddit. Not much going on here really. Some chatter recently from the buzz Minus One has been getting, but I miss the daily active discussions and dumb memes from people actually plugged in to the community.

100% agreed. I'd been hoping for a reddit alternative to build an adequate groundswell for quite a long time before this hullabaloo exactly because the level of discussion had degraded so severely. Pretty done with people rehashing the popular responses that they knew would get upvotes the same way they had gotten upvotes the preceding million times they'd been posted whether they were relevant to the topic of the op or not. This platform can only benefit from fostering more substantive discussions.

I don't think there's a reality where some personal tending of what shows up in our feeds isn't necessary to weed out different attitudes/conventions inherent to particular communities, but the more we can avoid a descent into similar behaviors by way of activating the reward center of the brain for frivolous posting the better.

tl;dr - If I never have to read about Brawndo in a post discussing world politics again I will be happier than I probably deserve.


Your post bolsters what I've taken away from the looking I've done so far. The feature set seems robust, to the point it's recognizably intended to be the place to set up shop for a central experience amongst different platforms; hence the name I guess. That's probably according to taste though as well. I never had a problem with the type of UX Facebook offered, but I got far away from all that long ago for all the obvious reasons.

I didn't know that creating an account allows for login access onto different instances, but I guess that makes sense and is probably required in order to setup your mirrored/synced account. I may be twisting that around into a way it doesn't actually work, but I'll figure it out. I think I'm going to set up an account between tonight and tomorrow.

I saw that plugins were available. Curious to see how broad and varied the options are for these. I have to imagine there's some good stuff developed that I'll be pleasantly surprised to find.

Thanks for the input!

Fuck, two Tenhi fans in one place (make that three now). Not something to be expected. Glad to see it though.

@BraveSentry @brewbellyblueberry

If you visit your profile there is a bar beneath anything you may have put in your bio that lists options for overview / threads / comments etc. Subscriptions are included in this and if you click it will display what you've subscribed to. Mine is greyed out since I do not have that set to public view, but if I click on it myself they will still display for me. They seem to be in order of when you subbed right now. It would be nice if there was a way to show it alphabetized, but perhaps a different way to view your subs is coming, as this seems a bit of a workaround solution to what you're looking for. It's how I've found to do it.


I was able to pull it up in a search and just subbed. I saw a tip here earlier to eliminate the initial "!" when searching for a mag and that worked. This was the first time I've been able to do so though after checking back every so often as functionality has been slowly improving.

Wouldn't "Fist fight the Mastodon!" be more appropriate in this case?

Öröm - 8

Dark Ambient/Gothic Doom from Hungary. Incredible album with quite a unique ambience. Simultaneously melancholic and stoic. The textures between the chorused guitars, the synths with their emulated strings, brass, and piano, and the narrated vocal stylings vacillating between baritone spoken word and whispered rasps weave together an aural image of a remembered sorrow or a persistent longing for something always outside one's grasp. Slow and entrancing in its approach, not shy of sparse arrangements and repetitive passages.

It may suffer slightly from underproduction and less than perfect performances, but if you are so inclined you may find this to add to the character of the album. This was never destined for expensive studio time nor broad commercial appeal. This is niche music to fit the drear of the dark nights of a soul. A real gem for those receptive to its aesthetic.

This is good to know. As long as the use of the second server profile was temporary due to something like server downtime my understanding is that any activity taking place on the second profile would sync to the primary profile once it comes back online. So it may mean delayed receipt of any of this activity to anyone not connected through Hubzilla, but it'd get there eventually upon syncing? Is this correct?

If the primary profile were to go down permanently though it sounds like it'd be a good idea to have a list of existing contacts backed up somewhere else to be able to duplicate on the secondary server profile if necessary.

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RIght on. Thanks for the input!