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Constantly being brainwashed to consume is one of the great evils of our time. Consumerism is bad for mental health and the environment. But advertising also creates many biases in content creation.

When was the last time you heard anything about bad effects of advertising? Not just superficial "stupid ad" but as a massive corrosive force on society? That is how much freedom of speech we have.

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Hillarious! Just for a few seconds I wondered if this was real!

So what is the point of acquiring them if they just dismantle the company? Seems stupid unless it's funded by the CIA or something.

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"Liberal finds it surreal that neoliberalism creates fascism"

Such a weird thing! :D

Don't worry, probably they are going to jail for protesting. Soon we won't have any more rabble disturbing the blissful zen of self extinction.

Under a new law, the protesters risk up to six months of jail time.

Fascism is also on the rise because of improved technology for thought control / propaganda / public relations / advertising. Social media lets the worst of humanity band together and pool their energy.

But wealth inequality, both worse effective quality of life for the poor and increased economic power by the wealthy is I believe a main driver. Technology is just the tool. The ultra wealthy and their lackeys today have more power than ever and are more isolated and inundated with ideology that is basically insane.

I wonder if there are studies that show correlations between quality of life and fascism in different nations.

Unsurprisingly it's MAGA. Hilarious that even the liberals on the supreme court are currently doing mental gymnastics to ignore the constitution.

My dad fought the Nazi's they lost

"Oh I'm sorry. How did they die?"

"Die? No, we lost them. And now we cannot find them"

"Oh there they are! Right there!"

Libertarian capitalism created the perfect breeding ground for fascism.

You're right, if it was an intelligence service they'd want the service to continue while they have a backdoor.

Because of network effects the understanding of a monopoly has to grow with changing technology.

The fundamental problem is that it wouldn't even be desireable to split up many of the new social media and internet technologies because that would reduce the quality for everyone, increase costs to support as a business and increase environmental damage from duplicating server storage and power consumption.

What we need is to turn them into public utilities that have significant democratic input by their own workforce (the experts and enthusiasts) and the users (the billions of people who actually create the value for the thing).

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Like the BBC mastadon instance

I'm living mostly ad-free due to adblockers everywhere (except android) but most people don't know, can't do it or are brainwashed to think it's amoral to block ads. If more people would catch on adblocking would be made illegal. And either way my personal choice doesn't change what content is produced and how society is influenced. Personal responsibility doesn't solve this just as it doesn't climate change. Because advertising clearly does work.

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This is fascism, the religious bit is really just peripheral. They believe in inequality based on some kind of identity.

Sorry I don't have any great sources on this. It's rather speculation because how could you research this scientifically? Even if you could, an experiment like that would actually be unethical! And who would fund this, there is no way to talk in mainstream about advertising without running against massive financial interests. There are some search results but most of those articles look like mental garbage.

My guess is that because we're constantly being told what to consume our minds work quite differently from what they would without advertising.

Our minds constantly have to resist intrusive advertising and psychological manipulation which means we constantly have to switch between and adversarial mindset and whatever content we were watching / reading. Or we become obedient and just "let the advertising wash through us". And advertising constantly has to find new ways to activate our emotions.

Just as massive is the effect on content produced, there is a "natural selection" that any content that helps sell advertisement is more successful on the market. It's not just that you can't piss off your advertiser but that generally you want the consumer to be in a certain mood - or that content producers who do this naturally are more successful and grow.

Then there are privacy concerns which reduce humans to machines and creates a powerful system that can and is abused for political control (public relations).

How can any of that not have massive societal impacts, since it's being done on a massive scale and is near ubiquitous? How can anyone assume these effects are not incredibly bad?

You could have a country banning advertising that has a kind of "content tax" that is funded publicly and administered independent from the government through separate elections. And that has strict mandates and distributes the money to news papers, websites, movies and video creators dependent on views - similar to music rights agencies. But none of this is even talked about. We've completely lost the ability to even think seriously about how to improve our society. I believe in large part this is due to advertising.

PS: There is a film called "Branded (2012)" about the "horrors of advertising".

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The US defines sanctions as acts of war, like economic warfare. So the US is at war with Venezuela. How can that fact not play a role in the evaluation of the claims? It's like giving claims by Russia equal weight as claims from Ukraine about their own election.

And of course, how could you even expect free and fair elections while under siege?

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A browser AI to detect AI shenanigans on websites would be awesome. Let the AI wars begin!

Has she even spoken about abortion rights yet? I remember this video where she doesn't even say the word lol

Kamala Harris' BIZARRE Answer To Abortion Question - TMR 2022

I really prefer the Israeli and the USA disinformation campaigns /s

Fucking neoliberals... decades of neoliberal economic policy, imperialism and media conglomeration allowed this fertile ground in the first place.

Alternatively you could look into av1-svt and av1an (! But there are far more tools for x265

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Is it? Maybe. I managed to install the apps I need from f-droid and use firefox but it felt more difficult than on PC - where you just need to install an adblocker in your browser.

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Congratulations! You're among the first 1000 minds I liberated! Please sign up here for more updates and exciting discounts! :D

No the other way around. Smoking hits you very fast, almost instantly because it's very fine particles that pass into the bloodstream. Vaping is much slower because it's vaporized droplets that get absorbed slowly through mucus membrane, and it's less effective (like 50% effective after 30 min vs. 100% after 5 min). Nicotine salt e-liquid "improves" that a bit to hit faster, to help people stop smoking. You can find articles and papers on this.

My argument would go something like this: If you are the computer, then it is free will. If you could predict the computer, you could argue, but you can't. You can't even do this theoretically since you'd need more mass than the universe and can't initialize your predictive model. So you can only say "that decision was made inside that brain". That is at least one sensible definition of free will.

It's like looking at a motor that breaks down and then saying that it's not really the motor that breaks because the motor had no choice in it's parts breaking. That's just rhetoric.

The error I believe is that we don't want to accept that sentience can arise from mechanical universe and it's a matter of degree and that this can create meaning. People want to set the bar higher because they want the idea of some type of "pure mind". But since we're already discussing the meaning of all these things, arguing that what you are reading is just quantum physics is rhetoric.

Either what you are saying is supposed to be meaningful, or you concede that your words are meaningless. Then I anyone else wins the argument by default ;)

Basically the definition of free will can only be made by someone who claims that meaning exists, emerging from the material world. Therefor within that emergent layer of mind and meaning, a definition of free will other than basic physics is at least acceptable.

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Economic warfare

Yeah basically the problem is the apps because mobile browser / mobile websites are less usable than desktop browser. I use NewPipe / PipePipe for youtube on android, hopefully it'll keep working. Right now I don't have any ads on android. But I'm only using very few apps. Thankfully the android ecosystem seems to be improving.

I guess this is part of the problem with NATO, you loose some independence and autonomy.

I think a lot of what people experience as free will is just rationalization after the fact based on past experiences and internal belief/value systems.

Yeah I'd agree with that except that it's not a rationalization, it's more like acceptance of reality and the only sensible way to think.

You could add that a mind with free will is a massively complex information processing system that can't be predicted from the outside. It might be deterministic and repeatable, but even if you had access to a copy of the mind, you couldn't input the exact same real world inputs to predict an outcome. At least not outside of a laboratory and artificially created world. So it's not about "couldn’t ever make a different choice" but that the choice cannot be predicted from either outside or inside.

Maybe something like the second law of thermodynamics: "Free will of a mind is the tendency to be unpredictable without full knowledge of all external and internal information".

So you theoretically could take free will away for a known simulated mind in a controlled known simulated environment. Otherwise even a simulated human mind running deterministically on a PC would have free will.

Looking at neurological pathologies or cultural differences is interesting, e.g. leasure time, or more time to grow up as a teenager and access to education has a huge impact. As does the increasing disinformation on news and social media. The concept of free will is useful to improve our society to allow people to make more conscious decisions. Or to understand how people are more and more programmed to say and think certain things because the "technology of propaganda" is advancing. Simply having access to truthful information and having time to think increases our potential for consciousness and free will. In our nihilistic and postmodernist times this is important.

Of course, most of our decisions are made subconsciously without thinking. But a simulated human mind on a PC could go back and examine why it has made a decision. Maybe temporarily rewind and see what decision it would have made in a slightly different mood or with more information. It could then learn and train itself to be more conscious or even edit itself. So being actually deterministic would not decrease consciousness or free will, it could increase it from the perspective of a mind.

So whatever you think about the mental phenomenon, it is a useful and valuable concept from the perspective of the mind(s). Obviously the universe doesn't care but that is it's problem 🌌😜

Hmm well arguably I ought to rethink my opinion now that lemmy is working well enough.

Look at how many niche communities tried to move from reddit to lemmy and failed. Basically all of them. Even just a little pushback of reddit did a lot (not letting communities be abandoned or closed). Then lemmy is becoming increasingly fragmented (e.g. US imperialists and socialist instances). Then you have people deleting years worth of contribution and valuable content on reddit, answers to questions etc. Or what happens when ~20% of the current lemmy instances fold because of server cost or lost interest? And ultimately how much of a dent on a civilization level is the fediverse going to make?

All that are example of how network effects create a "toll" if you try to leave them.

The EU recently mandated that messenger apps need to create a compatibility layer and afaik even that looks like it's going to fail to work as thought.

Well maybe this time, instead of energizing and recruiting more fascist it will show them the error of their ways.

Not sure why the link doesn't work: (there is also a second community and a av1 discord server.

Fire stick pro max should support av1 but I have no experience with that.

Av1 is the best compression format but it still requires more work to use it well. The tools for x265 are more mature.

Well imagine we could copy or approximate a human mind and run it on a typical computer, free from an quantum effects. From the outside you would say "no this is not a mind, this is a computer!" (I threw it on the ground). You could restart a human mind simulation (which would be deeply unethical of course) and it would return the same results, but it would still not be predictable outside of such a simulation.

But from the inside your mind you would of course say you have free will because that is how you defined it. The word has meaning because we created the meaning. In a universe with only such PC based human minds, you wouldn't argue that you don't have free will because we're just software running silicon chips. Otherwise you'd have to invent a new word for what you meant with free will, like internally derived mental agency or something. But that is just rhetoric.

A classical computer based human mind would in fact be more free since it could investigate, analyze and edit it's own mind, overcoming things that it perceives as weaknesses or faults. Like my evolutionary programming might have made me biased to conserve energy and time and not think too hard on certain new information, dismissing it instead. Maybe instead you'd want to be more open minded. That still would be repeatable and deterministic but arguably more free than a normal human mind.

So I think arguing that free will is based on determinism, repeatability or predictability is sort of an appeal to a "pure mind". Not sure if that is a good way to put it, but like appealing to higher standard like we're supposed to be a supernatural soul or something. We're not, but we still came up with that word all on our own.

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Yeah I'm just arguing for fun :) But I do think questions like this might become relevant in the foreseeable future with AGI. Kurzgesagt has an interesting video on free will in case I haven't linked that already.

that’s how compatibilists have re-defined free will, it’s not what people generally think of when they think of free will

I'd still argue this is a kind of category error made by philosophers. The concept of free will existed within human minds before philosophers mused about it. It's a very useful concept for minds regardless of the true nature of our physical universe.

Concepts can exist without being "real" as in a phenomenon in the physical universe outside of minds. Concepts can exist only in minds, many do. You could argue money isn't real except in our collective consciousness. But what does that mean?

Or you could for example say that humans don't exist because all you see is quantum physics. Waves in water don't exist because only molecules or even just subatomic particles exist. Just as quantum physics can't tell you anything about the concept of "wet pants" from wading through the ocean, it can't tell you anything about free will.

I don't know if our universe is deterministic or not, from what I understand waveform collapse casts some doubt about this. But even if you had human minds on deterministic computer hardware, I'd say the conclusion doesn't follow.

Just because I'd always make the same choice under the same conditions, doesn't mean I didn't make a choice.

I do agree that "free will" in a deterministic universe isn't as cool as I'd like to be. I guess that is what I mean with "pure mind". There is an unease there or an embarrassment of thinking of yourself as just a flesh brain. But how WOULD a pure mind with true free will decide given the same circumstances? Non-deterministic with some random influence? Wouldn't that be the an illusion as well?

What else is free will but a conscious decision based on thinking and inputs, however that works?

Maybe the better question is to what degree do we have free will in a certain environment. Just as consciousness might have degrees.

I'd be curious what you would call "the phenomenon previously known as free will"? And what conclusions would you draw if free will doesn't exist, what would be the impact on ethics, law and sociology? Does it all topple like a jenga tower? Does none of it mean anything?

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The typological fallacy fallacy.

Well I believe the government had to clamp down on opposition because they actually are in league with the imperialist side of the US and want a coup and overthrow democracy in Venezuela. I don't think they falsified the results, until I see actual evidence, and not just claims of having evidence by the lying US.

It's similar to Iran: The guardian council was established to prevent coup attempts by e.g. the CIA. Election interference creates a legacy of problems. Many countries in the world can't have a free democracy because the US can bring such a huge influence to bear. The USA deserve to be hated by many people of the earth. The US experienced that kind of interference the first time in 2016.

But my point is that if your country is under siege by a hostile foreign power you have to hold fast and prevent the take over at any cost. This is where crackdowns and oppression become less black and white and the use of force and violence is an imperative.

The Venezuelan government has been remarkably calm and measured though. They didn't even arrest Juan Guaidó who clearly is a US puppet.

On the one hand I hate Elon Musk. On the other hand I also hate advertisement.

So.... win / win?

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Also the other man is the active person while the girlfriend is passive and doesn't have agency.

Also "having sex" turns fucking into a materialistic transaction instead of something you do together. According to marxist / leninist mythology that makes this a shitpost.

Oh right :D

Sorry that must be really horrible working near someone like that. I'm also sorry there are a lot of shitty comments. It's quite shocking he only served 2 years.

You could ask an attorney, it's possibly you could already sue your employer. There are also surely people or groups who have experience with this kind of thing.