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Huffman isn't clueless, he's a liar. He selectively remembers thing, the man is a snake who has somehow managed to fail upwards into the position he is currently in. Even Pao was preferable, as she at least believed in what she was doing. Spez just does whatever gets him paid.

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I am fully willing to admit half the reason it's so popular on the news is the novelty of it. A submarine goes missing, possibly sunk, near the Titanic? The truth is the accidents iwth immigrants and migrants happen so often that most of the media doesn't really care about it so much any more. But it used to, I remember seeing stuff about bodies washing up on the shores of Italy. When it was novel is was more popular and 'sold' well so it was reported on. i guarantee you if subs went missing anywhere near as often in the future you would not see as much about it. That's just how the media works these days, it's unfortunate.

Billionaires or not I don't envy them and if they can be saved I hope they will be. Especially the young guy there with his father.

I mean it wasn't a meme. Bethesda games are buggy on release. The PS3 edition of Skyrim was notoriously not fit for release, I honestly do not think that level of bugs would ever have been tolerated nowawdays. It's also something that Microsoft's QA team really ought to be credited for because it seems they are the reason this game stands out amongst Bethesda releases in recent years.

That said imma wait till a few days afterwards just in case. And the story getting bad reviews is not unsurprising as Bethesda has not really had a good one since Morrowind, or maybe Point Lookout in F3.

We live in a dark world where we got stuck with Ohanian and Huffman, and not Swartz

You're being downvoted because people don't understand you're not talking about "far left" like some Trumper. You mean literal tankies, which absolutely yes some of the Lemmy Devs are as well as It's also a reason I selected Kbin.

I am trying to understand Prigozhin's actual thoughts on this. Wagner have been directly under Putin's thumb for the longest time. He was arguably one of if not Putin's closest ally. They were working in the Donbas when Wagner was formed in 2014. Most of his time since then has been spent working for Putin or having Wagner involved in the fights the Russians wanted supported in the Global South.

He's been incredibly critical of the war, and weirdly distant from Putin for a while since the Invasion started last year. Wagner's numbers were swelling with new men often seemingly press-ganged from convicts. He commits war crimes both against his own men, killing of deserters, and Wagner does so against Ukraine. And yet in the same breath he criticises the direction of the war and praises Ukrainian resistance such as in Bakhmut.

He seems to have a feud with the Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, he has often feuded and complained about Wagner receiving a lack of support from the Russian MoD. He complains that the elites of Russia are not toiling and bleeding in Ukraine and instead sending volunteers and conscripts to do the same.

A cursory read on the man's background says he spent 9 years in detention for stealing and fraud. I honestly would not be surprised if that time he spent there is why he is so fond of recruting convicts as he feels some camaraderie with them.

It seems to me this mutiny is three things combined. Genuine dissatisfaction and perhaps anger with the war in Ukraine, even when his loyalty seemed assured Priogzhin was critical of it and quite outspoken. Bold-faced opportunism, Wagner is the largest and strongest it has ever been and meanwhile the Russian military's morale and ability to fight is compromised. Accounts of Wagner doing the heavy lifting seems to suggest this may be true. The power that could be made available to Prigozhin should his mutiny succeed is tempting to an Oligarch like him as his only real fear would be Putin who is now in a weak position. And finally I think honestly he probably is some form of Russian patriot, and has come to the realisation that the war isn't in Russia's best interests and wants to redirect it or end it.

That said, the man is unabatedly proud of the war crimes Wagner commits, and I have no doubt that a mutiny in Russia is going to get bloody fast. Even if Prigozhin succeeds he might have a change of heart and recommit to the war in Ukraine. And if he ends it sure it might improve the qulaity of life for Russians and Ukrainians but I don't see democracy coming any time soon to the Russian federation. If he loses the only hope is that this mutiny further weakens Putin's position an eventually the man backs down and leaves.

All I can really for sure say is this, a PMC as important as Wagner is openly rebelling proves the Russian war effort is at a breaking point.

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Yeah the writing in Cyberpunk 2077 is honestly phenomenal, and the setting is really good. I was honestly shocked by how good the writing and VA in this game actually are. Maybe it's because it's more relevant to me, but it's the first time since FNV I really felt the writing in a game was gripping and interesting to me on a serious level.

It's gameplay is honestly decent enough as well. Gunplay isn't bad, and with the large amount of mobility makes the gunplay even more fun. Hacking and stealth are a bit op but fun, my biggest problem is the melee combat feels a bit weightless.

I am for sure looking forward to Phantom Liberty and the perk rework. Maybe my view of cyberpunk is tailored by the fact I never bought into the hype so I was never let down by it. I just watched Edgerunners, loved it. Played the game and was further impressed.

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I prefer Kbin over Lemmy because it feels like old reddit, and the magazines are a lot more like checking my subreddits than others. It's also not currently defederated with anything, but it's worth noting that could change at any point. Kbin is the fastest growing of any of the instances atm,

At the end of the day, the whole fediverse thing means, within reason, it doesn't really matter where you set up shop.

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Yeah the original dub of Yakuza 1 is very clearly trying to make it more "american" for the audience and it suffers for it. It's also funny because Mark Hamill voices Majima, and he admits that he does not remember doing that at all.

To investors it also portrays utter ineptitude and an open hostility to the adminsitration of the site by a large portion of the users, and that Reddit is utterly reliant on said users to generate its value. Lord knows I wouldn't dare want to take any stock in this company, social media in general makes little profit and Spez has admitted, before a fucking IPO, that Reddit is not profitable. What fool would buy stock in this?

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

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To think such a thing would still be so pretty after 3000 years, I am amazed this has survived this long much less retained so much of is luster

I cannot get over the CEO going on a sub that has so many whistleblowers on it's structural flaws that it might as well be a floating piece of wood.

It wasn't a good thing that this was overturned. but the protection for abortions should never have been based entirely on a ruling of the supreme court, When, and I really hope it's when, they get an opportunity to next make abortion protected federally it must be codified that way something like this doesn't happen again. As is the Supreme Court has two much power and influence for a group of 9 lifetime appointees.

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It's absolutely a fuck you price, reddit doesn't want the press of saying they wan't rid of 3rd party apps. But they're trying to do it anyways. IDK why though, because it's nakedly obvious to even people not involved in reddit.

Some of the paradox games maybe? I used to chill over Victoria II whilst doing things I really ought to have been giving my full attention.

There can only be benefits to wider Linux acceptance in gaming, as it stands it's shocking that it isn't already there. Linux imo will never be window's equal in distribution, too many people use windows compared to the various distros. But more people seem to use Linux now than before so there's an untapped market here.

This is quite tough, personally if anyone want tos try out an expansive amount of Skyrim mods I recommend Wabbajack. It allows you to install modlists that are quite expansive and well put together. I used to manually mod my Skyrim back in the day but this is leagues ahead of what I could ever have done.

For singular mods/adds

ENB Boris, the guy in charge of this is a Russian reactionary dude who has some very unkind thoughts about anyone who is not straight. He can be a massive asshole at any and all times. The problem with this is however how brilliant ENB is, anytime you have ever seen a hyper modded great looking Skyrim it's not just the 4k textures doing the heavy lifting. I guarantee it's ENB that really makes it pop out. I really wish Boris would just idk calm down and chill out, but it doesn't seem likely. You can like the work without supporting the artist of course but just keep this in mind about him.

Project AHO Arguably my favourite quest mod for Skyrim, if you liked Morrowind and felt Solstheim wasn't really scratching that itch then you might love this. It really harkens back to old 3rd era Morrowind, the basics of the story is that there is a settlement of House Telvanni, Sedrith Kegran, hidden in Skyrim. You are enslaved and brought there and then begin to work your way up finding out that Sedrith Kegran is attached to a Dwemer ruin with a powerful Dwemer device of some kind powered by Aetherium. I love this mod for many reasons but mainly the setting, story and rewards. This mod is quite kind with what it offers you, which is imo fair because this mod also demands a sacrifice from your character. As a slave you won't be leaving Sedrith Kegran easily any time soon, so it order to justify the lack of freedom and time spent the mod offers great rewards.

Clockwork Another quest mod, I try not to spoil much about this one but the brass tacks is you head through a passage in the Velothi mountains upon reading the note of a treasure hunter/bandit that attacks you. All is not as it seems. Warning whilst this mod is generally quite a normal romp through Skyrim, it demands isolation, no companions, and the first part of the mod can be quite scary. It's the best attempt at horror I've seen in Skyrim to this day and I've played a fair few mods in my time. But honestly give this one a shot, it comes with a great home as a reward at the end.

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Prigozhin is probably upset about the war in Ukraine because it isn't in their interests. They are PMCs, mercenaries. They have no interest in fighing a long protracted war and suffering large-scaled casualties for little gain either politically or monetarily. He also likely smells blood in the water, Putin is in the weakest position he has ever been in as we talk abou tthis even.

Wagner in contrast whilst suffering is in ascendancy. They are the strongest and largest they've ever been and seem to be doing a lot of heavy lifting in Ukraine for the Russians. So they're disastisfied but also seem to have the means to do something about it.

They'd much rather be deployed to fight the more conventional wars that Mercenaries fight these days in the global south. And as long as Putin is in charge there is a good chance Wagner isn't going to get back to fighting those wars. So it would make sense that they mutiny.

When Dark Souls clicks you'll be amazed you ever found it difficult. Until the next game and then suddenly it's hard again.

Interesting, funny enough there is a custom companion in a very similar vein to this one called Nebarra Nebarra's not an ex-Thalmor, but he is a veteran of the Aldmeri Dominion's War with the Empire. He's now a sellsword. He is quite quest-aware and has custom integration with other popular custom companions like Lucifer, and Xelzaz. This mod isn't out yet, so if you wan't something like it I would give Nebarra a shot.

Agreed, The enemy placements in SotFS were deranged at times. The changes to Heide Knights were a mistake, changing them from cool wandering enemies like the Black Knights to being rarely encountered outside of Heide. Iron Keep got absolutely swamped with Alonne Knights in the upgrade making it a nightmare. Idk how anyone was meant to find the DLC keys without looking at a guide. Why exactly you find the key to the Brume DLC in that random pit with the Flame Lizards in the Forest of the Fallen Giants and not from the Old Iron King befuddles me.

CDPR did something nearly every RPG or Open world game does. They made the main quest have a time count down that overwhelms/looms of side quests.

Skyrim does it. Why am I helping this dude recover his friend's bodies from a cave if Alduin the World Eater has returned and I'm the only one that can stop him. Fallout 4, is go find your infant son. BOTW, wtf am I doing fucking about when Gannon is on the rise? RD2, Arthur is imminently dying from TB but yet here I am romping around with no problem at all as long as I ain't doing the main story.

V dying from the chip is just like that, it's a flaw that many of these games have. Few games try to fix it, FNV has it so that the main quest factions that drive the story could do with your help/freelancing to put them in the best position. Morrowind makes it so you need to ingratiate yourself among the houses so you can be in a powerful enough political situation to deal with Dagoth Ur. This encourages you to do side quests.

He's talking about Lemmy of Motorhead who is one of the reasons Lemmy is called Lemmy.

Honestly from the memorabilia I just think that was Lemmy's passion, I was never a big motorhead fan but I've seen more than enough instances of his political thoughts to not really look down on him for his collection. He was a dude really passionate about that part of history and loved collecting stuff from it because he thought that the Nazis "looked mean". By that he meant cool. He got rich and instantly started trying to pick stuff up.

I suppose you could say his collection and widespread appreciation for the aesthetic was a bit tone-deaf and strange but I never thought you could look at his work and his life and call him a Nazi. He clearly wasn't racist giving his romantic history and had a few interviews where he talked about his disdain for racism.

Fun fact Lemmy actually owned a german tank destroyer called the Hetzer, or the Jagdpanzer 38. His collection was extreme to be honest. He had artifacts from all the axis countries in Europe iirc. I often, when I was younger, wished I was so rich I could collection historical artifacts from ww2 like that. I was wanted a King Tiger, a Pershing and an IS-3, never actually saw service in WW2 in combat but was in the Soviet victory parade. I liked big tanks. Sadly I don't think I'll ever get any of those.

I use Kbin over Lemmy for the record.

I love Skyrim as a modding platform but I really feel you. So much has been lost on quest design from even Oblivion, much less Morrowind. I think Bethesda hedged their bets on exploration being the selling point way too much and it's becoming more and more apparent this has resulted in their quest design and stories suffering. First it was Skyrim, then Fallout 4, and then 76. I am not looking forward to the writing of quests in Starfield.

I am sure that it will do well, because most people love the sandbox exploration of it but imo an rpg lives or dies by its quest and story and I honestly feel as if Bethesda just doesn't have that in them any more.

You can play the original on an emulator. I prefer the aesthetic of the original and thing Blue Point made some questionable changes so I recommend giving it a go. But that said, it's a shame they haven't brough either it or the remake officially to PC.

Kbin also natively looks a hell of a lot like old reddit

Honestly I felt it was pretty on par for an RPG game. Many quests have multiple outcomes, you get follow-up quests depending on how you handle certain things. You have about 3-4 separate endings to the game.

Most games don't have the kind of choices people actually expect and still get called rpgs. Skyrim for example has only a handful of quests with different outcomes and it's still considered a great RPG, although I myself have severe criticisms of it.

Honestly highly recommend Cyberpunk. I was never part of the hype train and played it early this year and was blown away by how much it made me like the world I was in. I might be biased though, because I watched Edgerunners first and bought it 10 minutes aftwer watching the last episode.

I can't explain why but there's something really special about Cyberpunk that's a thrill. I am looking very forward to Phantom Liberty.

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I actually have played Disco Elysium and agree that it's writing is consistently higher than Cyberpunk's but I remember doing the devil ending in Cyberpunk and hearing male V express his fear of death, and the desperation to escape it at all costs felt so real to me in a way I've never seen. I've dealt with terminally ill patients and idk I've never seen someone capture the denial and bargaining as well as I felt it myself playing the character.

My favourite moment of writing in Disco Elysium was probably speaking to the boat lady who spits out some very harsh truths and for sure represents best the idea of "absords all critiques into itself" idea.

I must play Planetscape Torment because it's the other big rpg that I've heard lots tell me is the pinnacle of writing in the genre.

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Yes basically, it's another content aggregator and blogging platform, it shares a lot of visual and structural simularities with reddit, that connects to the fediverse like Lemmy. I prefer it for a few reasons over Lemmy but number one is I find its UI much more appealing.

It's absolutely nothing like most CRPGS but play Disco Elysium if you get the opportunity. I've dabbled in plenty of CRPGS in my time but this one was a masterpiece and revitalised my love fo rthe genre.

Owlcat's works are also worth looking into. They are amongst the most honest adaptation of ttrpg system to a computer game. Bonus if you prefer Pathfinder to DnD. I am salivating over the 40k Rogue Trader they are making.

It was at least better when you could see upvotes and downvotes instead of just a universal score. It let you know whether or not something was actualyl somewhat agreed with even if the majority didn't like it.

I was sympathetic to this change if only because I regard it as better for privacy that removed and deleted comments stay that way, it's annoying that if you deleted something there was an ability to see it again. Most of the time it was used for drama and shit-stirring, although I will admit it's a shame to lose some important threads that were removed. Also they would never have backtracked on this part because I am pretty sure it's been a long-standing issue with GDPR in the EU and finally came to bite them.

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I totally forgot that I got the Spoilers phasmid myself on my first run, that was another stand out to me. It's such a beautiful and strange moment, in any other game it would feel out of place but for me the phasmid is arguably the greatest part of the game for me. I felt like hope and a miracle that something like that could exist in the crapsack world of Elysium and Revachol. With the fear of the Pale overwhelming everything and a constant state of drudgery and decline of a failed revolution it was nice to see that there are still things worth finding in the world. Harry speaking with it is a great thing as it lets him understand and overcome his self-hatred and shame.

Loved having Kim there.

"I see it, too"

Kbin already is, it was very much a side project by Ernest that was no where near as mature as Lemmy. As it stands it is growing extremely fast, proportionally it is way more active and grows faster than Lemmy itself. iirc is neck and neck with Lemmy World.

Vermintide 2, Civ V, never liked CIV VI, Left 4 Dead, Risk of Rain 2. We are interested in that extraction looter that got removed from steam, Dark and Darker. We just haven't bother to get it through the BitTorrent links instead of steam. But we all love these types of games and dungeon crawling so it looks good.

I want to say wait for Phantom Liberty just because I hate replaying myself a lot, but if you can't wait the game is in an excellent shape. It's not the most deep RPG I've played, but if you like cyberpunk settings then Night City has you covered. The game also has some great quests and characters.

So if you are comfortable with replaying with Phantom Liberty, then go for it champ and get it now. But if you only think you have the stamina for one playthrough, the game can be quite long if you are a completionist playing the side quests and gigs, then I suggest waiting for Phantom Liberty.

I have never liked cars, but I will admit there is something peaceful about driving by myself listening to music on days off with nowhere to be. The problem with cars for me is always the commute to work. I hate it with a passion, and in a lot of cities not having a car isn't really an option.

AHO and Clockwork definitely have aesthetics similar, but keep in mind these were made before the Morrowind expansion so they won't share the exact same ideas of Sotha Sil's Clockwork City. There is a mod that tries heavily to tie into some of those ideas, but imo takes it a bit too far and is too zany in how it approaches that lore, It's called The Wheels of Lull

I personally hated this mod, but some people are very passionate about it and love it, it's definitely worth a shot if you like the concepts introduced around Sotha Sil's Clockwork City as it shares them.