1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who's putting their real picture as a profile picture on an anonymous, public forum? Facebook is over there somewhere.

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r/piracy is currently voting whether to return to normal or allow only pictures of John Oliver as a pirate

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Quite a few subs had polls today for how to run, one of them was r/showerthoughts voting on which days to be open and had a comment for each day for the next week for open and each day for the next week for closed and it was unanimous of (exactly equal numbers) all upvoted days closed and all downvoted days open.

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A man who blatantly skirted safety regulations and not only fired, but sued, employees/contractors that called him out on safety concerns. He complained that these safety concerns were stifling innovation and bragged that NASA and other agencies were consulting on the design (hint, they didn't, they only recommended what material to use for the hull, and that was the extent of it).

All of this was to try to get billionaires' money for adventure tourism under the guise of it being a research team and calling them "crew". Others on previous dives said that he likened the risk to the innovation of the industry as a whole and that if the Wright Brothers had fallen during their flight, at least the industry would have known flying was possible and would have continued on and learned from it. He neglected to point out that the industry already has many, many successful submersibles, so much so that there are industry standards for safety! Additionally, this man didn't contribute any research to the scientific community based on these dives. Truly just a grifter trying to exploit the titanic for tourism.

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You're the one that brought it up!

Way back in college (20ish years ago) I had a friend that was living on the Illinois/Indiana boarder. He lived in Indiana but went to college in Illinois, so he was going to school in one time zone and working in another. To make matters worse, in those days Indiana had some counties that observed daylight savings and some that didn't. So he had to keep track of what shift he was on for work in his own county and if it was daylight savings or not, and in case he was making plans with any friends in other counties or just going to stores or appointments or anything, and what times he had to go to class in the other time zone. He says there were days he would show up places three hours late even though he only lived 20 minutes away because he didn't realize time had sprung forward and he had his watch set on the wrong state.

This was before smartphones, and I think the state has done away with that partially observing the time switch thing.

Personally, I'm a SuperCommuter and commute long distances for work, but only occasionally. So I'll live on the West Coast but my office is on the East Coast, so I think in office time. For me, 4am is 7am because that's what time it is for the rest of my team. Occasionally I'll have to set my internal clock to Guam Time or Amsterdam Time for a couple weeks at a time until a project is done, and it makes it much easier when I fly out there because my brain is already on that rhythm.

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I'm honest. If I'm there for an annual exam and have no complaints I just say I'm fine. If I'm there for an issue I say "not great". If I'm there for a follow up of an issue and it's gotten better I say "better than last time", or if it's not gotten better or gotten worse I say "not as good as I'd hoped for". These leave it open for the nurse to leave the answer as-is and continue with their checklist or follow up and ask about the symptoms.

You do "follow" that instance because you are part of which is federated with it. You could go in and block each of the magazines/threads from there or whatever the term is on Lemmy, and block the users you don't want to see content from, but is federated with lemmynsfw, so that content has the ability to show up in your "all" or "random" feeds unless we defederate -which is the question being asked. So you very well could really l easily have that content in your feed in the best future

It's not that I hate 3d effects, but I'll avoid them if I can, for a variety of reasons.

As other people have said - I wear glasses, I having to put the glasses over my own glasses just makes it difficult. They don't stay on and I have to hold them, it makes the image askew, it's uncomfortable on my nose and ears when it does "fit". They really should come up with a more inclusive way to watch these as a good portion of the population wears glasses.

For another, I suffer from migraines and 3d effects not done well tend to trigger them, and I already have enough triggers that I can't avoid.

A strange one needs a little bit of backstory - I was never great a sports as a kid, could never quite catch a pop-up or hit a fast ball, but I was great at throwing or other aspects. People wrote it off as just "unathletic" and I went on to live my life as a weird nerdy kid despite the rest of my family being athletic. Fast forward to my adult life when I was put on a very strong medication and needed a very thorough eye exam and a result to set a baseline to make sure the medication doesn't end up damaging my retinas (thorough to the point that the exam was 5 hours and I had tests done I'd never seen it heard of before).
It turns out my eyes/brain only interpret half the depth perception of the average person. So what I'm seeing during a 3d movie is not what's meant to be seen. And since this is not an eye exam that would be regularly given - who knows if it people that are complaining about the movies have the same issue I do? Cartoon-y 3d (like Disney world/theme Park things) is fine for me, but things like Avatar just give me migraines.

I posted about this in m/redditmigration, but yours is gaining more traction. I posted a link to people talking about this issue in r/redditalternatives in case people want examples of this happening to other people

This is incorrect. You are likely confused due to the fact that the names of the fields are similar.

Osteopathy /=/ osteopathic

I'll discuss the fields as the are in the US, as I am not aware of how they are in other countries.

  • Chiropractors go through their own degree programs through their own colleges.
  • Osteopaths are homeopathic practitioners (not doctors, and they refer to their customers as clients, they are legally not allowed to refer to them as patients) and are alternative medicine practicioners.
  • MDs receive a medical degree and are doctors.
  • DOs receive a medical degree (an MD) as well as an additional 300+ hours of osteopathic study through their medical school to receive a second medical degree certification - this is NOT the same as the homeopathic study, this is the study of the bones, joints, nerves, and how they all work together as a whole.
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"we will not force communities to reopen"


"we will invite new, active moderators to keep these spaces open and accessible to users"

What about when wearing (really good) noise cancelling head phones? Everything you've mentioned is when there is some sort of noise going on, but it's it also happening with everything cancelled out? A few people have pointed out Auditory Pareidoilia which is your brain trying to find words/pattern/meaning in the noise it is hearing, but is it also doing that when the only sound it can hear is it's own blood whooshing though your veins, which it should be used to? What about in a sensory deprivation tank?

There's Hearing - which is what the all the tiny bits of your ears connected to the nerves do, then there's Perception - which is how your brain interprets the information it receives from the nerves connected to your ears and puts it back together. Basically, your brain is working overtime to try to figure out why you are listening to the noise you are listening to. As long as it's only happening in those situations described and, as others have said, it's not voices telling to do anything.

While this might seem unusual or unexpected, this is common practice in the case of giraffes raised in captivity.

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Their accuracy of their election prediction is separate from their polling bias. I mentioned in a higher comment that their polling technique has been described as "when Harvard Poll meets Fox News" and that they "cherrypick to advance agendas"

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Harris Polls has been described as " when Harvard Poll meets Fox News" and "cherrypicks to advance agendas". Just like when looking into bias of news sources, it's important to look into the bias of polling sources.

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Thank you, I didn't realize that homeopathy was not general term - I thought it was a generalized term for alternative medicine that wasn't eastern medicine, but I was wrong.

Anyway, I do still have some things to clear up for you.

You still seem to think that DOs are spending their 300+ additional hours after the MD learning the pseudoscience, which isn't the case. Those hours are spent with neurologists, orthopedics, physical therapists, and other fellowships and residencies only provided by the MEDICAL SCHOOL - which would absolutely not allow any pseudoscience within their walls. Yes, they might do very minor manipulation in their practices, but it's what's learned through neurologists, physical therapists, or orthopedists, etc. (in addition to their MD residenciea just like the MDs in family practice, OB, surgery, dermatology, oncology, etc). The goal of a DO is to treat a patient as the sum of their parts rather than symptomatically.

Patient-first rather than symptom-first. (DO vs MD)

Osteopathic rather than allopathic. (DO vs MD)

-If I go to an MD with an earache, I'll have my ear checked out and maybe find nothing wrong but walk out with Prednisone to see if it helps. Prednisone does nothing but make me gain water weight.
-If I go to a DO with an earache, I'll have my ear checked out and maybe find nothing wrong, but he might think since there was nothing obvious that maybe there's a nerve pinched near the top of my neck so he'll have me stand to look at my posture and notice that I'm standing awkwardly with my hips not level, checks out my ankles and realizes I've started to lean in on one of my ankles and writes an Rx for a custom insole and exercises to strengthen my ankle. The issue with the ankle was causing my hips to lean, which caused my back to curve the other way to compensate, which pinched a nerve in my neck, which caused an earache. Wear the insole while strengthening the ankle, earache goes away.

(This is a true story of something that happened to me, not an example of every experience with a MD or a DO)

There is nothing precluding and MD from also searching for the underlying cause, but allopathic medicine looks to treat symptoms.

Osteopathy is 100% the movement of muscles and bones and not taught in medical school.

Osteopathy /=/ osteopathic

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Fish can and do eat you

So RIF was paying a revenue share from 2012-2016 (Reddit ended the contract when spez took control). It's clearly not about the money. It's about the data, controlling the experience, and knowing what you are looking at.

"whoops, there's too much milk left over, I'll just add some cereal"

"Oh no, now my milk is finished, but I still have cereal left, I'll just add some more milk"

"Well now I have extra milk again, time for more cereal"

I see where you're going....

We have also invented ways to do it more sustainably, and even have handy wallet sized Sustainable Seafood Lists for each region of the US to make sure you make sustainable choices when eating at restaurants or purchasing at the market
Seafood Watch Guides

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Your initial thought was brought up in the article - that we can only take this result at surface value because we have no way of judging the thought behind it.

Additionally, what you are talking about has been a topic of discussion in the behavioral sciences for the past decade+ at least since I've been working in it, probably longer. That the older behavioral papers discussing which animals were intelligent and basing it on things like the mirror test were only taking into consideration OUR senses and what we consider the best uses of them and how we judge cognition in our own species, but other species rely so heavily on other senses and interpret the world so differently that we need to judge based on THEIR level of understanding the world and how well their systems fit their needs.

So, while the mirror tests isn't used in the same way it was in the old days (to test their self awareness to compare to each other and humans), it's used to see what we can learn about their senses and how they use them.

I left prior to the blackouts (right when kbin was getting off the ground) and haven't looked back.

Back a couple years ago when Reddit was giving out those "year in review" cards you could post images of in response to Spotify doing it (I think Spotify's was something like what songs you listened to most or what genre or something, so they did ones with what subreddits you frequented most, where most of your upvotes came from, etc) I was awarded as someone in the top 3% of active users/contributors to the site - so I assume that means I didn't more time there than the average person (though I know that probably includes all the throwaway accounts and people that made accounts and never came back), so the loss of my contributions have probably taken a toll on the communities I've frequented.

And I certainly miss the niche communities that I loved that haven't made their way here, but I'm finding new things to fill the void. This place has things that are different - it doesn't have to be exactly the same. And kbin/Lemmy is certainly coming up with it's own "had to be there" inside jokes that are making this the place to be.

Thank you for showing where that phrase was used in writing, but that is not the only time he has been pointed out for the irony of his juxtaposition. He is a former pollster for the Clintons that became very "trumpy" (to use Politico's word) and instead of being on all news shows the only one that would bring him on is Fox.

The thing about polling is that one can write the questions in order to get the answers they want or need and data can be extracted to portray what is needed. Without the raw data, we really don't know what was asked or how the data portrayed was pulled.

I was showing that your statements are incorrect. That hunting is not a necessity because we are omnivores. But it's not a necessity for the bear either, they are also omnivores.

Therefore, is hunting off the table for us? Both of your statements "eat meat to survive" and "eat x exotic animal" have been proven extreme false hyperboles that don't relate to the question at hand.

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Because the link between violent video games and aggression has been scientifically studied and found to not be correlated.


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The only reason it hasn't caught on is because they are very difficult to catch (spear) and even more difficult to prepare (venom glands). They are unbelievably delicious, but even so, I'm not going to trust a chef a don't know to be sure he didn't pierce one of those glands while preparing it. I'll trust myself or one of my friends that I no for 100% certain can do it right. So even though a handful of restaurants were offering it in the Keys and Miami, you'll really see people catching it themselves and preparing it just to be sure.


What you are attempting to arrive at is The Gamer's Dilemma, which has also been discussed at a scholarly level.

The normalization of underage imagery, as discussed in the aforementioned dilemma, also discussed scholarly extensively, does have a correlation with increased viewing of imagery that does have victims (correlation does NOT mean that every single person end up viewing the additional imagery, just that there is a correlation statistically).

You asked me if I would have wanted to ban violent video games before the publication of the studies on them, but the thing is that I wait for information and studies before making decisions on things, and the have been studies on this topic.

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You are telling me that you do not find it telling at all that there was no correlation between playing violent video games and aggressive/violent behavior but there is a correlation between viewing the animated content (which, as some higher in this thread are meant to represent characters of age - sometimes supposed to be 5000 years old - but appear childlike) to then viewing CP?

There's a correlation between people who look at real child porn to people who look at animated child porn. That's just incredibly obvious

A) why should that be obvious? It's different forms of media. Why should anyone assume that those who want to look at real CP want to look at anime/animated CP? Just because anyone looks at any porn, would you assume they appreciate animated porn? Why would you make these assumptions?

B) this is about the comparison between the correlation between viewing of animated images and the lack of correlation of the video games playing. Both of these hypotheses provided situations in which there are victims and searched for a potential warning signs to identify a precursor to the activity. The are many aggressive/violent illegal crimes studied, and many people that play violent video games, but there is not a statistically significant overlap. Those that are violent have other precursors as warning signs. If this were the same for these animated images, those images would have their own audience while those that view CP with real victims would have a completely separate audience without a statistically significant overlap. Instead, there is a correlation, and very vocal defenders that continue to normalize it, which deepens the issue, providing more support to this that view CP and exploiting those harmed even more and normalizing it more.

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Perhaps you could look into some other sex clubs if you are looking into keeping yourself protected. There are ones that in order to get in one must provide an STD test from within 3 months and a recent one, and agree to use condoms with all encounters, and those caught trying to sneak the condom off would be blacklisted from the club (and from the community at large as talk travels quickly). Of course, access to a club with that kind of monitoring comes with a higher cost, but are highly kink-friendly and take protection of everyone's safety paramount, and encourage exploration.

That is why I am hoping that the appeal to the Supreme Court results in them saying "we have to respect the state's decision" but my realistic brain knows that's not going to be the case

Where I grew up it was k-2: primary, 3-5: elementary, 6-8: middle, 9-12: high.

Where I moved after college had primary, intermediate, and high; elementary, intermediate, and high; elementary, junior high, and high; all combinations, but I didn't know the grade levels.

OP didn't specify commercial fishing. What about traditional fishing practices, or a singular fisher catching for himself/family?

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He's my conundrum with that. Other species will not go after animals that are close to death. I've worked with a lot of wild animals. The thinking is that if it is dead or close to death they will leave it to the scavengers since they don't want to risk contracting whatever killed it. Bears, eagles, so many animals are going to hunt healthy fish - bears specifically go after the salmon about to spawn and pass on their genes.

Hunting is part of nature, and not just with fish.

I understand the issue with industrialized/commercial kills, but is hunting also off the table in your train of thought? I mean this as a genuine question, not an attack, I know tone of voice is often lost through text.

Is hunting/fishing off the table for us as the species with higher intellect? We do not have as robust immune systems as the scavengers of nature do, so waiting for things to be in a position near death is worrisome to me. Whereas hunting/fishing (again, not the industrialized practice, but individual) is how conservation of species was born by developing species limits and it's how some species levels continue to be kept in check (for instance, invasive lion fish in the US South East)

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Ok, but what you said tried to toe the line while actually using absolute hyperboles to prove neither point.

Keep in mind we live in a world where it’s normal to go from “we need meat to survive” to “let’s eat X exotic animal that absolutely doesn’t have to be the one to sustain us”.

We actually don't need meat to survive. While there are species that are indeed obligate carnivores or ones that whose digestive system is more efficient with meat proteins, we are omnivores. It's even been shown that body builders and athletes can sustain themselves on a vegan diet.

“let’s eat X exotic animal that absolutely doesn’t have to be the one to sustain us”.

While some people get a thrill out of eating the highly illegal species, turning new species into a new food item can be a boon to conservation. Lionfish never used to live in the Florida Keys, then one popped up, then a handful, then all the sudden they were taking over whole reefs and the native species had no where to live. There was no way to get rid of them, they hide under the outcroppings of the reefs, they can't be caught on a line, no gillnetting, they have to be speared which is NOT easy as government operation or some sort of eradication program. Finally, it caught on how delicious they are and the area started teaching people how to handle the spines and the filet around the venom glands in order to cook them, and it took off like crazy and everyone was in the water to get them! The population hasn't declined, but it's somewhat leveled so the local marine species can at least get a toehold again.

And this isn't the only species with a story like this. So taking on exotic species (plant and animal) in your diet can indeed be a good thing for conservation.

But, the point is I asked if hunting was off the table for us as a species despite it occurring in nature, and if so was it due to our intellect? You responded with hyperboles on both ends that don't provide an answer.

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if something doesn’t have a concept of ethics, that doesn’t make its unethical actions unethical. If it did, teaching ethics would be unnecessary

Have you taken an Ethics class? You don't learn one set of rules for life and then you are done (boy, life would be so easy if that were the case!!). You learn Kantian philosophy, Consequentialism, Deontology, Utilitarianism....just to name a few. You learn how philosophy comes in to play and how to recognize the patterns. Knowing these can relate to understanding where someone (or in this discussion, the bear/fox/deer/etc) places it's moral compass to better understand it's viewpoint. The bear may not understand ethics, but it still has a moral compass that you can tease out.

So the question remains: What power holds these species' moral compasses? Does a bear/fox/deer/etc hold their own moral compass? If so, how do we know what they consider to be moral in order for these actions to be morally questionable? Or are you holding your morals up to them?

Completely depends on the project. For general, everyday work, I'll go out for a day or two once every two or three weeks. For something that needs more detail or collaboration, I'll go out for a week and then not go back for a month or five weeks. If I'm working on a project outside of my normal office (I mentioned Guam and Amsterdam, but I've had projects elsewhere, too), I'll work from home while I can and then travel there for two to three weeks and during that time I wouldn't travel to my actual office for months.

"left" is an encompassing umbrella term. You can't complain when you ask where the lemon squares are and people say "we didn't bring lemon squares" and your reply is "but you said you were bringing dessert!" Dessert=left in this analogy and lemon squares=tankie/communist.

I often remind people, also, that politics is an entire sphere of ideologies, and if you are only looking Left and Right you are missing and incredible amount of viewpoints and information.

In another comment, you compared coming up a viewing and fitting into a niche like looking over a menu when you could have had steak the whole time. You've forgotten that steak isn't everyone's favorite meal. And even for those that it is, there are still infinite ways to enjoy it: marinated and grilled, sauteed with mushrooms and gravy, seared with goat cheese and spinach, and so many more. Additionally, what sides, what appetizer, what dessert, what wine pairing..... All the different combinations you can think of are how many different combinations of viewpoints there are. There's no one-size-fits-all, even for people that call themselves the same thing.

And just because you have one perfect "meal" at one time in your life doesn't mean that you won't have a chance of taste later on, either as you learn new things, world events change, a New life stage in your personal life changes what you feel is important, or anything else, and that's OK.

I replied to a different comment linking that article, so I'll copy it here:

Thank you for showing where that phrase was used in writing, but that is not the only time he has been pointed out for the irony of his juxtaposition. He is a former pollster for the Clintons that became very "trumpy" (to use Politico's word) and instead of being on all news shows the only one that would bring him on is Fox.

The thing about polling is that one can write the questions in order to get the answers they want or need and data can be extracted to portray what is needed. Without the raw data, we really don't know what was asked or how the data portrayed was pulled.